Learning is a process that by no means ends after school or graduation. We learn throughout our lives and can benefit from the constantly new knowledge we gain. While learning is literally easy for some people, for others it means a great deal of effort. In the following, we would therefore like to introduce you to the most proven learning strategies in order to answer the question "What is the best way to learn".
Maybe you know it: You read through a book page or a technical article and afterwards you don't remember what was there. If the knowledge doesn't stick, the learning time just exhausts you mentally without having a positive effect. That's why it's even more important that you acquire suitable methods and strategies.
At this point it is important to mention that there are various Learning types there. The strategy that works for your friend does not necessarily lead to success for you. Therefore, the first step is to find out which of the four learning types you correspond to.
Whether or not you are interested in the subject matter has a significant impact on how easy or difficult it is for you to learn. Topics that you find tough and useless will probably involve more effort than topics that you are passionate about. The key word is motivation.
Find motivation to learn is much easier if the subject matter captivates and excites you. In practice, of course, this cannot always be guaranteed. But what can you do to learn effectively even if you find the material dry?
In this case, it can help to pick out interesting aspects or build mnemonic bridges to relate to a personal area of interest. Often also joint learning help to increase motivation.
What is the best way to learn? We have already discussed the basics. Now we would like to give you five proven and easy to implement Learning tips that support successful learning.
Multitasking may sometimes come in handy in everyday life, but it tends to be a hindrance when it comes to learning. Otherwise, you might retain fragments of different topics in your head, but not really master any of them. Being able to do just a little bit of everything is of course not ideal for an exam. This brings us to the second tip on the topic of "How do you learn best?
In order to be able to learn as effectively as possible, you should create a structure for yourself in terms of time and content. Otherwise you run the risk of getting bogged down. Prioritize your learning material: When is which exam coming up and what do you need to learn first? Also make sure that you have a sufficient time buffer. If you start studying too late, you will cause yourself avoidable stress.
Are you an early riser or a night owl? It is recommended that you study according to your biorhythm. Use the times of day for exam preparation when you feel fit and rested. The same applies to children. Some need a break after school, while others prefer to take advantage of the work flow they are still in.
Did you know that adults can concentrate consistently for a maximum of 90 minutes at a time? After that, concentration drops continuously, so that careless mistakes creep in. For children, the period of maximum concentration is even shorter.
For effective Learning success it is advisable not to use your maximum concentration span to the full. Depending on how you feel, take a short break after 60 minutes at the latest to get up, move around or make yourself a coffee. You will see that even a short break helps you to get fresh energy and motivation.
Do you often find yourself looking at your cell phone, checking your email, or even "just browsing" social media while you're studying? You should avoid these habits at all costs, as they weaken your concentration. At best, switch your cell phone to airplane mode. Also, ask your partner or family to be considerate and quiet if you don't live alone.
Your learning project will be easier if you are mentally focused on your goal. This means that you know exactly what you want to achieve in which period of time. As already mentioned, it is important that you create a structure for yourself in terms of content and time in order to maintain an overview. In addition, always keep in mind for which goal you are taking on the learning effort.
As far as concentration is concerned, there are many ways to increase it. An overview of proven concentration tips can be found here here. These are suitable not only for children, but also applicable to adults.
So that you successful To be able to learn, the learning environment must be optimal. Find a quiet place where you feel comfortable. You should not be disturbed by street noise or a droning television. It is also important that the environment is as tidy as possible. There is an old saying that tidiness in the environment creates tidiness in the mind.
A regular study rhythm can also help you learn effectively. Integrate your study time as a binding appointment in your daily routine. That way, there are no excuses and you can plan your other commitments accordingly.
What is the best way to learn? An important keyword is: constant repetition. By going over the material several times, it reliably stays in your mind. Memory stick. With each repetition, you will also memorize new aspects that you have forgotten during the previous rounds.
However, it is important that you do not read the material umpteen times in a row, but with a certain time interval. If you try to force a topic into your head, your concentration will suffer and you will achieve the opposite. A good learning rhythm would be, for example, if you practice the subject matter once in the morning, once in the afternoon and once before going to bed.
What is the best way to learn? In this context, an overview of the most proven learning strategies and techniques should not be missing. In the following, we would like to present you with an overview:
What is the best way to learn? As you now know, several factors play a role here. In addition to a suitable learning technique that corresponds to your individual learning type, the most important factors are an undisturbed learning environment as well as your motivation and concentration. In addition, it is helpful to train your own memory in a targeted manner.
Do you want to learn more successfully and improve your memory performance? Then we would like to offer you our free Masterclass Memory Training in which you will learn the tricks and techniques of the most famous memory world champion Markus Hofmann. In this way, you will be able to reduce your learning time by 50 % to 70 %.
No matter whether you just want to remember names and facts better or learn for an important exam: In our Masterclass you will not only learn how to learn faster and more effectively, but also how to retain the content in your memory in the long term.