Find your purpose in life - Recognize your destiny and realize yourself

Reading time 7 minutes

Living aimlessly into the day can be relaxing, but it doesn't get us anywhere in life. In order to realize plans, to have professional and private success and to fulfill desires, concrete life goals are needed.

What do you want your life to look like? What do you want to achieve? Where do you see yourself in five or ten years? Before decisions are made, it is important to find your life's goal. Having a goal has a motivating effect and spurs you on. It gives your life meaning. If you have decided on a certain life goal, then you will make an effort to realize your plans.

What is a good life goal and which goals are rather unsuitable because they are hardly realizable? A goal is described as a state lying in the future that appears desirable to a person. This description leads to the conclusion that a life goal is something very individual.

Every person has individual ideas about what their own life should look like. Therefore, life goals can be very different. There is also a distinction between short-term and long-term goals. Setting a life goal is associated with responsibility and taking on a specific life task. Having a goal gives life meaning.

What are life goals?

A life goal can also be described as an overarching orientation in life. Life goals stand for the direction one wants to take in life and for the things that seem particularly important to us.

Mostly, life goals have a time limit. That's why we distinguish between short-term and long-term goals. We take it upon ourselves to graduate from high school, pass the driver's license exam successful to pass and to move into our first own apartment. All this is to become a reality by a certain point in our lives.

A long-term goal in life may be to start your own business, travel the world or build your own home. Experience shows that more time is needed to realize these projects. We can have a single goal, but we can also have different goals in life. Most life goals relate to areas such as:

  • Career
  • Finance
  • Family
  • Health
  • Education
  • Relationships

Life goals can contain further, more detailed plans and are thus very broad. Achieving the desired life goal is considered a success and conveys a sense of the meaning of life.

A life goal is not a wishful thinking, but a well thought-out firm intention. In most cases, goals do not arise spontaneously. Rather, life goals are the result of concrete developments. They have something to do with life experience and with the individual way of life.

In the course of life, the life goals set at a young age may change. Depending on the experiences we have in our professional and private lives, it may be necessary to reconsider or change the goals. Alternatively, you can formulate completely new life goals.

In a life goal, personal convictions and long-held desires play a major role in addition to rational knowledge. A life goal is suitable if you can lead a meaningful life and make decisions yourself. Your goals should be based on reality, fit your life plan and your lifestyle.

find life goal

Short-term goals and long-term goals

Goals are plans to be achieved either in the foreseeable future or in the future. In business, short-term is described as a period of time that lasts a maximum of one year. In English, projects that are to be completed in the short term are called "short-term". Life goals also distinguish between immediate goals and longer-term goals. Short-term goals in life are, for example:

  • Lose two kilos in one month
  • Change the diet and go vegetarian
  • Write five applications over the weekend
  • Thoroughly clean up the basement
  • Save a certain amount for the vacation

The advantage of short-term goals is that they are easier to achieve and therefore convey feelings of success more quickly. Short-term life goals are usually simple actions that are tied to a specific time frame. However, short-term goals can also be small steps that lead to the larger life goal and are important for achieving the overall objective.

Motivation increase

With a long-term goal, it takes longer for the first successes to be recorded. Long-term life goals are undertakings that can take several years or decades and are often not achieved until the end of life. These life goals are also referred to as life's work.

Having a goal increases the Motivation, triggers anticipation and gives life more meaning. At the same time much Patience and perseverance are needed to work on the realization of long-term plans. What is a long-term life goal? Examples of life goals that may be achievable in the long term are:

  • Being wealthy at 60
  • Start your own business
  • Travel the whole world
  • Owning a house
  • Emigrate and live on a dream island

Life goals as an inner compass

A life goal can be compared to an inner compass. Similar to the instrument used to determine the direction of the compass, the life goal provides the direction in which life should develop.

Before you decide on a certain direction, you should answer the question of what you want from life. Why are you in the world? How will you get what you want?

These questions have also been asked by the American bestselling author John Strelecky posed. In his book "The Big Five for Life" the former management and strategy consultant defined the two essential factors that are of fundamental importance for personal growth.

First, each person should know his or her personal destiny. This is described by Strelecky as Purpose of existence (ZDE) described. Secondly, it is important to discover the individual "Big Five for Life" and to live according to this principle. The "Big Five for Life" are the five self-determined goals in life that every person should definitely achieve.

The term Big Five actually refers to five species of animals that are often seen when traveling through Africa. However, getting close to animals like lions, leopards, buffalo, rhinos and elephants is not so easy. The success of an African safari, however, is measured by just that.

Definition of success

The image of this goal has the success author John Strelecky moved to develop his concept, the Big Five for Life, from this. He found that we all define for ourselves what success means to us. Thus, we can also decide for ourselves which life goals are suitable for us and what we want to achieve in our lives.

Similar to a compass that helps its owner find the right direction, life goals serve as orientation. Not having a life goal is basically not a problem. The missing Setting Goals However, this can make you feel insecure and make it difficult for you to decide for or against something.

How do I find my goal in life? Feel inside yourself and ask yourself what you want your life to look like. What makes you happy? What do you value most and what things could you easily do without? Finding your life goal is not complicated. Take your time to think, formulate your wishes and you will find goals that are worth fighting for.

How do I find my goals in life?

Finding life goals is a complex task. Your expectations of life, your personal life experience, and your environment can all influence your decision to choose a particular life goal.

Do you not yet have a clear idea of what you want to achieve in life? Take a sheet of paper and a pen, formulate your wishes and plans. Then take a close look at the list. Can you see a certain direction? Are you aware of private goals such as Relationships and family or professional challenges particularly important?

A goal in life helps to overcome difficult situations and to overcome longer, unsuccessful phases. Personal growth is only possible if you have goals to work towards. This was also stated by the success author John Strelecky, whose work "Big Five for Life" was used as an introduction to the Personality Development applies.

With the Big Five concept he developed, the renowned leadership expert wants to help people reconcile personal life goals with their job and everyday life. Which life goal is the right one? A goal is suitable if it moves you forward in life and ensures the success you desire. A goal in life should represent your values, be realistic and therefore achievable.

To find your life goals, honestly answer the question of what you actually want to achieve. A life goal doesn't have to be a big task that can only be accomplished with extreme effort. Even small, modest things can be worthwhile goals if they make you happy.

7 Tips for Setting Life Goals

What distinguishes suitable from unsuitable life goals? A life goal that inspires you, motivates you, spurs you on and gives your life meaning is a good goal. Unsuitable goals are goals that make you unhappy because they are too demanding or do not match your lifestyle.

Want to set life goals, then pay attention to the following:

  1. Be realistic
  2. Focus on the essentials
  3. Formulate your wishes
  4. Set achievable goals
  5. Review your progress and change the objective as needed
  6. Use short and long term life goals
  7. Make sure that your life goal is suitable for everyday life

Realistic plans are easier to realize than utopian ideas. The life goal of successfully completing vocational training in a few years is more realistic than winning the Miss Germany competition.

Focus on what's important. There are many interesting goals in life. However, you cannot achieve all of them in life. Therefore, focus on the things that are really close to your heart and take a targeted approach to achieve your Achieving goals.

Formulate your wishes clearly and concisely. Write down your plans and then check the list for feasibility and suitability for everyday life. Set achievable life goals, plan for the short term and the long term. Be flexible and change your goals if you find that they no longer meet your expectations.

6 examples of life goals to inspire you

In addition to the life goal of being happy, there are other goals in life that inspire and motivate. Examples are:

  1. Eat healthy and get a great figure
  2. Exercise regularly and stay fit into old age
  3. Take time off and travel the world
  4. Learning to handle money and the financial independence reach
  5. Learn another foreign language and take off professionally
  6. Happy relationships lead and engage with others


A life goal gives structure to your life. Goals in life motivate and help to overcome difficult phases. The goal should reflect your life plan and be suitable for everyday use. Divide your life goals into short-term and long-term projects so that you can enjoy successes.

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Reviewed by Dr. med. Stefan Frädrich

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