Stefanie Stahl is a psychologist, psychotherapist, bestselling author and expert on working with the inner child.
Stefanie Stahl is Germany's most successful guidebook author and author of the bestseller The child in you must find home and Everyone is capable of relationships. The expert on working with the inner child, attachment fears and beliefs provides you with the key to solving (almost) all your problems, towards more happiness and fulfillment in your life.
Her unique method provides concrete guidance for a self-directed life and rich, happy relationships. In her popular podcast That's just the way I am! she also answers questions with profound knowledge around the topics of Self-worth and relationships from their everyday practice and always has personal advice at hand.
By the way, Stefanie Stahl got her love of psychology from her mother, who is a non-medical practitioner. Born in Hamburg, she initially began studying law. But that bored her. Stefanie's Life motto is, "It's not so much what you do, but that you finish something."
In this interview, Stefanie Stahl explains why you alone can influence your reality and how you can manage to break free from your childhood imprints.
In this lecture, Stefanie Stahl explains how differently extroverted and introverted people charge their inner energy and what this has to do with the happiness hormone dopamine, with security and with impulsive behavior.