The phone in the office just never stops ringing. Person after person knocks on your door needing assistance. And the tasks you have to do today keep piling up. You accelerate to get everything checked off in time, jet home, and then just want to fall into bed. But falling asleep used to be a lot easier, too, because countless thoughts are buzzing through your head and keeping you awake. You just can't switch from work to relaxation mode anymore.
Faster than you can say "vicious circle", you are already in one. Poor sleep costs you the ability to perform and concentrate. This only increases your stress. So what can you do about it? Don't worry, rescue is at hand - in the form of relaxation exercises. But what does relaxation actually mean?
Everyone defines this term differently. For some, sport is relaxation, for others it is pure stress. Others find meditation the best way to switch off and sort out their thoughts, while for others it's almost torture because they simply can't sit still. Luckily, there are countless ways to really relax. The important thing is that they work for you personally and can be easily integrated into your everyday life.
Relaxation exercises are designed to help you relax, which is probably self-explanatory. But let's go into a little more depth and take a look at what exactly they do for you. Relaxation exercises aim to reduce the tension that weighs on your body and mind. You can use them specifically in stressful situations to briefly recharge your batteries. Recharge your batteriesor even daily to reduce your general stress level.
So you actively contribute to the preservation of your mental health, which also has a positive effect on your physical well-being. How does it work? Relaxation exercises help you to reduce the release of stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. Evolutionarily, these hormones prepare you for flight or fight, which is why they speed up your breathing and heartbeat. But if this is the case permanently, it affects your health.
With relaxation exercises you can bring your blood pressure and breathing back into a healthy rhythm. Not entirely innocent of this are also the alpha waves, quite slow brain waves, which you can promote with relaxation exercises. They allow you to calm down and mark a relaxed state of wakefulness.
We all know phases in which we are almost permanently under stress. But there is one thing you must never forget: your health! Take care of your mind and body and don't let stress consume you. Take at least five minutes every day to do one or two relaxation exercises.
Every one of us has those five minutes left, guaranteed. The only question is how you use them. If you invest them in stress reduction, you will benefit in several ways. You organize your muddled thoughts, your Sleep becomes more restfulYour ability to concentrate increases and consequently you become more productive.
Little by little you will reduce your stress level. And that's exactly what we want to help you with! That's why we've put together ten relaxation exercises for you that you can easily incorporate into your everyday life. There's sure to be something suitable for you here too!
In autogenic training you use the power of your thoughts to relax your body and thus your mind step by step. You put yourself into a kind of trance in which you consciously perceive your body and free it from all its tension. It works like this, for example:
Surely you know this too: stress not only puts your thoughts in turmoil, but also has an effect on your body. Headaches and tension in the neck and shoulders send their regards. Here the progressive muscle relaxation help. The whole thing is based on the assumption of the American psychologist Edmund Jacobson that physical relaxation can also calm the mind.
For him it was already clear in the 1920s that physical and mental health are closely connected. He therefore developed a method in which individual muscles or muscle groups are specifically tensed and relaxed again. The result was progressive muscle relaxation. Just give it a try!
For this relaxation exercise you need some outside help. Enlist the help of a second person or turn on some appropriate music or video that will take you on a mental journey. This is a guided exercise that can even put you in a meditative state, as long as you fully engage with it.
The thought journey harnesses your imagination and helps you develop new perspectives based on your feelings and thoughts. At the same time, this exercise enhances your creativity. Basically, you can think of the thought journey as a waking dream. Feel free to use the following instructions:
Everyone who works a lot at the PC or has to deal with documents and files knows it for sure: At the end of the day, the eyes burn, the view into the distance is blurred and headaches are part of everyday life anyway. Then relaxation for the eyes comes at the right time.
You need to know this: Not only the bright light of the PC strains your eyes, but also the permanent look at near things. There are several ways to relax your eyes. We've combined a few to give you comprehensive relief:
Just like that in the room smile sounds totally stupid to you? Maybe, but it helps you trick your brain. Even if you just don't have a reason to smile because of stress, pull up the corners of your mouth anyway. It doesn't matter if you mean the smile or not, because the effect it has on your brain is the same.
The muscles you need for that signal to your brain that something makes you happy. Regardless of whether that's really true or not. As a result, it releases happy hormones, which are the perfect stress killers. After just a few minutes, you're more relaxed, feel more confident in what you're doing, and can focus better on your tasks. As a result, you'll check them off even faster and you can look back with satisfaction on today's workday and everything you've accomplished.
We've already mentioned it - stress makes your breathing faster and shallower. You can counteract this with targeted exercises. What sounds incredibly simple is also incredibly effective. The 4-6-8 breathing is probably the best known breathing exercise. You can even do it in the middle of a meeting without anyone noticing. Here's how:
Anyone who has ever taken a yoga class knows it - the sun salutation. This relaxation exercise can become your new lunch break ritual. The point here - as with yoga in general - is to bring body and mind into harmony.
Are walks pure relaxation for you? Then mindful walking is exactly the right thing for you. You don't necessarily have to go for a walk. The way to work or the walk through the hallway can also become an experience of mindfulness - like this:
Mantras are closely related to meditation, but you can also incorporate them into your everyday life on your own. Whenever stress really gets the better of you, speak your personal mantra, which gives you strength, gives you new motivation and raises your optimism.
The mantra should suit you and your current situation. Say it in a quiet place where you can fully concentrate on your words, repeat it several times and listen carefully to what you are saying. Here are a few examples:
Stress release is about actively shaking off all the tension and jumbled thoughts from your body. Imagine how the stress sticks to your body and how you let it fall away from you with this exercise. It goes like this:
By the way: Valuable tips on how you can finally let go of your thoughts and give your mind the relaxation it deserves are provided by Dr. Karolien Notebaert in this video.
It never hurts to integrate relaxation exercises into your daily routine. But at the latest when you are acutely under stress, it is high time. But this is exactly where the problem lies: With so much stress, we often don't even realize how pronounced it actually is, because we simply ignore the signals of our body.
We have put together a few points for you that you should pay attention to regularly. They will help you to realise early on that there is a clear need for relaxation exercises.
By the way, learning again to listen to your body, to perceive the signals, is an important part of our Greator Coach Training. How do you feel when you know you have an important meeting tomorrow? Does the tension in your back become noticeable, do you get a stomach ache or does your throat tighten? Listen to yourself in these moments. It's like running a scanner over your body.
In our Greator coach training we give you important tools to get access to yourself again. We show you how to give yourself and your body more mindfulness and gratitude. Be curious about an inspiring journey to yourself - to more inner peace and clarity. Are you ready and come with us? Then register here now!