The question: "Who am I actually?" is asked by every person at least once in their life. With the development of identity from early childhood on, awareness of one's own possibilities and goals emerges.
Finding an identity is connected with self-knowledge and self-awareness. The first step is to recognize who you really are. We have an ambivalent relationship with our identity. Although it constitutes us, we can never be sure what it is.
The identity definition describes that it is our ego consciousness. Becoming aware of our own ego identity makes us individuals.
What is my identity? It arises from your biographical development and is made up of several elements. Social background, ethnicity and group membership have an influence on identity. In addition, age, gender, and personal competencies and characteristics also play a role in identity development.
Every person has a core identity. This is the sense of who you are and how you behave as a result. Identity constitution is based on self-reflection combined with feedback from the social environment.
The sense of identity is unconscious. Maybe you don't perceive it. What makes you unique? Or do you want to reveal too much of your identity?
When making decisions, a strong sense of self is advantageous. A strong sense of self will take you further in life and closer to your goals. When you know who you are and what you want, you make the right decisions. You live authentically.
Your self-image is based on your social conditioning in childhood. Your personal identity is formed in response to your life experiences. This development is a lifelong process.
You go through many phases in your life. You experience crises and challenges. At the same time, you have positive experiences in life and continue to develop.
Do you know your true identity? In psychology, the 5 pillars of identity are described as follows:
Follow these five steps and learn to understand your identity. By physicality, we mean physical vitality, mental health, and emotional well-being. Are you living in harmony with yourself? Or are there problems on the physical or mental level?
Social relationships are the second pillar of your identity. Do you have good friends you can count on? What is your relationship with your parents like? Is your partnership happy or are you more of a loner?
Work and performance have a great influence on identity. What skills and competencies do you bring to the table? How important is recognition for you? Are you striving for your great career?
For many people, material security is the most important thing in life. What are your ideas? A regular income or interesting development opportunities without financial security? Are you willing to take risks to achieve financial goals?
Values and ideals can change throughout life. Evaluate your values. Are they still relevant today? What do you really want? Finding your own identity requires self-reflection and self-knowledge.
What is the difference between identity and personality? Personality is characterized by individual traits, characteristics and behaviors. Your identity is created through knowledge about your own person. Self-perception and external perception influence the formation of a personal identity.
Do you want to understand your behavior and advance your personal development? Then take a scientifically based Personality Test. Answer the questions to find out your strengths and weaknesses and get to know yourself better.
What is a personality test? What insights does the testing process provide? Can it reveal your true identity? Personality tests are used in clinical psychology as well as in personnel selection.
Our personality test is free of charge and based on the scientific findings of the DiSG personality model.
The DISG model defines four behavioral styles:
Through the test procedure, the predominant behavioral style of the personality type can be determined. The goal is to get to know and understand your own behavior. This will bring you closer to your identity. You find your true self with intuition and self-reflection.
An Identity crisis is a deep emotional insecurity. It is comparable to an existential threat. The crisis usually develops as a result of serious events or changes in life.
How does it feel to be thrown mentally into the unknown by an identity crisis? Psychological disorientation can manifest itself in mood swings, depression and sleep disturbances. Physical symptoms such as stomach aches, circulatory problems and muscle tension often occur at the same time.
Everyone goes through times of crisis in life. An identity crisis should not frighten you. The crisis is an indication that something is not running smoothly and important decisions are pending. Difficult phases are necessary for building your own identity. You make experiences and learn from them.
An identity crisis can occur at any age, regardless of life circumstances. Crucial to coping is a stable sense of self-worth. Connect with your identity. What life events have changed you?
What gives you stability in life? Are harmonious relationships, family and friends important to you? Would you like to have a career but don't see any opportunities for advancement? Redesign your life concept!
The identity crisis is a hard, unstable phase. It may take some time before you feel safe and secure again. When the crisis is over, your identity will be stronger than before.
Finding and realizing your own identity involves thinking about yourself. Here are eight tips that can strengthen your identity:
Think about yourself. Analyze your thoughts, feelings and actions. This will help you to know yourself better. Make a Personality Coaching. Build your mental strength with the support of a qualified coach.
Keep a success diary. Write down your professional and personal successes. These notes will help you realize your potential. Be creative. Are you really taking advantage of all opportunities? Recognize the different ways you can achieve your goals.
Develop new skills. This will improve your chances of success and strengthen your identity. Create a life plan. This will give you clarity about what you really want to achieve.
Look at things from a different perspective. Many a problem could be solved by changing the point of view. Inner conflict weakens your identity. Make peace with yourself and enjoy your life.
Your identity affects your interpersonal relationships. Building stable partner relationships requires a mature identity. In order for another person to fall in love with you, you must know who you are. The typical personal identity example is awareness of the role of a woman or a man.
Interpersonal relationships are formed between two people who have their own identity. They complement each other and have something in common in some areas of life. A partnership develops positively when each person can live out his or her identity. Suppression by one partner can lead to identity crisis.
Your self-perception determines what you can do for yourself professionally (and privately). A positive self-perception is necessary to make a successful career. This means being able to accept and embrace yourself.
A negative self-perception causes you to feel weak and inferior. Strengthen your self-perception! Focus on your strengths instead of being ashamed of your weaknesses. Clear up false beliefs. You yourself decide whether you want to achieve great things and reach your goals!
How do I find my identity? Self-discovery is an exciting process. Get to know yourself better. Explore your potential. Your identity is based on experiences and changes throughout your life.
Meditate to perceive your inner voice. Focus on yourself. The journey to discovering your identity begins with being alone. Learn to interpret the signals of your soul.
Self-knowledge helps to find out who you really are. Through this you re-establish contact with your inner self and find your personal identity.