Typical narcissism symptoms - the problem with self-image

Reading time 7 minutes

Once again, your boyfriend is acting like a sunny boy and alpha animal, and as so often, you're annoyed. But you know him and you know that he always has to be the center of attention. He's a cool guy. Likeable, self-confident - but a determiner. Or are these possibly narcissism symptoms? Sometimes he can be a ruthless egoist.

Here you will learn about the typical narcissism symptoms and you can observe your friends, colleagues and also yourself more closely. But remember that not every person with narcissistic traits has to be a creep.

Narcissism and its significance in modern society

Narcissism seems to be rampant in politics, in your professional and private environment. You constantly meet self-absorbed people who want to win applause. But the narcissism symptoms are not always a Characters for a real narcissistic personality disorder. Most of the time you are just facing someone who wants more attention and recognition.

Arrogant or self-confident, you can't always tell the difference at first glance. Those who can handle criticism actually have a strong Self-esteem. If someone reacts sensitively or even aggressively, that is more likely a symptom of narcissism.

More and more people are working on their perfect self-presentation. Models are super slim and have flawless skin. In the company, everyone wants to move up even further - after all, it's professional success a must. Sometimes it seems to you as if narcissism is a logical consequence of society's demands. Certainly there is justified egoism, but what use is personal advantage if so many other people suffer as a result?

What is narcissism?

The understanding of the narcissism symptoms is based on the Definition and diagnosis of narcissism. In general, the term narcissism stands for self-absorption, often also for self-overestimation. Typical narcissists are ruthless and egocentric. Due to their extremely positive self-image, any criticism bounces off them.

The Self-love can occasionally be beneficial, because it strengthens self-esteem. The problem is that narcissism is often accompanied by negative qualities. It lacks empathy and consideration.

In a normally developed, healthy narcissism, the identity is strongly developed without losing the ability to love. This means that aggressiveness and loving feelings are balanced. The strong ego-centeredness remains within limits, as do the narcissism symptoms.

Pathological narcissism, on the other hand, limits social skills. In addition, the narcissism symptoms are even more prominent here. In narcissistic personality disorder, the idealized self-image is in the foreground. GratitudeHowever, tenderness and interest in other people are missing.

The following three categorizations show how different narcissism can look:

  1. Grandiose-malignant (malignant) narcissism is accompanied by aggressive, antisocial, and often paranoid behavior.
  2. Vulnerable-fragile narcissism is an atypical form because sufferers appear vulnerable, complex-laden, and depressed.
  3. Exhibitionistic (overt) narcissism comes across as self-confident, but also arrogant, and shows itself to be very competitive.
Narcissistic personality disorder

Main features of narcissism: symptoms and behaviors

In some people, the symptoms of narcissism are immediately obvious - they bristle with superiority and self-love. But sometimes it's harder to recognize narcissism. The desire for affirmation and praise can also other reasons have.

Typical narcissism symptoms and characteristics:

  • Exaggerations in your own performance evaluation,
  • Overestimating self-image,
  • Feeling of incomparability and uniqueness,
  • Desire for constant admiration,
  • extreme level of expectation and entitlement,
  • Fantasies of future success,
  • Taking advantage to achieve personal goals,
  • Taking advantage of other people,
  • missing Empathy,
  • Envy and the desire to make others envious,
  • haughty and arrogant behavior.

Diagnosis of narcissisticr Personality Disorder

In addition to narcissism symptoms, various criteria are relevant for examination and diagnosis. Thus, some personality traits may be more pronounced and others somewhat less noticeable. The most important characteristics for narcissism are:

  • Claim to authority and associated leadership,
  • Tendency to exaggerate self-promotion,
  • exploitative, manipulative behavior.

Depending on the expression of these characteristics, it is a moderate or pathological narcissism.

Several factors play a role in the diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder. This pathological narcissism manifests itself in an exaggerated Self-esteem, an extreme need for attention and sometimes power fantasies.

The narcissism symptoms can be very complex and partly contradictory. Some narcissists, behind their put-upon self-assurance, are very unstable, vulnerable or suffer from personality disorders or depression.

Effects of narcissism on relationships: Dynamics and challenges

The whole world is supposed to revolve around the narcissist and the egoist. This means that these people drag their partners into their often twisted idea of life. Everyone else has to be understanding of what they want. Anyone who objects is out.

Particularly in the case of genuine, pathological narcissism, a lasting, loving Relationship not even be possible. However, the characteristic narcissism symptoms do not always indicate a pathological manifestation towards.

Life with a "normal" narcissist is occasionally exhausting, but it also has its merits. Alpha people with their imagined strength often invest a lot in the relationship. An exciting adventure vacation, a special gift, interesting experiences - these are all part of the package for them. And sexually things are going well, too; after all, the self-absorbed partner always gives his or her best.

Narcissistic man is considered a perfect protector

A narcissistic man is considered the perfect protector for women. The narcissistic woman spoils her man in every possible way.

However, criticism always triggers a great conflict. How can the partner be so ungrateful? After all, the narcissist has done everything right! The problem is that self-absorbed people often strongly influence their life partner. Thus, the partners of narcissists realize only late how much they deny themselves and their desires.

Even with a Separation problems arise. When the outwardly perfect relationship comes to an end, the big rift shows up. From manipulation and emotional blackmail is then the talk. Some narcissists become really aggressive when they see their perfection collapse. Others go into a depressive phase and feel devastated.

Causes of narcissism: genetics, environment, and childhood experiences.

Narcissism causes - research on this topic is still in its infancy. Affective disorders are possibly genetically determined, but science assumes that it is primarily environmental influences and upbringing that trigger a narcissistic personality disorder.

  • Those who grow up in difficult family relationships become narcissistic for self-protection. In this way, negative emotions such as Fear and uncertainty better.
  • Some children have a special role: the parents treat them with special attention and overestimate them. The child adopts this assessment and later develops it further.
  • In the case of neglect, a child experiences a strong devaluation and imagines that he or she can do everything on his or her own.
  • For some parents, only good performance counts. The children who meet these demands feel great and all-powerful.
  • Traumatization in childhood can Commitment fears trigger or impair mental abilities.
  • Negative experiences with other people unsettle children and young adults, who then build up the strongest possible self-image.

Coping strategies for affected persons and relatives

Dealing with narcissistic behaviors is a major challenge for those affected and their families. It is not just a matter of recognizing the narcissism symptoms. It is more important to react correctly and not to withdraw too much oneself.

In a narcissistic relationship, the quieter partner quickly moves into the background or even becomes the narcissist's plaything. In order for the relationship not to become too unbalanced, the narcissist's partner needs a sufficiently strong self-esteem.

Independence is indispensable

Often the people who accompany a narcissist are very helpful. They subordinate themselves and hold back. But this also means that they themselves hardly get any help from the narcissistic partner. Independence is therefore indispensable.

For coping with the typical problems with narcissism is also much Patience necessary. The moods of a narcissist are not always easy to bear. He delights in praising himself on some days and demands a lot of attention and encouragement in other phases.

Support on the one hand and constructive criticism on the other hand - whoever maintains a good balance even in stressful situations has qualified for partnership with a narcissistic person.

Treatment options for narcissistic personality disorder: treatment approaches and goals.

Narcissism symptoms in moderate degree can be overcome with the help of coaching, possibly also in the context of a Couples therapy. But pathological narcissism is difficult to treat. This is because those affected, with their exaggerated self-love, do not see their own weaknesses.

To date, there are no therapies specifically for narcissistic personality disorder. Basically, psychotherapy is about perceiving the self-image from a different perspective and breaking down the ingrained Beliefs to rethink. This should cause the narcissistic actions to subside.

Important elements of therapy:

  • Work on dealing with your own negative feelings,
  • Improving relationship skills,
  • Increase of interests - in other people and topics,
  • Stopping the circling around oneself.

The targeted approach to treating narcissism includes asking whether other mental illnesses may be present. Especially in the case of serious personality disorders, a delimitation is useful.

The coping strategies aim to mitigate the narcissistic behavior. This improves the quality of life of all those affected. In the course of psychotherapy, narcissists become closer to their relatives and acquaintances. Their self-perception becomes more realistic and they soon realize that they need not fear criticism.

Conclusion: Recognizing narcissism symptoms as the first step to improving quality of life.

Are you addicted to attention? Or is it your partner who is dominating you with his dominant behavior? Worries makes? Narcissism can have many faces. The free Relationship test helps you with self-knowledge. So you see where you really stand. In addition, you will learn how to create a relationship at eye level, dissolve negative and repetitive patterns in relationships, but also create a vision for a fulfilling partnership in the future! 

Working on your own personality lets you grow - and also makes you strong for empathic interaction with other people. In this way, you gradually learn to deal with narcissists in a friendly or even loving way.


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Reviewed by Dr. med. Stefan Frädrich

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