Patience is a virtue! 8 tips to help you become more patient

Reading time 7 minutes

Good things come to those who wait - you've probably come across this old adage in everyday life. However, being patient is one of the most difficult challenges of all. If you want something very much, it should be realized as quickly as possible. This desire is absolutely human and understandable. However, in most cases it is worth being patient.

In the following article, we will deal with the question of what patience actually means. We will also introduce you to important tips and exercises that will help you become more patient.

What does it mean to be patient?

There is no single definition for the term patience. This is mainly due to the fact that each person perceives patience differently. However, in general, the following description is accurate:

Those who are patient keep their cool even under the influence of stress and lack of time. The current wishes and Needs are put in the background for the time being in favor of a long-term goal.

In behavioral science and economics, patience is also known as consumerism.

What does impatience mean?

To go deeper into the topic, it makes sense to define the opposite as well: Impatience. This is a EmotionIt's a condition that most people have to deal with on an almost daily basis. It already starts when you have to nervously wait in a long line at the bakery in the morning.

Impatience is characterized by a feeling of helplessness. When you are impatient, you develop tunnel vision. At this moment only your short-term goal is important to you, e.g. the desire to buy something, although you do not have the necessary financial means at the moment. You do not think about the far-reaching consequences.

If the short-term goal cannot be achieved quickly, impatience turns into impotence and anger. In this emotional state, it is hardly possible to make any rational decisions. Making decisions. Impatience can be grueling and even have a negative impact on your health. However, you are not helpless against it. There are numerous ways to become more relaxed.

exercise patience

Examples of patient behaviour

As already briefly explained, patience means doing without today in order to benefit tomorrow. A very simple example is saving money. By keeping your finances together, you can save money in the Bigger wishes for the future fulfill. This requires willpower and discipline.

Examples of patient behavior can be found in almost every area of life: You...

  • You're going to college to get a better job later on.
  • Give your partner a second chance because you believe in change.
  • Pursue your goals even though setbacks have occurred.
  • Listen patiently to someone to better understand an issue.
  • Do an unpaid internship to get a taste of your preferred career field.

In all of these examples, you're giving up comforts in the present to influence the future. Important to know: A patient person is not indifferent to what is happening in the present! However, patient people look at their present suffering from a different point of view than impatient contemporaries: they know that it will be worthwhile to persevere.

Why is patience so important?

It is a proven fact that most (serious) wrong decisions are made under time pressure. Maybe this has already happened to you. Patience saves you from making mistakes! Detach yourself from the pressure of having to do everything immediately. Especially with important decisions you should give yourself enough Time to think through all the consequences. This applies professionally and privately.

Impatience also robs you of your objectivity. Patience, on the other hand, helps you to collect yourself and to find better solutions for open problems. This saves you a lot of conflicts in everyday life, both with other people and with yourself. Patient people put themselves under less pressure, which has a positive effect on blood pressure and heart health.

How can you practice patience?

The good news is that patience can indeed be learned, but only to a certain extent. How patient we are depends not least on our mentality and upbringing. Completely changing your personality is neither possible nor desirable. Nevertheless, you can contribute a lot to becoming more patient in terms of your physical and mental health.

To practice patience, you should use the following character traits focus:

  • Gratitude
  • Willpower
  • Serenity

Gratitude The best way to practice this is to keep a gratitude journal. Every evening, write down at least three things for which you were grateful the previous day. It is perfectly sufficient if these are small things. Of course, you should also be aware of the big things every day, e.g. your family, your home, your financial independence.

Willpower is best trained by always telling yourself that you alone decide your happiness in life. You have the possibility to make your own choice at any time. No one can or should push you into anything. If you internalize this, you will automatically be less likely to let yourself be pushed into hasty decisions.

The last point is Serenity. This means that you accept life as it is at the moment. There are situations that you cannot change (at the moment). Therefore, it is not worth wasting your energy. Instead, you should fully concentrate on the aspects that are changeable. This way you will escape the feeling of helplessness and powerlessness.

8 tips for more patience in everyday life

Do you find it difficult to keep calm in your hectic everyday life? Then the following eight practical tips can help you:

1. focus on the present

Impatient people become so fixated on the future that they forget to live in the present. When you find yourself in an unpleasant situation, the desire for it to resolve quickly is understandable. However, by constantly longing for the future, you miss out on many opportunities and beautiful moments that might actually get you out of your slump.

2. patience: use waiting times productively

You're stuck in a traffic jam or waiting in the waiting room of a doctor's office? Surely you would rather spend this time differently, that's completely understandable. But most of the time there is nothing you can do about the waiting situation. So what's the point of getting upset about it? Instead, you should make the most of unavoidable waiting times.

Write your shopping list or read a magazine in peace while you wait at the doctor. When do you ever have the opportunity to do this in your hectic everyday life? Use the time in the traffic jam to turn up the radio and listen to your favourite music. Anger won't get you anywhere.

3. unmask your stressors

Note down in which everyday situations impatience is particularly strong. Question why this is so. Perhaps there are also situations that trigger stress in other people, but in which you remain calm? What is going on differently? Is there perhaps a pattern that you can use for yourself?

4. waiting times are not a personal conspiracy

Waiting times trigger anger in many people, as if someone has personally ruined their day. Realize that this is not the case. There is no one to blame! Everyone has to wait from time to time. Changing your attitude can help you deal with waiting situations more calmly in the future.

5. find your inner center for more patience in everyday life

If you feel stressed all the time, it is advisable to learn relaxation techniques. If you find yourself in a waiting situation, you can immediately apply the technique to calm yourself down. Among the most proven relaxation methods are yoga, Meditation, autogenous training and breathing exercises. More about this later.

6. do sports

Sport contributes just as Relaxation techniques helps to reduce impatience - but in a different way. Regular exercise has been proven to reduce stress and inner tension. The important thing is that you enjoy the sport and don't put yourself under additional pressure to perform.

7. learn to let go

Most of the time, we have very specific ideas about how we want our lives to go. Develops a Relationship or a professional project unexpectedly takes a different direction, this can be very confusing and frustrating. Realizing that something is doomed to fail is never easy. Letting go is nevertheless the healthier alternative. The pain is there, but the world will not end.

8. be open for alternatives

Clearly formulated Life goals are important in order to be successful. However, to stiffen completely on a certain thing is counterproductive. Sometimes, completely new opportunities suddenly arise that lead to a much better result. Impatient people tend to obsessively stick to a plan once it is made. This may cause you to miss great opportunities.

become patient

3 practices to encourage patience

In addition to the above-mentioned everyday tips, there are other very concrete methods to promote your patience. We would now like to introduce these to you:

1. autogenic training

Autogenic training is a proven relaxation method for body and mind. With the help of calming words or phrases you are put into a trance-like state of deep relaxation. Your thoughts stay with you and in the present. You let go of worries about the future.

Autogenic training not only helps with restlessness and impatience, but also with high blood pressure, migraines and sleep problems.

2. meditation

Meditation has been known for centuries in numerous cultures. When meditating, you also focus completely on the present. The thoughts come to rest. Guided meditations are particularly suitable for beginners. To enhance the positive effect, meditation is often combined with breathing exercises. If you like, you can also use incense sticks or scented candles to create the right atmosphere.

3. breathing exercises

Breathing is of great importance for physical and mental well-being. When we are stressed, breathing becomes shallow and hectic. If the breath comes to rest, the general well-being improves involuntarily. Breathing exercises help with chronic stress and even prevent psychosomatic illnesses.

Try deep abdominal breathing: Lie on your back and place your hands on your belly. Inhale deeply through your nose until your abdominal wall rises. Hold the air for a moment, then let it out through your mouth. Repeat the exercise at least ten times.

Learn Patience with our Greator Meditation Challenge

There is strength in calmness. You should always take this guiding principle to heart if you want to become more patient. Therefore, we would like to introduce you to our Greator Meditation Challenge recommend. You can expect five different meditation instructions over five days. The Meditations are suitable for both beginners as well as for advanced students.

Step by step we guide you to more inner peace and serenity. Feel connected to the earth, heal your inner child and learn to sleep better. At the end of the challenge you can start into your future with clear thoughts and new energy. Are you curious? Then sign up today for free for the Meditation Challenge to practice more and more patience!

with Dieter Lange

"From tiredness of life to joie de vivre"

Do you often feel stressed, disoriented and flooded with stimuli? Do you have the feeling that, despite success and recognition, you have lost the lightness of everyday life? Do you sometimes ask yourself: "Is that all there is?"
approx. 60 minutes
Theory & practice
Reviewed by Dr. med. Stefan Frädrich

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