Self-esteem - can you value yourself?

Reading time 7 minutes

Do you sometimes dislike yourself? Do you often compare yourself with others and feel like a failure? Then you probably lack the self-esteem that is so important to be happy and successful in life.

People with a low Self-esteem it is difficult to accept and respect yourself. Your perception of yourself has an enormous impact on your professional and private life. Relationships.

A wise saying goes, "You cannot love another person unless you first learn to love yourself." Self-love and self-respect have nothing to do with egoism, but are an expression of healthy self-esteem. You can learn to respect yourself and to accept yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses. In this article you will learn how to develop a positive self-esteem.

Self-esteem definition: what does it mean?

What is self-respect? Self-esteem is often referred to as self-respect. The official definition is that self-respect is the Appreciation of one's own person. Often this term is also called self-love, Self-confidence, self-esteem, self-esteem or self-assessment described. Often values such as pride, self-esteem and self-confidence are compared or confused with each other. Broadly speaking, it is about respecting ourselves, being mindful of ourselves and, above all, accepting ourselves as we really are.

Valuing oneself and accepting oneself is by no means arrogant or egotistical. On the contrary, we are only able to deal confidently with our weaknesses and recognize our own mistakes if we fundamentally accept and respect ourselves. However, if the necessary self-respect is lacking, this can lead to us Inferiority complexes and feel weak and imperfect and constantly compare ourselves to others.

Self-esteem is important for achieving goals in life, making friends, and having stable relationships. One of the essential prerequisites for accepting oneself is a benevolent appreciation of oneself. Lack of self-esteem, on the other hand, usually leads to self-rejection. If you consciously or unconsciously reject yourself, you will probably constantly wonder what others think about you. You'll feel deprived and, as a result, have little success in personal or professional projects. Lack of self-esteem is detrimental to our mental and physical well-being.

So you'll finally become really self-confident
In just an hour and a half, learn how to improve your self-esteem through a proven coaching method.

The most common causes of low self-esteem

The causes of low self-esteem lie predominantly in childhood. Experiences and experiences in the parental home, which we make in the first seven years of life, shape us for the whole life. Other reasons that can lead to a lack of self-esteem are:

  • Too little parental care
  • Loneliness
  • Strict education
  • reprimands and punishments
  • Problematic parent-child relationship
  • neglect or experience of violence

Parents are the most important caregivers for their children. With their Educational style our parents can also influence our self-esteem. For example, an extremely strict upbringing with frequent punitive measures leads to us having an unfavorable self-image of ourselves. It is difficult to learn self-esteem when you are reprimanded and punished in childhood for every little mistake.

Negative experiences in early childhood are a major source of lack of self-esteem. If the parent-child relationship is unstable, no real attachment develops and it is difficult for those affected to form reliable relationships later in adulthood. Children who have been criticized too often and praised too little usually have low self-esteem.

Other possible reasons for a lack of self-esteem are neglect, maltreatment as well as sexual abuse both in childhood and in the partnership. The feeling of being loved unconditionally by parents, even if one makes mistakes, is one of the most important prerequisites for developing a healthy self-esteem. Positive esteem helps with the Personality Development. What is there besides self-esteem? Well, self-esteem depends on your personal opinion that you have about yourself.

Learn self-respect

Can self-respect be learned?

Self-acceptance learning is possible in every phase of life. However, it is not quite easy to find the "inner critics" who is always trying to convince us that we don't meet the standards of others, to silence. Do you have low self-esteem? Find out for yourself and answer the following questions spontaneously and honestly!

  • One, do you feel inferior?
  • 2. do you tend to think negatively about yourself?
  • 3. are you generally satisfied with your performance dissatisfied?
  • 4. do you ever feel useless?
  • 5. do you often think that you are worth nothing?
  • 6. would you like to have more self-respect?

If you answered "yes" to one or more of these questions, you probably lack the self-esteem you need to achieve your goals in life and be happy!

How do you recognize people with low self-esteem?

You can recognize people with low self-esteem by their behavior. Typical behavior patterns that indicate a lack of self-esteem are:

  • Courting attention
  • Jealousy and envy
  • take criticism as a personal attack
  • Avoid decisions

Courting attention

Often people whose self-esteem is low are addicted to attention. They constantly want to be the center of attention because they think that otherwise they will not be noticed. With this behavior they are away from the true Self-confidence but far from it.

Jealousy and envy

Resentment and envy indicate a lack of self-respect. Those who cannot love and respect themselves are not in a position to grant other people their successes or to rejoice with them over them.

take criticism as a personal attack

Criticism is important and necessary to avoid mistakes and to improve things. People who cannot accept criticism and regard every critical remark as a personal attack usually have little self-respect.

Avoid decisions

Making decisions means taking responsibility. With a lack of self-confidence, important decisions are often postponed or avoided because one is Fear has to make mistakes or decide wrongly. In management and coaching, decisiveness is especially important. Appreciative self-esteem and self-reflection helps you to objectively assess a situation and make the right decision to be made.

10 tips to boost your self-esteem

How do I get my self-esteem back, you're probably asking yourself right now? Boosting your self-esteem is the first step to becoming more confident and self-assured. It is important to realize that the inner voice that seems to constantly criticize us has no influence on our lives. At the latest in adulthood, we decide for ourselves what is good for us. The following tips should help you to strengthen your self-esteem.

  • 1. treat yourself lovingly
  • 2. be lenient with yourself and accept your weaknesses
  • 3. make a list of your positive qualities
  • 4. keep a positive diary
  • 5. learn to say no
  • 6. Think positive
  • 7. focus on your opportunities and not on problems
  • 8. be happy about compliments
  • 9. stop negative thoughts
  • 10. set realistic goals and reward yourself for success

Have you ever asked yourself: How do I get more self-esteem? Even self-confident people have difficulty appreciating themselves from time to time. To improve your self-esteem, you should be loving to yourself. Be good to yourself and treat yourself the way you would treat your very best friend when she needs your help and support. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Recognizing this is the most important step towards self-esteem.

Reinforce your positive qualities

Make a list of all your positive qualities. You may find it difficult to identify your assets at first. Take some time to reflect so that you become aware of the valuable qualities that make you unique.

A proven method for strengthening self-esteem is to keep a positive diary. In this chronicle you write down all the positive events that you have experienced during the day. You will be amazed at how extensive the documentation will be after just a few days! To consolidate the new, positive thoughts, we recommend this beautiful meditation on the subject of Self-love and strong self-confidence.

Learn to say no when you feel taken advantage of and everything becomes too much for you. Self-esteem also means knowing your limits and not overextending yourself. Thinking positively will get you further in life! Banish negative thoughts and try to focus on beautiful experiences when your inner voice suggests failure once again.

Focus on your opportunities and not on problems. Remember that there is a solution to every problem. Be happy about the compliments you receive from others. Forget the negative Thought carousel and self-deprecating psychology if you want to improve your self-esteem. Set yourself realistic goals and reward yourself for success every time!

Improve self-acceptance

These 8 sayings will improve your self-acceptance

Self-acceptance is the basic prerequisite for more self-esteem. Silence your inner critic with a casual saying. This will make you feel better and you will go through life more confident and upbeat. The following eight8 sayings should serve you as Inspiration serve to improve your self-acceptance in the long term:

  • 1. this is the quality I like most about myself
  • 2. i am right the way i am
  • Three, nobody's perfect. Not even me. But I am really good!
  • 4. I believe in myself and my abilities
  • 5. to err is human
  • 6. positive thoughts are like a bridge leading to the future
  • 7. life has many good things to offer me
  • 8. I am enthusiastic about myself

Self-esteem exercise

Self-esteem can be learned. There are some effective exercises that can lay the foundation for more self-esteem. If you can accept and appreciate yourself, you will have more confidence in yourself and be more confident in your personal and professional life. With the following Exercise you can strengthen your self-acceptance and improve your self-esteem:

Take responsibility and learn to consciously Making decisions. By taking on small responsible tasks, you prove to yourself and others that you can deliver and have the Assume responsibility can. At the same time you overcome your fear of failure and the unknown. Just dare and take on small tasks at work, at home, in your sports group or in your free time that require responsible action. These tasks can be, for example:

  • Fix something around the house
  • Trying out a new recipe
  • Sign up for a professional project that requires expertise
  • Prepare a meeting independently
  • In front of the workforce a Speech

Good self respecting examples too:

  • Don't try to please everybody
  • Know your values
  • Always speak positively about yourself
  • Pursue your goals consistently
  • Trust your self-perception

What next?

Strengthen your self-acceptance and accept our self-confidence webinar part. Here you will learn from our Greator coach trainers Walter and Christina Hommelsheim how sustainable change works. Because Potential in people we can develop by combining neuroscience and economics. This normative method is easy to learn and comprehensive. With coaching, you can later apply it in a variety of situations and help your participants build more self-confidence.


So you finally become really self-confident

In just one and a half hours, learn how to improve your self-esteem through a simple coaching method.
approx. 60 minutes
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