Appreciation - with praise to more commitment in the team

Reading time 7 minutes

The word appreciation signals that it is about appreciating the value of a person, an action or a thing. In other words, appreciation is the culture of benevolence.

Having a benevolent attitude toward people is a prerequisite for respecting and appreciating others. Appreciation is a conscious decision, with the intention of showing respect to another person. This unbiased positive evaluation concerns the person as a whole and is largely independent of accomplishments or deeds. However, the subjective evaluation that exists about a particular person can also influence esteem.

Appreciative behavior toward others is associated with benevolence and recognition and is expressed through friendliness, attentiveness, interest and attention. However, appreciation is strongly related to self-esteem. People who do not value themselves and cannot accept it are hardly able to show this value to others.

Appreciation definition: what is it actually?

In the official appreciation definition, it is described as a positive inner attitude and appreciative evaluation toward other people. Appreciation, which can extend to the behaviors and attitudes of others, always begins with oneself. Accepting and valuing oneself is the most important prerequisite for showing this value to other people.

Appreciative behavior is also an essential factor in raising children and forms the basis for Satisfaction in a couple relationship. What does appreciation mean for me? What esteem do I show myself? Did you yourself experience appreciation in your childhood? Who were the people who were especially appreciative or who were not appreciative at all? Are you ready to let go of the negative experiences and forgive these people?

Appreciation is not a one-time process, but an inner basic attitude. To become more appreciative, it is important to develop appreciative thoughts. A positive attitude alone is not enough. 

Words of appreciation must actually be spoken. Tacit appreciation is not perceived by others. Appreciative behavior means showing appreciation by expressing it in words or through actions. Each of us wants to experience, see, feel, hear - not merely sense - appreciation.

what does appreciation mean in the workplace

The importance of appreciation in the workplace

Most of the day is spent at the workplace. Whether we are motivated and efficient, bored or stressed depends on the atmosphere that prevails in our working environment. Lack of appreciation towards employees can have a negative impact on motivation and is considered one of the most common reasons for quitting.

The great importance of appreciation in the job as well as the influence of appreciative employee management on the willingness to perform and teamwork has now been recognized. Positive effects of appreciation are:

  • Motivation increases
  • Willingness to perform increases
  • Job satisfaction improves

Appreciation has a direct impact on the working atmosphere. Employee appreciation is therefore an essential component of a good Leadership style. For most professionals, feeling valued at work is more important than receiving a high salary.

Appreciative behavior on the part of colleagues and, above all, supervisors gives employees the feeling that they are accepted, respected and appreciated for their commitment to their work. Appreciation shown to employees by managers can increase their willingness to perform and improve employee loyalty to the company.

The opposite of esteem is a negative view that manifests itself in the form of disregard, disapproval, distrust, disdain, and Dissatisfaction expresses. What does appreciation depend on? In the case of special achievements, it falls Executives easy to give recognition and praise employees. But what happens when things aren't going so well at work and there's really nothing to praise?

A lack of recognition is a reason for many working people to reorient their careers and look for alternatives on the job market. The feeling of belonging and being valued is often more important than a promotion.

Appreciation in the workplace can release enormous forces. Praise that is not sincerely meant, on the other hand, has exactly the opposite effect. The intention behind inappropriate compliments is quickly recognized and employees who have been wrongly praised react in a disgruntled manner.

How can you show appreciation for someone? 5 examples to show appreciation in an authentic way

What does appreciation mean in the workplace and how can you appreciate someone? There is a saying that appreciation is a way to create value. Simply explained, this means that both sides benefit from appreciative behavior. In order for people to feel valued and accepted, appreciation must be shown in an authentic way. The five best appreciation examples are:

  1. Praise and recognition
  2. Attentive behavior
  3. empathy show
  4. Helpfulness and encouragement
  5. Reliability

Recognition and praise are no longer a matter of course, especially in the workplace. The main reason why appreciation is not perceived is a lack of or poor communication within the company. As a manager, you are the most important contact person for your team members.

Want to express appreciation Examples of positive feedback are phrases such as "I'm glad I can always rely on you" or "It's good that you're part of our team." Appreciation phrases should always be based on reality. Well-intentioned but inappropriate compliments are quickly debunked.

Praise is the highest form of recognition

Praise is the highest form of recognition. In child rearing, praise is given to encourage children when they have done something right. Adults who are praised are also more productive and motivated. In the workplace, recognition by superiors contributes to a trusting working atmosphere and helps people stay mentally and physically healthy despite stress and high performance requirements.

Appreciation on the job means actively listening and having an open ear for problems. Empathy, which is also known as Empathy is the ability to recognize the feelings, thoughts and motives of another person. Appreciation can be expressed through empathic behavior. Individualizing messages with a personal word suggests appreciative behavior. Often, this is already enough:

  • a compassionate Smile
  • interested listening
  • an approving look
  • benevolent nod of the head,

to signal appreciation. In technical jargon, phrases intended to show verbal appreciation are called "words of affirmation".

Examples of reinforcement words are:

  • I know you can.
  • We trust you.
  • I am convinced of your reliability.
  • They are a great support for our company.

Interest and attention

Through appreciative words, you express what you have observed and what it means to you. Verbal appreciation is individual, emotional and precise. Your attention shows the person being appreciated that you are genuinely and tangibly interested in your counterpart. By saying thank you, you acknowledge the other person's accomplishment. The word "thank you" is perceived as a special sign of appreciation because it expresses respect. Saying thank you is not only important in the workplace, but also in a private conversation. Relationship and very important in the upbringing of children.

Reliability is a quality expected in the workplace from both employees and managers. Reliable behavior is demonstrated by keeping promises, such as the employee's involvement in a project, and is interpreted as appreciation.

what does valuation mean

5 advantages that make appreciation worthwhile

High sickness rates due to Burnouts, internal resignations and frustrated employees are part of everyday life in many companies. The main reason for resignation and frustration is lack of appreciation. It is considered proven that a lack of recognition of employees reduces motivation and the Productivity can reduce. When choosing an employer, attention is paid to an appreciative working atmosphere as well as appropriate pay and opportunities for advancement.

There are numerous benefits to a company from behaving appreciatively toward their employees. The five most important benefits that make appreciation worthwhile are:

  1. Strengthen employee loyalty to the company.
  2. Create a positive working environment.
  3. Increase productivity.
  4. Reduce absenteeism in the workplace.
  5. Promote health by minimizing stress.

More commitment

Recognition and appreciation for services rendered have a positive effect on motivation. Employees who feel valued are willing to commit themselves. This can promote loyalty to the employer and retain skilled workers in the long term. On the other hand, employees who experience that their work is not appreciated tend to do their job by the book.

Lack of appreciation in the Job favors dissatisfaction with the choice of job. A pleasant working atmosphere is based on mutual trust and respect. In psychology, it is assumed that everyone needs confirmation. As a leader, you can support your team with positive feedback and express your pleasure for work done. An appreciative leadership style is characterized by:

from. In the professional and private sphere, appreciative interaction with other people helps to reduce stress levels and increase well-being. Praising employees can help reduce the turnover rate in the company. Employees who feel good are less likely to be absent from work.

Trust grows

Appreciative behavior by managers causes mutual trust to grow. A distinction is made between different approaches to appreciation in the workplace.

Examples include:

  • Formal employee appreciation
  • Informal employee appreciation

Examples of formal employee appreciation include personal thank-you notes in the form of emails or other written messages such as a card or letter. A thank you letter expresses the employer's appreciation for consistently good work, a successfully completed project, or a specific accomplishment that goes above and beyond normal job duties.

Informal employee recognition occurs spontaneously and is used to offer praise to motivate employees to persevere during extensive, longer-term tasks or when working extra hours or overtime. This type of employee appreciation may involve verbal praise by the Team managementThe event could be a joint team lunch or a small gift such as a bouquet of flowers or sweets.

Employee appreciation creates trust

Employee appreciation improves relationships between employees and managers, builds trust and strengthens team cohesion. Appreciation doesn't need big words. An approving nod, eye contact between employees and supervisors, or a quick chat during the lunch break can improve the working atmosphere.

Another form of expressing appreciation is the employee appraisal interview. The feedback discussion is a good opportunity to show interest and attention for the topics and suggestions brought in by the employee.


What is appreciation? The positive, unbiased assessment of another person based on a friendly attitude toward others describes appreciative behavior. For the corporate culture, an appreciative leadership style has numerous advantages.

Do you want to lead your team, show your appreciation and Achieve career goals? In our Workbook: Ten business coaching tips for your career we have compiled the most important facts and information for you. Find out how you can Potential of your employees, prevent burn-outs and bore-outs and stay in the flow.

Appreciation increases self-worth. With appreciative behavior, you contribute to the fact that the employees in your team feel comfortable and perform their tasks with interest.

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