John Strelecky: Do you collect good museum days?

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Imagine that every moment of your life is recorded. On these records are all your words and all your deeds. The places you have lived and the people you have spent time with are also forever immortalized in these records. As you can guess, the records are the reflection of your life. "Do you collect good museum days?" asks John Strelecky.

Now a museum is being built in your honor. And this museum contains a very special exhibition: it consists of the moments of your life. These show in retrospect how you have lived. If you've spent 80 percent of your time in a job or doing activities you didn't enjoy, then 80 percent of your museum will be devoted to those unpleasant memories.

Collect museum content

If you've enjoyed spending time with loved ones, your hobbies, or your great passion, but they've only ever been a small part of your life, they'll also occupy little space in the museum of your life. Maybe there are a few isolated shots of happy days at the end of the museum exit.

Now think about what it might feel like to walk through this museum at the end of your life. What would you see? What would you think? Imagine that you are guiding visitors through your museum. The memories of your life are there for all eternity. You can't change them after you die. You can only fill and influence the contents of your museum while you are alive. How do you want to remember your life? Do you want to collect good or bad museum days?

John Strelecky: Good Museum Days

The concept of the Museum of Your Life and its associated Museum Days comes from global bestselling author and top speaker John Strelecky. He says, "We live in a very fast world. When I look around, I see people with Stress and fears. So I encourage you to spend some time with your private museum. Close your eyes and walk through your museum. It's an incredible way to center yourself and find sought-after answers, even in the hardest of times."

John Strelecky knows the way to create a wonderful museum - a museum that you can be proud of not just today, but for all eternity. It succeeds by focusing on your so-called "Big Five for Life" and by regularly asking yourself: "Am I collecting good museum days?"

Fill your museum with happiness

Every single day of your life, ask yourself if today is a day you want to end up seeing more of in your museum. Ask yourself: Is today a day that shows my life as I would like it to be? Is today a day that makes me happy and represents happiness, love and gratitude? And does this day get a good place in my museum because it doesn't stand alone, but because the museum contains many similarly beautiful days? If so, you're on the right track. John Strelecky reveals in the video what else you should consider in order to collect many good museum days. We hope you enjoy watching it and have a wonderful museum day.

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Reviewed by Dr. med. Stefan Frädrich

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