No one is spared the pain of separation. Almost everyone experiences a separation in the course of their life. In Germany, the divorce rate in 2019 was around 35.8 percent. In 2005 it was even 51,92%.
Overcoming the pain of separation takes one thing above all: time. It is a psychological wound that needs time to heal. Nevertheless, you can actively contribute to overcoming the pain more quickly. Or at least that day by day you can Feeling to be able to breathe better.
The separation from a loved one is one of the most drastic experiences in life. I'm sure you still remember vividly your very first Heartbreak and/or your first breakup. But you may also be in this situation for the first time. Either way, the pain cannot be avoided. To overcome it, you have to live through it.
But why do we suffer so much when we break up? This has to do with a number of factors. When a loved one leaves us, our entire world view is shaken. A break-up means so much more than the mere loss of a partnership. All the dreams and plans for the future that we attached to the person in question Relationship suddenly go up in smoke.
And also our image of a relationship - depending on how you got it from your parents - is shaken. Or you can hardly detach yourself from the idea and the desire to no longer be able to spend your future with this person.
But it's not just the future that is suddenly uncertain: your everyday life is also changing. People tend to get used to Habits and routines to cling to. This gives us security. The Business Psychology Society has published a report on this topic. interesting contribution published.
The desire for Routine extends to all areas of life, including relationships. After a separation, the usual routines are disrupted. This can lead to Uncertainty and deep despair. You literally feel as if your (mental) survival is threatened.
The fear of this feeling alone is often so immense that many people prefer to remain in a partnership that no longer works than to separate. By the way, it makes no difference whether your partner has separated from you or whether you have initiated the separation: The pain is usually the same.
However, the person who made the decision has a small advantage. By being active, one feels less like a victim. The partner who was surprised by the breakup usually has to struggle longer. Not least because the thought of a breakup often doesn't mature overnight. After all, it's usually a gradual process. Maybe you know this - you've noticed the first signs months before, but haven't really admitted them yet, Yet the feeling remains in you that tells you: "Something's wrong here, something's changed."
The duration of the pain of separation varies greatly from person to person and depends on various factors, such as the depth of the bond, the circumstances of the separation and personal resilience. Some experts compare the stages of breakup pain to those of grief, meaning that the healing process takes time and is not linear. It is important to give yourself compassion and time to go through this process and to seek professional support if needed.
The pain of separation is comparable to the grief one feels after the death of a loved one. Surely you have heard of the 5 stages of grief according to Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. These can also be applied to the end of a relationship.
In the first phase after the break-up, you don't want to admit what has happened. You desperately cling to the idea that it was a big break-up. Misunderstanding acts. You deny to yourself the fact that your partner will never return. This is a reflex-like protective mechanism of your soul to keep the pain away.
The denial phase can be expressed in two ways. How you behave depends on your personal mentality. Some people fall into blind actionism and try to win back the partner. The fact that the person no longer wants to be with you is ignored.
However, the opposite can also occur: Some people pretend that they have the Separation does not mind at all. However, this is also just a protective mechanism to avoid admitting the pain of separation. It is vehemently denied that there has been a painful loss.
The denial stage is over. You've faced the facts. Now the anger is flaring up in your soul. You are angry at your partner who did this to you. But you may also be angry at yourself or at those around you who are making things worse with well-meaning advice.
Anger is an essential part of the processing process. So don't suppress it! Allow yourself to scream loudly or punch a pillow. Also Sports can serve as an outlet. Anger helps you to wake up from your torpor.
What would have happened if ...? This question is typical for the negotiation phase. You try to find answers as to why all this could have happened. You play through different scenarios in your head: What would have happened if you had behaved differently in certain situations?
You are still struggling with the breakup and trying to find ways to ease the pain of separation. Some people are now inclined to act rashly. For example, quite a few rush into a new relationship, although they are not yet ready for it. Some also change their environment (circle of friends, change of job, move).
The desire to somehow find a way out is immense. Lazy compromises or escape attempts, however, do not lead to the goal. As soon as you realize this, the fourth phase of grief begins: depression.
All attempts to stave off the pain of separation have been in vain. You realize with all clarity that your relationship is over and there is no way to change it. This realization triggers deep sadness. Maybe you even put the meaning of life in question. Life without your partner seems unimaginable. You are plagued by doubts and Fears of the future plagued. Possibly also play failure and Guilt a role.
The undoubtedly painful phase of depression must be lived through in order to finally be able to look forward again. If you try to skip this phase, you will remain in deep sadness all the longer. Allow your pain, acknowledge it and accept him. It is okay to grieve after the loss of a loved one.
With the term Acceptance many people find this difficult. Acceptance is often mistakenly equated with resignation. However, this is by no means the case. Rather, accepting the end of a partnership means accepting the Past to let go and make inner peace with the separation. It will never be the same again - and from this point on, you will be able to deal with it.
Because behind every breakup, there may also be a wonderful new beginning. For you. That you may now put yourself first. And it can also be the chance to finally attract the perfect partnership into your life that you have always wanted.
You no longer fight the facts or waste your energy trying to win back your partner. Instead, you are now devoting yourself more to your own Needs. So slowly you open up to new life themes. Some people now enjoy their single life. Others are gradually ready for a new partnership.
The grieving process is rarely linear. It is common for the stages of grief to overlap or for you to fall back into the previous stage of grief after a period of subjective improvement. This is perfectly normal. For this reason, it is not possible to give a time indication as to which phase lasts how long.
There is an old saying that once all celebrations must pass before the pain of separation subsides. The first Christmas without your partner, the birthday, your anniversary or wedding anniversary, the holiday season, etc..
Accordingly, the acute mourning period lasts on average one year. In individual cases, however, the period can be longer or shorter. Coming to terms with the end of a long-term marriage usually takes longer than coming to terms with a holiday fling or a brief affair. And even more so if there are still children involved.
As hard as it may sound, you have to go through the pain of breaking up to get through it. The following 5 tips can help you make the grieving process more bearable.
After a separation, the emotions high. As we have already discussed, it is extremely counterproductive to keep your Suppressing feelings. This only leads to them breaking out uncontrollably at some point. Short-circuit reactions often cause a lot of damage. To avoid this, you should find an outlet to express your feelings.
Enclosed are some examples:
Writing: Short stories, poetry, journaling - whatever you want. When you put your emotions on paper, they lose their power. Another proven method is to write a letter to your ex-partner and then symbolically burn it.
Cooking and baking: a rather unknown outlet. However, there are some people who can best unwind at the stove. There is something very meditative about kneading dough and arranging cookies on the baking tray. Your troubled thoughts come to rest.
Sport: The best-known outlet par excellence. To let off steam physically has a very liberating effect.
You don't have to go through the pain alone. Talk to someone you can confide in, like your best friend, your sister, or your mom. Sometimes just talking to someone who understands and listens to you helps. Also, words of encouragement from loved ones are a balm for the soul.
This tip is especially important when the breakup is still fresh. The sight of all the things that remind you of the (happy) times with your ex-partner, tear your wounds open again and again. This way you won't get any emotional distance.
The motto is therefore: Get rid of it! Pack all photos, gifts & Co. in a box and store them in the basement or attic. Also avoid visiting places where you have been with your ex-partner. The same goes for your favourite films and music.
In addition to the excruciating pain of separation, the end of a relationship often triggers Self-doubt off. Was it me? Am I not good enough? Stop. Detach yourself from this emotional self-defeat. Instead, start with loving self-care. Especially when the soul is suffering, you should do good to yourself.
And if these thoughts do come up again and again, then question them honest! Is that really true? How long have you believed that? Was there perhaps a situation in your early childhood where you heard something similar from your own? The origin of this thought may lie a long way back - and is now being thrown back in front of you so that you can take a conscious look. Now you can make a new decision: Do you want to continue to believe the old thought or is it time for a new one? positive belief?!
Separations are a part of life. The fact that a person has separated from you puts your Self-worth not in question. Take time for things that do you good. This already starts with small things. Prepare your favorite meal, read a good book or take a long bubble bath.
There will be good days and bad days: That's completely normal. So don't be angry with yourself if you're sagging again after a good phase and are worried about the broken relationship. weep. The grieving process is full of highs and lows connected. It takes time for the soul to heal. Don't put yourself under pressure! You'll do the opposite. It's okay to have a bad day.
A forum for separation pain offers a space for exchange and support for people who find themselves in the difficult phase of a separation. In such forums, those affected can share their experiences, get advice from others who have been through similar situations and learn strategies for coping with the pain. Community support helps to overcome feelings of isolation and take positive steps towards healing.
A break-up can be painful, but it also opens the door to personal growth and new opportunities. It's a chance to get to know yourself better, become more independent and learn what you really want from a relationship. This process can lead to becoming stronger, more confident and ultimately ready for a healthier and happier relationship in the future.
In order to overcome the pain of separation, the willingness to personal development plays a decisive role. If you stay in one place forever, you won't get rid of the pain. Replace your sadness with Productivity. Examine your personality structures and find out why things went differently in the past than you would have liked.
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