Changes in life: Use them to grow inside

Reading time 7 minutes

Change is part of life. Hardly anyone would dispute this fact. Nevertheless, many people find it difficult to accept unplanned changes or to implement desired changes. However, these changes offer undreamt-of opportunities that you should take advantage of. We show you how to deal with changes in your life in a positive way.

What are the changes in life?

An Change in life can be of a diverse nature. In general, life is in a constant state of change: Every year we grow older, learn from our mistakes or break away from old thought patterns. We meet new people or end friendships that no longer work. This process continues until the end of life and is therefore never over.

Basically, a distinction can be made between professional and private changes.

Professional life changes might look like the following, for example:

  • Termination of school
  • Starting or completing an apprenticeship
  • Change of apprenticeship
  • Job change in general
  • Change to a new department
  • Promotion
  • Advancement to a management position
  • Job loss
  • internal changes in processes (e.g. due to fluctuation)
  • Further training or retraining

In the private sphere, a change in life may be due to the following reasons:

  • Entering into or ending a partnership
  • Making or ending friendships
  • Strokes of fate (accident, deaths, illnesses)
  • Move
  • Birth of a child
  • Taking up a new hobby (e.g. sports)
  • Change of diet
  • Change of lifestyle in general (e.g. saving money, driving less, etc.)

Interesting to know: In 2011, a Statista survey determined which areas of their lives Germans would most like to change. Here, the profession is in first place. The complete result of the Survey you can find here.

Why are changes important?

A change in life can help you take on a new perspective. You leave your Comfort zone and gain new insights that let you grow internally. Without change, you would always remain mentally and emotionally at the same level. This is self-explanatory not desirable if you want to lead a self-determined and happy life.

As mentioned at the beginning, a change in life can also open up new opportunities for you. If everything stays the same, you avoid risks, but you also block the way to greater happiness and success. Every change is an opportunity to reshape your life. Gratefully accepting this option is more healing than mourning the old life.

A change can release blockages that you were not aware of before. This can be, for example, a job that has underchallenged you, or even the wrong friends. Sometimes you feel liberated after a change that initially caused you grief and discomfort. Most people have this experience several times in their lives.

create change in life

Why do we find changes in life so difficult?

A change in life is sometimes difficult to accept. This is especially true if the change was not desired. But even desired changes are often accompanied by discomfort or even fear. This is because our Habits give us a feeling of security. If the routine is broken, this first triggers confusion and uncertainty.

Furthermore, a change in life means leaving one's own comfort zone. Consequently, comfort is a thing of the past. If you are a achieve one's aim you have to be committed to it. It doesn't work any other way.

Example: You have resolved to live healthier and lose weight. The result may be desirable, but the changes required to achieve it, such as giving up chocolate or exercising after work, may not feel enriching at first. A change in life requires perseverance. It takes about 6 weeks to establish a new routine.

The human mind is programmed for convenience and security

We hold that even if you desire a certain change in life, the human mind is programmed for comfort and security. Everything that is new means a potential risk, which we instinctively like to avoid. Even when we're not happy, we cling to perceived certainties. This makes it so difficult to accept or implement change.

This is a shame, because often the actual risks are minimal and the expense is not as significant as feared. Here it helps to check the truth of your Fears rationally: What is the worst that could happen if you commit to the change? Most of the time, you find that there are no negative consequences.

What are the types of changes in life?

A change in life can be planned for a long time. Sometimes, however, it can overtake you out of nowhere. In both cases, the effects can be both positive and negative. Let's take a closer look at the differences and opportunities of planned and unplanned changes.

Conscious / planned change

A planned change in your life is predominantly a goal that you have set yourself. This can relate to both professional and private matters. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to put planned changes into practice. This is due to the frequently cited one's weaker self. Even planned changes ultimately mean leaving your comfort zone.

At first glance, it may seem that planned changes are always positive in nature. However, this is not necessarily the case. Painful decisions such as deliberately leaving a partner or ending a friendship are also among them.

As you can see, even a planned change takes effort. However, it is worthwhile to continuously pursue the goal. Even if it is uncomfortable or even painful at first, you will come out of the situation stronger. Until a change feels good, it sometimes takes a little time.

Unplanned changes

An unplanned change can, but does not necessarily have to be negative in nature. Sometimes it opens up unimagined opportunities that you would never have taken otherwise. A good example of an unplanned change in life is losing a job.

This change may seem negative at first. However, it gives you the opportunity for self-development that you never had before. You now have the opportunity to look inside yourself and answer the question of what you always wanted to do. Have you been happy in your old line of work? If not, it's never too late to make a fresh start.

Unplanned changes force you to rethink. You need to restructure your life. You should use this opportunity to clean up your life in the truest sense of the word. This way you can emerge from crises stronger.

5 tips to master changes in life

You now know why a change in life can be difficult, even if it is basically desired. Therefore, we would now like to give you 5 tips on how you can better master change in the future:

1. take small steps

Sometimes change seems like a huge mountain that you can't conquer. This idea can prevent you from taking active action. Therefore, you should divide a big change into several steps. For example, instead of setting a goal of losing 50 kilos, you should set a realistic weekly goal of 1 to 2 kilos.

If it is an unwanted change in your life, it is also advisable to take small steps to accept the new situation. Do not expect too much from yourself and do not put yourself under pressure. Deal with the change and think about how you can deal with it productively. It is helpful to write down the individual steps and thoughts.

2. seek support

Seek contact with people who have already achieved the goal you are still working toward. A mentor can encourage you in your desired change in life or, in the event of a stroke of fate, help you cope better with your changed circumstances. Your mentor can be an external person or a person from your immediate environment.

3. for a change in life: Become aware of the consequences of your lethargy

If you don't take action, nothing will change in your life. Be aware of how unhappy in the long term if you don't change anything about your current situation out of comfort or fear. You can be more negative about this emotions or even use shock images. A change needs Motivation. This can also be of a cautionary nature.

Let's assume you want to consume less meat, but you find it incredibly difficult to do without. In this case, a documentary about factory farming can work wonders. You want to start Stop smoking? Then inform yourself about the health consequences and take a closer look at the pictures on the cigarette packs.

4. check your environment

It is not uncommon for one's usual environment to hold one captive in lethargy. This can be the workplace, the partner or the family. Don't worry: You don't have to immediately break off contact with people who are critical of your desired change. However, it is important that you make it clear that you will not let them stop you from achieving your goals.

Do not ask permission or make big announcements, but act. Of course, this only applies to projects in which no one is harmed. You may find a mentor or even several supporters in your environment who will accompany you benevolently on your way.

5. use the right moment

In order to implement a desired change in life, it is important to wait for the right moment. Whether a new project can be successfully put into practice depends to a large extent on the current circumstances. Everyone knows the good resolutions at the beginning of the year, which are usually forgotten after a few weeks. This is because this arbitrary point in time was not optimal.

Most of the time, people then reflect and discuss why you broke your resolution. Certainly, it can't hurt to identify the reasons in order to do better next time. However, if you remain passive afterwards, nothing will continue to change.

There is always a turning point. This is the moment of decision. Provided you feel strong and confident, you should seize the moment to take action instead of waiting any longer. ponder.

You want a change in your life? This is how you find the beginning!

All beginnings are difficult. This is especially true for changes in life. It can help to make a concrete time schedule. Define the change exactly and determine concrete subgoals. Set yourself a time limit by when you want to have implemented them. Treat this workout like a binding contract with yourself. There are no excuses.

Sometimes impulses from outside are necessary to achieve a change. If you cannot find a suitable mentor in your environment, a professional mentor can help. Coaching useful be

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