Learn to meditate - 10 simple steps for more mindfulness in life

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What is meditation? Meditation is a Far Eastern technique that aims to achieve a state of inner relaxation by consciously directing one's attention. The mental exercises serve, among other things, to focus the attention.

What does meditate mean? When you meditate, you concentrate on a thought, on your breath, or on a Emotion. By focusing on a single specific sensation, you achieve that your mind calms down.

Conscious control of attention

Meditation exercises help to focus energies and reduce stress. In the long run, meditation can even bring about positive changes in experience, thinking and feeling. Conscious and targeted control of attention is the essential feature of meditative techniques.

One distinguishes between a variety of different meditation methods. How does meditation work? Meditating is a mental process that can be religiously based or come from a striving for physical-mental unity. The feeling of balance and inner peace is among the pleasant sensations associated with the meditation exercises.

How does meditating work?

Meditating is actually very simple. Sit down, relax, breathing deeply and consciously, noticing feelings and thoughts, and then letting them go - that's the best way to describe meditating.

To this Relaxation technique neither expertise nor prior knowledge is required to learn meditation. In principle, anyone can learn to meditate, regardless of age, gender or lifestyle.

Consciously focusing on the self causes the mind to calm down. Possible effects of meditating are:

  • Metabolism calms down
  • the blood pressure decreases
  • Stress is relieved
  • Ability to concentrate improves

Other positive effects attributed to meditation relate to emotional aspects, such as the reduction of negative emotions, as well as to cognitive features, for example Memory, attention and learning. In addition, it is known that meditating lifts the mood and improves the handling of emotions.

If you meditate regularly, you will more serene and can better deal with the challenges of everyday life. How to meditate? The mind exercises can be done almost anywhere, because there is no need for much preparation. The most important requirement is a quiet environment so that you can concentrate on yourself and let your thoughts flow.

how to meditate

How do I meditate correctly? 5 tips for beginners

Meditations are mental exercises, but they are not complicated. Is meditating difficult for beginners? In any case, a professional meditate guide that will show you the Getting started with meditation facilitates and supports you to bring body and mind in harmony, helpful.

Which meditation technique is most suitable depends on your expectations and goals. When meditating with children, it makes sense to integrate the exercises into everyday life in a playful way. To make learning to meditate easier for beginners, we've put together these five tips for you.

  1. Start with simple exercises.
  2. Set realistic goals.
  3. Use a mantra to meditate.
  4. Be patiently with you.
  5. Stay curious.

Meditating can be very exhausting at the beginning. The unaccustomed sitting still, the Concentration on breathing and noticing unpleasant thoughts take some getting used to. Do not put pressure on yourself. Don't expect quick effects. The mind needs some time to get used to meditating.

Find your own way

How to meditate? Start with simple exercises. Find your own way. Just because a particular meditation practice has worked for friends, colleagues, or neighbors doesn't mean it will work for you.

Use a mantra to meditate. It can be a syllable, a word or even a whole sentence that you say aloud before each exercise. Examples of a mantra suitable for meditation are: I am grateful, I feel pleasant calm around me, I now concentrate entirely on my thoughts.

Have patience while meditating

Be patiently with you. Meditating is similar to other things. It does not always work immediately. Quick feelings of success are rather unrealistic. Use digital support, for example Youtube for meditation. On the Internet you will find a variety of short or longer video instructions for beginners and advanced.

Meditating properly is not complicated if you know the exercises. Having a hard time concentrating because the TV is on next door? Ask for silence. Stay curious and motivated. You'll quickly learn what's important if you practice regularly and don't let minor setbacks put you off.

Learning to meditate simply explained

The Meditation is a relaxation technique aimed at bringing body and mind into harmony. The procedure consists of a series of mindfulness and concentration exercises.

It's about letting your thoughts run free and achieving a sense of inner peace and serenity through conscious concentration. This state is best described as thoughtless awareness. Your mind is awake while you meditate. However, your attention is focused inward.

Learn to meditate in 10 simple steps

Since meditating for beginners requires some practice, we have divided a meditation into ten simple steps. This guide should help you organize your mediation session so that you can concentrate on it in peace.

  1. Choose a quiet place.
  2. Assume a comfortable sitting position.
  3. Decide on a meditation technique.
  4. Use a meditation guide.
  5. Start with a short meditation.
  6. Take a break after each exercise.
  7. Pay attention to your breathing technique.
  8. Let your mind wander.
  9. End your meditation with relaxing thoughts.
  10. Set fixed times to meditate.

A quiet place is important so that you can relax. Choose a room in your home where you can practice undisturbed. Assume a comfortable sitting position. It doesn't matter whether you do your meditation exercises standing up, sitting down or in the yoga lotus position. Can I meditate lying down? Yes! But make sure that you lie comfortably.

Start with a short meditation

Decide on a specific meditation technique. Combining different techniques is possible in principle, but hardly recommended for beginners. Familiarize yourself with the exercises by using a meditation guide. Start with a short meditation.

Take a break after each meditation exercise. Let the exercise work on you. How do you feel? Are your thoughts clearer and are you more relaxed? Pay attention to your breathing technique. Breathe in and out deeply into your belly. Imagine that with each breath, negative emotions are escaping. Try to let go and let these thoughts go.

End your meditation with a positive visualization. Imagine that you are calm and relaxed. Set aside specific times for your mediation session. This way, the mental exercises become an integral part of your daily routine.

What happens when you meditate?

Why meditate? The meditation is a mental training. The purpose is to observe and direct the mind. This is also indicated by the official meditate meaning, which describes this state as "pondering".

Are there benefits to meditating? The benefits of meditation lie in recognizing our thought patterns and replacing unfavorable ways of thinking with positive ones. What happens during a meditation exercise and what are the benefits of meditating? The mind exercises reinforce positive feelings and help to achieve more serenity and Satisfaction to find.

Activate positive emotions

If you lets go of negative thoughtsyou activate positive emotions at the same time. In the context of a Long-term study it was found that meditation is suitable to improve physical and mental well-being. Focusing on your innermost self is an important step on the path to inner peace and balance. If you direct your attention to breathing, you will immediately feel that your breathing deepens and slows down. You become calmer and more relaxed.

Body and soul are closely connected. The meditation technique makes use of this scientific knowledge. Physical relaxation through deep breathing has positive effects on the psyche. The susceptibility to stress decreases and a pleasant feeling of inner contentment spreads. This in turn favors physical reactions.

Release tension

During a mental exercise, the heart beats more slowly, blood pressure drops and muscle tension decreases. At the same time, certain areas in the brain that positively influence our behavior are strengthened. This is the typical scenario of a relaxation response. In a state of deep calm, inner tensions and blockages are released from the nervous system, the mind becomes freer and clearer, the body relaxes and our behavior becomes more relaxed and natural.

Mental exercises such as meditation are suitable for changing the processing of stimuli in the nervous system. The mind can be trained just like a muscle. Regular meditation brings:

When and how often should I meditate?

How often to meditate? For your meditation to be effective, you should practice regularly. How long to meditate? The optimal meditation time depends on the type of meditation, because for each form of meditation (mindfulness meditation, Osho meditation, transcendental meditation) there is a certain minimum practice time. This practice time is necessary so that the desired effect is achieved through meditation.

If you feel that meditating is good for you, then do your exercises every day. When to meditate? Meditate in the morning to start the day actively and in the evening to free yourself from stress and relax. Take every opportunity in between to organize your thoughts and focus on your breathing. Meditating helps to process the events of the day.

Relaxation and stress relief

A short meditation lasts only five to 15 minutes. Short meditations are done primarily for relaxation and stress relief. Is there a quiet area at your workplace? Then meditate during your lunch break! If you want to change your thinking and feeling in the long term, you should plan more time for meditation. The full effect of meditation can only be achieved if it is performed regularly over a longer period of time.

Find out your preferences! If you prefer to meditate in the morning, just get up a little earlier and do a meditation exercise before you go to work. If you need time to relax after a hard day at work, then retreat after work and meditate!

How long and how often to meditate depends on your lifestyle and your experience with this relaxation technique. As a beginner you will need some Routine to achieve the desired effect. If you already have practice in meditation, you will reach the state of mental and physical relaxation more quickly.


Meditating helps to find inner peace and serenity. As a proven relaxation technique, meditation is known for its numerous positive effects on mind and body. What you can expect from meditating and how meditation helps you, you will learn at the Greator Meditation Challenge.

When meditating, you discover yourself, your thoughts and feelings. You perceive physical and mental processes in your body without judging them. As you embark on a mental journey, you learn to let go of negative emotions. Regular meditation improves your mood, makes your thinking clearer and improves your ability to concentrate!

with Dieter Lange

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Do you often feel stressed, disoriented and flooded with stimuli? Do you have the feeling that, despite success and recognition, you have lost the lightness of everyday life? Do you sometimes ask yourself: "Is that all there is?"
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