With career coaching finally to self-realization in the job

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The professional world is an incredibly vast place that can sometimes seem quite overwhelming. It's often not that easy to find your way around - and that's true for newcomers and veterans alike. Which job is right for you? Where can you really live your life to the full? Career coaching deals with these and many other questions.

Where are your qualities appreciated? In which industry can you shine with your strengths? Are you perhaps already doing the job that is perfect for you, but you are not even aware of it? Career coaching helps you to find your way on the job market and to finally become professionally happy.

What is vocational coaching?

Career coaching is basically about showing you how you can critically examine your current situation and find out what alternatives are open to you. The focus is on your personal expectations of yourself and your professional goals. Together with your coach, you will look for realistic ways to achieve these goals. accomplish goals and at the same time make sure that your private life does not suffer.

Who benefits from vocational coaching?

Career coaching is aimed at all those who are already in the middle of their professional lives or will soon be entering them. Coachees usually have their first contact while they are still high school or college students. They are looking for a first orientation in the job world and learn more about their own strengths and professional preferences.

So they gain self-confidencebecause it is often only then that they really become aware of what they are really good at. If they have already fixed on a branch, they receive feedback in career coaching as to whether this is really the right one for them. The coach also prepares pupils and students for the application process and shows them how to master this phase with confidence.

For old hands in the business

You are already firmly established in your profession, but doubt whether you really want to pursue it until retirement? The reasons for this can be very different. Your colleagues are pulling you down. Your superiors think you can work like a machine and completely forget that you are a human being. You simply don't like your job anymore or you want to try something new.

No matter what your personal reason is for wanting to reorient yourself - your career coach will accompany you on this path. He or she will get to the bottom of your thought processes and, together with you, will find suitable ways out of your Dissatisfaction.

You've had a long break in the working world and are now wondering how you can make a new start? Are you no longer sure whether your old job still suits you or whether you are still qualified enough for it? Your career coach will address these questions with you. Together you will analyze where you are right now, where you see yourself and which professional steps are realistically feasible.

professional coaching

These are the tasks performed by a professional coach

A career coach is dedicated to all topics related to professional life. He or she will help you prepare for job interviews, polish your resume and write appealing letters of motivation. He helps you to master the entry into the job world and also shows you how to conduct successful salary negotiations. Your coach will open your eyes when it comes to what opportunities you actually have on the job market and also whether it would not make sense to acquire certain additional qualifications.

If you wish, he will even accompany you for years through your professional life and advise you again and again on the priorities you should set and the recurring question of which path is best to take at crossroads. He constantly pushes you to question your current career path. Is your profession still the right one for you or have you moved on in a completely different direction? Are you perhaps overqualified for your job? Is the opposite the case and would further training do you good?

What opportunities for advancement does your company offer you? Does it perhaps even restrict you in your development? These are all questions that you ask yourself again and again together with your career coach. In short, he or she is your companion on the way to a successful and authentic presentation of yourself.

These are the goals of vocational coaching

In career coaching, you'll learn an incredible number of methods that will make your day-to-day life on the job easier and help you realize your potential. The overall goal of the Coachings is that you recognize what charisma you have and what external effect is inherent in you. You recognize what strengths you have, how you can fully exploit them and how they can advance you in your career.

You're probably familiar with this situation: You're constantly faced with conflicts with colleagues on the job. But it's not easy for everyone to talk about things openly and sort them out. Conflicts only slow you down unnecessarily! That's why another goal of career coaching is to strengthen and expand your communication skills. It should be clear and explicit, but still appreciative. Otherwise, the next conflict won't be long in coming.

Once you've learned how to properly handle disagreements and arguments, you'll also feel confident working as part of a team. This in turn increases your overall Satisfaction in your job and you will work more productively. It will be easier for you to make decisions and go your own way. The professional coaching also shows you which stress factors negatively influence your everyday life and how you can best eliminate them. You won't take all the negative thoughts home with you from work and you will be much more relaxed in your private life.

This is how vocational coaching works

Like all coaching, career coaching begins with a preliminary discussion. You and your coach first get to know each other and find out if you are on the same wavelength. This is incredibly important, because the Coaching can only bear fruit if you can open up. This requires trust and mutual sympathy. A strange tension between you, on the other hand, would make you feel uncomfortable about revealing yourself to your coach.

Of course, you should also have a good feeling about the competence of the career coach. At best, you have already found out in advance what qualifications he or she has. Do you think he can help you and does the preliminary interview confirm this? Do you dare to talk to him about your weaknesses and fears? Do you feel safe in the presence of your coach? If so, your collaboration is well underway.

During the preliminary discussion, you will also clarify the first basic questions, e.g. what goals you are pursuing and what exactly you are hoping to achieve with career coaching. And don't forget the general conditions. You will clarify how many sessions you will probably need, how long they will last in detail and how much the whole thing will cost.

Vocational coaching: The continuing sessions

If you decide to continue working with us after the preliminary meeting, the analysis begins. Together, you first take a close look at where your strengths lie and which skills can still be developed. You go in search of hidden Potentialbut also for fears. Is there anything deep inside you that is stopping you from realizing yourself? Are there certain points that you really want to work on?

It is important that you are completely honest in this part of the coaching and open up to your coach. Only in this way can he gather all the important information about you that he needs to create a meaningful profile about you. This forms the basis for your further cooperation. This profile will focus on ways and strategies that will help you achieve your personal goals and finally realize your professional dreams.

How to find a good career coach

A coach is a confidant who you let look into your deepest inner self. Finding someone you can open up to in this way is not easy. Ideally, you have someone in your circle of acquaintances who has already hired a professional coach, was very satisfied and can recommend him or her to you. But not everyone is so lucky. So how can you recognize a good coach?

Your first look should be at their training. Basically, anyone can call themselves a "coach" because the job title is not protected. It is therefore all the more important to make sure that the professional coach of your choice has really learned what he or she is doing. Psychological counselors, for example, have always completed a thorough training and are also required to continue their education on a regular basis. Of course, a great deal of life experience can't hurt either. This does not necessarily mean that your coach has to have reached a certain age.

What is much more important is what he has already experienced. Someone who has never really been in the working world himself will naturally be less able to advise you than someone who has already gained some experience at the job fair. At best, your career coach will have acquired knowledge in the industry in which you yourself work or in which you would like to work in the future. Last but not least, your gut feeling is of course an important factor. Even if a Coach the best training graduated with top grades and gained years of work experience in your industry, coaching will never bear fruit if you simply don't feel comfortable.

Become a career coach: This is how it works

"Many roads lead to Rome" - this also applies to your career as a career coach. Would you like to help others gain a foothold in the job world, tap their full potential and finally realize their professional potential? Then various training courses and seminars will lead you to your goal. There is no standardized regulation as to what requirements you have to fulfill. However, it is not uncommon for a completed vocational training, experience in professional life and knowledge in the educational and/or social field to be required or at least desired.

During your training as a career coach, you will learn important methods for skills assessment, career orientation and career choice. You will learn what exactly is necessary to survive in the professional landscape, to win over the labor market and how you can support your coachees in the best possible way. You will also learn how to best support groups with social or health problems so that they can gain a foothold in professional life. Further contents of your training in vocational coaching can also be the following:

  • Communication and Conversational
  • systemic questioning techniques
  • solution-oriented coaching
  • Methods and instruments in vocational coaching
  • Professions and training paths at a glance
  • Adult Education
  • Career choice models
  • Labor market policy
  • Competence assessment procedure

Your achievements after the training

After your training, you will know the German education and vocational system inside out. A wide range of methods for assessing skills and choosing a career are now an integral part of your expertise, and you can analyze exactly which method is best suited to which coachee. You are also able to work out individual strategies for all your clients that will help them achieve their personal career goals.

No matter what questions your coachees ask you about choosing a career, starting or returning to work, or training and development, you can answer them all professionally. In doing so, you set their development process in motion and accompany them on their journey to professional fulfillment. You help your clients to perceive their individual problems, to find suitable solutions and to implement them with the help of the resources that are currently available to them. You package all of this into professional coaching conversations.

Reviewed by Dr. med. Stefan Frädrich

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