Youth coaching: a valuable support for adolescents

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Adolescence is a turbulent time when young people are confronted with a variety of challenges. Stress at school, disagreements with parents, and the first heartbreak are just a few examples. According to RKI the stress load increases significantly in adolescence compared to childhood. As a parent, it is not uncommon to be somewhat overwhelmed by the complexity of the problems. Quite a few adolescents even resist parental support. In this case, youth coaching can be useful.

What is youth coaching?

The aim of youth coaching is to provide positive support for children and young people on their path through life. In this context, the promotion of the Motivation to learn a decisive role. The youth coach helps his protégés to develop their Potential and to use them for their own benefit. In this way, the young person paves the way for a successful future.

However, school is not the only focus of youth coaching. In principle, all topics that occupy or burden the young person can be worked on. This can include, for example, difficulties in the social sphere or the strengthening of the Self-esteem include. In particular introvert Young people who do not have much confidence in themselves benefit enormously from youth coaching.

Coaching can take place individually or in a group. However, individual coaching sessions are often more effective. It is difficult to estimate in advance how many sessions are necessary. This depends on the individual problem. The coaching methods that are used should be tailored exactly to the Needs and the developmental stage of the young person.

children and youth coaching

8 tips for successful youth coaching

In order for youth coaching to lead to the desired success, some important requirements must be met. These include:

1. voluntariness

Voluntariness is the basis for the success of youth coaching. So don't force your child at all if he or she doesn't feel ready for it! It makes sense to make the coaching offer as informal as possible. Arrange a trial session first. Afterwards, the young person is free to decide whether he or she wants to be coached. The less pressure you exert in advance, the better!

2. the chemistry must be right

For coach and client to work together successfully, the interpersonal chemistry must be right. This is another reason why a non-binding meeting to get to know each other is indispensable. Should your Child basically be open to the offer of help, but it just doesn't harmonize between him and the coach, then look around for another provider.

3. implementation of individual concepts

Every person is individual. Therefore, the coaching concept must be tailored exactly to the needs of your child. Experienced youth coaches can accurately assess the mentality of their clients and know which Methods they best address.

4. involvement of the environment

A youth coach is not there to take over the parenting work from you and to make a supposedly difficult teenager agreeable again. The cooperation of parents is essential for successful coaching. Changes in daily structure may be necessary that require your assistance. Do not boycott the coach's efforts.

5. appreciation

A good youth coach believes in his client's potential. There are no hopeless cases. Every youth is treated equally with respect. The focus is always on the problems, not the behavior. The coach takes his protégé's concerns and arguments seriously. He does not impose views, but encourages him to look for solutions together.

6. encouragement

Many young people who have a Coaching suffer from low self-esteem. It is therefore all the more important that the coach believes in his client and clearly signals this to him. This applies regardless of what difficulties the young person has.

7. regular reflection

Sometimes the real causes of the young person's difficulties only emerge after a few sessions. Therefore, it is important to regularly reflect on the joint work: Are the methods used still correct or is it perhaps necessary to adapt the strategies?

8. coaching is help for self-help

Some young people believe that they (have to) do coaching because there is something wrong with them. However, a good coach knows how to quickly clear up this fatal error. Instead, it is important that the young person experiences how he or she can gradually apply the self-developed (!) problem-solving strategies in everyday life. This experience strengthens the Self-confidence.

When is the right time for youth coaching?

As already mentioned, the basic prerequisite for successful youth coaching is that the young person is able to engage with the support. If this is the case, the timing is right in any case.

However, not always such a clear communication possible. Therefore, we have summarized further signs for you. If your child shows the following behaviors, you may want to consider youth coaching:

  • Your child is suffering noticeably from pressure to perform.
  • It is difficult to concentrate.
  • The offspring is very sensitive and can be unsettled by even small things.
  • Your child withdraws more and more into his own world.
  • It appears to be over- or under-utilized.
  • Your child suffers from self-doubt.

5 steps to the successful implementation of youth coaching

Youth coaching works differently than coaching with adults. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that adolescents have completely different needs and deal with different problems.

Step 1: The analysis of the individual situation

Every coaching session begins with an analysis of the current problem. Here, the young person is allowed to talk freely about what is bothering him or her. Parents should also be involved in the process.

Step 2: Building trust in youth coaching

For coaching to be successful, a relationship of trust must develop between coach and client. This grows over time, so that sometimes it is only after a few sessions that it becomes clear where the actual problem lies. In order for the desired relationship of trust to develop, the youth coach must always treat his or her client with respect and Appreciation meet

Step 3: The right methods

Each teen is individual and therefore it is impossible to make a blanket statement about what coaching methods might be used with your child. There are several proven techniques, ranging from reflection work, role-playing to relaxation techniques. The one-on-one conversation also plays a crucial role.

Step 4: Reflect on initial successes

After a few coaching sessions, it makes sense to take stock of the situation and make any necessary adjustments. An experienced coach can tell from the young person's behavior and comments whether he or she is already feeling relief. Of course, the client should and may also express whether he or she finds the coaching helpful.

Step 5: Self-efficacy in everyday life

Gradually, the young person should apply the techniques learned in his or her everyday life. Experiencing that crisis situations can be overcome by one's own efforts is a great experience for young people. At this point, it is useful to keep a success diary: What situations that used to overwhelmed could I now cope with as a result of the coaching?

Youth coaching and learning coaching - How can they work together?

Youth coaching and learning coaching often go hand in hand. After all, school plays a central role in the lives of adolescents. If there are difficulties in any area of life, school and learning also suffer. Not infrequently, the core problem even lies in the school environment.

An Learning Coach regards each child as an individual and helps them to develop their personal strengths. Through this, the child regains his or her natural joy of learning and also learns to cope better with pressure to perform. Parents can also contribute to the Greator Learning coach have trained.

coaching youth work

How do you find the right youth coach for your child?

The first place to look for a youth coach for your child is certainly the Internet. There you will find numerous addresses. However, since the term coach is not a protected job title, you should carefully check the references of the individual providers. Reputable (youth) coaches provide transparent information about the costs involved and also offer a free introductory meeting.

But maybe there is someone in your circle of acquaintances who can recommend a youth coach to you? Since coaching is becoming more and more popular, this is certainly possible. Don't be afraid to make the appropriate inquiries.

Youth coaching: the path to self-confidence and success for young people

Youth coaching can effectively support your child on his personal path. They become aware of their strengths and learn helpful strategies to solve problems in everyday life and at school. self-effective to solve.

Youth coaching is suitable in almost all problem situations that young people are confronted with while growing up. However, the most important prerequisite for coaching to be successful is voluntariness. Therefore, you should never force the offer of help on your child!


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