What does a personal coach do and what training opportunities are there?

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Sometimes you seem to be in a stuck situation professionally and / or privately, from which you can not find a suitable way out. A personal coach helps you to find new solutions and perspectives. Your personal development is promoted within the framework of the coaching, so that you have a better chance of achieving your (professional) goals. achieve goals. Or maybe you are someone who has had to overcome many a crisis in life. If your need to share your experiences with other people and give them impulses in the right direction grows, the career of a personal coach could be something for you. We would like to explain to you in the following which possibilities there are for training as a personal coach and what the tasks of a personal coach include.

What is a personal coach?

A personal coach is a professional companion who is qualified to support his clients in case of professional problems. A personal coach encourages his clients to mobilize their own resources in order to find solutions. He offers "help for self-help", so to speak. This has a very specific reason: You as a client should learn to help yourself in the long run.

Professional conflicts are bound to happen, you will be confronted with them again and again. If the personal coach simply told you what to do, you wouldn't learn anything. With the next conflict you would be so overwhelmed and helpless as before. However, if your coach gets you to find your own solutions, you are strengthened for the next challenge.

When you find yourself in a professional crisis, you usually don't look at things with the necessary rationality. The coach will ask you specific questions that will help you to emotions to let go and gain a neutral view of the situation. To do this, he uses special reflection and discussion techniques.

Individual coaching at home

What does a personal coach do?

First of all, you define your problems or the area of life in which you envision a Change you wish. The personal coach will arrange several individual sessions with you. Together you will work out strategies on how you can bring about the desired changes. The area of personal coaching can cover various topics:

  1. Stress Management
  2. Prevent burnout
  3. Gain clarity about career goals
  4. Negotiation and Conversational improve
  5. Conflict resolution strategies
  6. Crisis management

Who is qualified to be a personal coach?

To become a personal coach, you don't necessarily need psychological expertise, although this is by no means a disadvantage. However, in order to help people reorient themselves, you should have an empathic character. The latter cannot be taught, either you are good at empathizing with other people or you are not. If this is not the case, you should refrain from training as a personal coach.

It is also essential that you are crisis-proof. Do you have to deal with your own psychological conflicts? fightit may not yet be time for you to work as a coach.

Life experience also plays an important role if you are considering a career as a personal coach. Some courses require a minimum age for this reason. In general, it is helpful for your work as a coach if you know the problems of your client not only from theory, but also from practice. In other words: from your own experience.

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How to become a personal coach?

If you are staff Become a coach you have several options to choose from. The job title is not protected. Theoretically, anyone could call themselves a personal coach and offer coaching sessions. However, the quality of these offers is questionable in most cases.

If you are serious about your ambition, you should create a solid basis for your later coaching activities. There are various providers where you can complete appropriate courses (e.g. the IHK). Be sure to compare the costs, duration and training content of the courses with each other! Pay attention to which qualifications you ultimately acquire.

Another good option is distance learning to become a psychological consultant/personal coach. If certain requirements are met, the distance learning program is even subsidized by an education voucher. Find out whether this could apply to you.

Interesting facts about distance learning

A distance learning course to become a personal coach normally takes 10 to 15 months. The prerequisite in most cases is the intermediate maturity. Often also a Minimum age mandated. Some providers still require proof of basic psychological skills.

If you are in therapy yourself at the time of the course, you may encounter difficulties. The "Psychological Consultant/Personal Coach" is a therapeutic profession that requires psychological stability. However, if you can present an expert opinion that nevertheless approves your participation, you may complete the course.

Personal Coach vs. Psychological Consultant

The terms personal coach and psychological consultant are often used synonymously. In fact, the contents are almost identical in practice. Nevertheless, there is a crucial difference that you should know:

A personal coach is often consulted in acute crisis situations when quick solutions are needed. If, on the other hand, the focus is on long-term perspectives in the professional or private environment, the psychological consultant is the better contact. Sometimes, however, the boundaries become blurred.

online coaching

How much does a personal coach cost?

If you do any research on the subject of the cost of personal coaching, you will probably quickly discover that there are serious differences. This is mainly due to the fact that it is an unprotected professional title. Lay people offer their coaching services just as qualified personal coaches do.

An average fee is between 100 € and 250 €. If the price differs enormously from the average, you should become sceptical. Whoever offers you a personal coaching for 50,00 € or less, will certainly not have enjoyed a sound training. If the price is disproportionately higher, this should be well justified. Otherwise you can also assume a dubious offer.

The cost of personal coaching also depends on who is being coached and for what purpose. You can orientate yourself by the following guidelines:

In the entry-level range (Application coaching(e.g., support for young professionals, personality development, definition of career goals), a reputable personal coach charges an hourly fee of about €150.

However, personal coaching is also in demand in management and executive suites. This requires a significantly higher qualification of the coach. The fee is correspondingly higher. Prices from 700 € to 3000 € are not uncommon in these areas. Instead of hourly fees, it is often charged on the basis of daily flat rates, which also cover the coach's preparations.

What does a personal coach earn?

A coach in Germany earns an average of € 44,800 per year. The minimum salary is around €37,000, with a maximum of approx. 53.700 € achieved.

As you can see, the salary prospects of a coach are very attractive. However, your actual earnings depend on several factors. Basically, your income increases continuously the longer you work as a coach. Shortly after completing your training as a personal coach, you will need to build up a client base from which you will be regularly booked. Simply put, in order to earn well, you must first make a name for yourself in the industry.

Until the time comes and you have the necessary Trust it can take a while. So don't be frustrated if you remain below the average salary in your first year.

How do I find a personal coach?

A personal coach can effectively support you in achieving your professional Achieving goals. When you believeIf you can't get any further on your own, you should consider hiring a coach. However, finding a competent coach is not easy. When searching the internet, you will come across numerous offers. It's not surprising if you quickly lose track.

Always keep in mind: theoretically, anyone can call themselves a personal coach. The following tips can help you find a reputable coach:

1. Look at the websites of famous, reputable coaching provider um.

2. Listen to personal recommendations. Maybe a colleague has already worked with a personal coach and was enthusiastic?

3. Browse social networks and business platforms such as LinkedIn and Xing. You can get a first impression from the way a coach presents himself and his work there. Are you attracted to the person? Do his/her references sound convincing?

4. Use coach databases or coaching portals. This way you can make sure to find a coach from your region at the same time.

5. Check with relevant professional associations. Professional associations require certain criteria in order to accept a coach. Since the criteria can vary depending on the professional association, you should check them carefully. Some professional associations require several years of professional experience and relevant references, for others it is sufficient to be interested in the topic of coaching.

Checklist in both hands

Alternatives to training as a personal coach

As an alternative to training as a personal coach, we would now like to offer you our training as a Greator Life Coach introduce. It is a varied, holistic training concept that guides you to deal intensively with your emotions, Beliefs and behavior patterns. This way you will be optimally prepared for your successful career as a coach prepared.

Continuous personal development plays a major role in helping other people successful to coach. Our nine-month training course is based on this principle. You can use all the tools you learn both for yourself and for your future clients.

How does the Greator Life Coach training work in detail?

Our training, which lasts a total of nine months, consists of two parts that build on each other. First you complete the three-month Greator Practitioner. Here the focus is on working through your own issues and resolving inner conflicts. This is followed by the six-month Greator Coach, in which you will learn all the tools and basics for your work as a coach.

After completing your training, you will be a certified Greator Life Coach. You benefit from the large Greator network of established coaches and experts. This makes the often rocky road to self-employment easier for you. Should you be curious, you can find here further information.


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Reviewed by Dr. med. Stefan Frädrich

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