Recognizing connections and resources as a resilience coach

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One's own resilience is an important building block for overcoming hurdles and strengthening resilience. Only with good resilience is it possible to master the challenges in professional and private everyday life. If you are interested in training as a resilience coach, there are various courses available. In the courses you will learn a lot about the basics of resilience research and also get to know your own strengths better.

In addition to self-reflection, resilience is about Coach training about recognizing the stress factors and warning signals. Prevention, control of personal feelings, a balance of optimism and realism - these factors affect responsible decisions.

As a resilience coach you learn to act in a future- and solution-oriented way. Important building blocks such as value awareness, self-management and critical examinations of a possible resilience concept help you to do this.

What is resilience?

Resilience is the inner ability to withstand problems. Personal resilience helps to overcome difficult strokes of fate and to look ahead. It can be seen, for example, in the fact that even children from precarious backgrounds can successfully complete school. Other examples of a strong resilience are on display at the Paralympics.

Some people manage to get up again and carry on even after a disaster - sometimes they even get better at it. The ability to cope with crises is partly based on genetic predispositions and a good social environment. In fact, resilience can be learned - with the help of specific strategies and trainable skills. A well-trained resilience coach is the right contact person for this.

What is a resilience coach?

With a resilience coach training, you gain a deep insight into the subject. Life satisfaction and decision-making skills are two important pillars that help in case of professional or private failure.

The resilience coach is the person who helps in a life or meaning crisis. He encourages a new perspective and gives tips for solving the current problems. With his help it is possible to escape the vicious circle of thoughts.

At Coaching is about rethinking one's own situation and inner attitude. The resilience coach asks the questions that those affected would otherwise prefer to avoid. But only with the necessary Self-reflection it is possible to correctly assess individual strengths and weaknesses. Personal wishes and emotions also play a role.

Topics in the context of resilience coaching

Are you interested in becoming a resilience coach? The start often begins with a personality test, which paves the way for your personal development. Then it continues with the actual resilience coach training.

Important topics in resilience coaching are:

  • Recognition of one's own resources, strengths and weaknesses,
  • Strengthening self-confidence,
  • Stress and conflict management,
  • Improving time management,
  • Production of the Work-life balance,
  • Definition of Life goals,
  • Development of strategies and decision-making aids for the further course of life.

What are the tasks of a resilience coach?

One of the main tasks of the resilience coach is to adapt to the people concerned. They are often under a lot of pressure. Resilience coaching involves working with the coach to find the causes of the overload. This is followed by the development of a targeted solution. In this way, the current difficult situation can be overcome.

The person under stress needs assistance, but ultimately the inner strength comes from within. That is why the coach is merely supportive. He does not set goals, but encourages the person's own ideas.

If you decide to train as a resilience coach, you will understand the connections between experiences and emotional reactions, stress and symptoms. You'll also learn how to encourage coachees to work on themselves. Leadership expert Boris Grundl explains in detail how to overcome adversity through resilience coaching. Interview.

The Resilience Coach Training - the introduction

The Resilience Coach training includes an introduction to resilience research. Many facts come from stress theory. Here you learn how Stress Management functions and which warning signals indicate problems. With this knowledge, the various stresses can be assessed.

For problem solving these are Resilience factors relevant:

  • Emotion control,
  • Optimism or hope,
  • Self-efficacy,
  • social environment/support,
  • Meaning or value orientation,
  • Self-Management,
  • Future or solution orientation.

Used correctly, these factors can strengthen inner resilience. The critical view is also important. It is possible that the solution concept also contains negative consequences.

Further parts of the Resilience Coach Training

The next training step focuses on your own resilience profile. Here you determine your personal strengths and assess your own potential. In certain areas you would like to develop further. After this self-awareness, it will be easier for you to create resilience profiles of other people. This in turn will help you with targeted counselling.

There are special techniques for the resilience factors that you will learn and practice in the course of the training. These are an important basis for a balanced, satisfied and healthier life. With the help of concrete exercises you will strengthen your positive forces and learn more about the appropriate strategies for crisis management.

The creation of a catalogue with useful measures is also part of the training of the resilience coach. In this way, you will learn how the methods you have developed can be integrated into everyday life. You will also find out how to best communicate the resilient lifestyle.

What topics does the Resilience Coach not cover?

A skilled resilience coach does not act as a miracle worker. He does not provide a blanket solution, but merely gives impulses. In a way, he is a guide, but people have to act themselves. With a training as a resilience coach you do not give ready-made instructions, but develop a strategy together with your coachees.

As a resilience coach, you are not a psychiatrist or therapist. Anyone who suffers from serious depression or has a Process trauma needs professional therapy. While there are certain overarching commonalities, specialized expertise is required to treat mental illness.

Trust is not friendship. That means: You must not act as a friend. When coaching, you should always remain professional. A too close relationship makes it difficult for you to advise the coachee with the necessary distance.

Becoming a Resilience Coach: These are the requirements

For the resilience coach training, the willingness for personal development is very important. Self-reflection is one of the most important points. Ideally, the coachees will benefit from your self-confident and satisfied attitude.

In addition to their own personal development, experience or at least a basic knowledge of the psychological field helps. The joy of working with people is also in the foreground. The own Inspiration and commitment can be very helpful. You don't have to be extroverted, however, because good listening is more often required than enthusiastic coaxing.

The personality test gives you a good insight into your own issues. A self-conducted coaching can also have an inspiring effect. However, a special study is not necessary to become a resilience coach. So you can start immediately. With basic knowledge of topics such as personal development and stress management, you are particularly well prepared for the training.

How do you find the right resilience coach training?

A close look at the learning content and the goals of the training is essential if you choose the path to becoming a resilience coach. The focus is on the various prevention techniques and solution concepts. Which training modules are suitable for you depends on your current level of knowledge and experience.

At Greator you can do a basic coach training or the advanced resilience coach training. Other providers also split their coaching trainings. In some cases, the individual modules focus on stress reduction or burnout prevention. The typical resilience coach training includes several elements and is therefore correspondingly extensive.

The following points will help you identify the good deals:

  • direct contact persons,
  • exact listing of the learning contents and course times,
  • detailed information on the face-to-face or online course,
  • Training times and duration,
  • Certificate of Completion,
  • comprehensive support,
  • no hidden costs.

How long does the Resilience Coach training take?

After completing the training as a resilience coach, you will receive a certificate. This has a positive effect on the trust relationship between you and the coachees. The training at Greator gives you the necessary expertise and helps you to work successfully in personal development. The courses take place online: So you can manage your time flexibly. A weekly test shows you how things are going.

The training to become a resilience coach lasts six to nine months with many providers. In general, you can complete the training alongside your normal professional life. With the tried and tested coaching methods, you can better exploit your potential and help other people with a lot of resilience. empathy advise.

After the six- or nine-month training, you are a certified resilience coach. In addition to the in-depth knowledge that you have acquired during this time, there is often the opportunity to make contacts. In this way, you build up a network of renowned coaches with whom you can exchange ideas.

The work as a resilience coach

A better work-life balance, more Joie de vivre and new ideas for solutions to existing conflicts: this all sounds wonderful, but in reality it is difficult to motivate oneself. That's exactly why well-trained resilience coaches are needed. You can be one of them. You will help yourself first and then your coachees.

Working as a coach is very varied and inspiring. Getting to know people, supporting them on their life's journey, giving them a different perspective: All this has a positive effect on decisions. A strong resilience is not only helpful in difficult phases - professional or private. Even in everyday monotony, one wishes for some kind of guide.

Which way is it? What should I do? How can I make my life better/healthier? As a resilience coach, you show coachees how to get out of the Hamster wheel can get out - or how they change their inner attitude. It is fascinating to watch the development during coaching. When someone recognizes their own inner strength and blossoms as a result - or rediscovers a talent - such situations make the work in resilience coaching particularly fulfilling.

The training to become a Greator Coach

Strengthening resilience often starts with working on oneself. In addition to self-reflection, it is about the necessary expertise. During the training at Greator, you will learn which coaching tools are particularly important. Various solutions and exercises are available for the diverse problems - and these are precisely the focus.

The Greator coach training is done online. With the help of weekly videos, workbooks and meditations, you can learn conveniently and on your own schedule from anywhere. This reduces stress and gives you time off of a special quality.

Upon successful completion you will receive the Greator Coach Certificate. This significantly improves your chances of success in the coaching business. If you want to progress even further, the further training as a resilience coach is an option.


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