
Career planning: Find the right strategy for your professional success

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Career planning: Find the right strategy for your professional success

Many people dream of success and a steep career. Whether you later sit in the boss's chair or do monotonous office work depends on your career planning. A career doesn't always run in a straight line, but often in a zigzag course. Sometimes the professional breakthrough is only achieved in a roundabout way. Gaps in your curriculum vitae, frequent job changes and the lack of a concept can impair your career opportunities. This makes strategic career planning all the more important.

Do you want to successful then set your career goals. Consider your professional and personal skills when developing your career plan. As an employee, work with your supervisors to develop a career plan that matches your interests and skills. With an efficient career plan, you can make the leap into management as an executive. For entrepreneurs, the career plan decides how their own company will develop in the future.

Important decisions are made as part of career planning. It's about figuring out what career goals to strive for and how to achieve them. Planning a career takes time. A decision for or against a career is a complex process.

Career aspirations can change. Often family reasons, such as the birth of a child, have an influence on career planning. The desire to structure life differently, to start over in another city or country, also influence career plans.

What is career planning?

What is career planning actually? Planning a career means setting a career goal. Are there differences between career planning for women and men?

In the past, women often felt attached to their role as mothers and put their career aspirations on the back burner. Fortunately, this is no longer the case today. In principle, career opportunities are open to every working person. The important thing is to recognize your own opportunities and align your career planning accordingly.

The career goal should fit personal abilities and lifestyle. Career planning distinguishes between medium- and long-term goals. A medium-term goal can be the assumption of more responsibility in the workplace. The independent implementation of important projects or the appointment as a team leader are also among the goals that can be achieved in the medium term.

Long-term goals

Long-term goals of a career can be management, a high salary, a secure professional position and social prestige. Since a professional career can run in several dimensions, a distinction is made between the vertical and the horizontal career.

Vertical career management

With vertical career management, you work your way up from level to level to the next promotion. Vertical career management involves taking on more and more management responsibility. The goal of a vertical career is usually management or top management.

Horizontal career

The horizontal career is a specialist career for which pronounced expertise and specialization in certain areas are required. In the past, the vertical career was also referred to as the "stack career" because it involves hierarchical advancement within a company or organization. People who have a horizontal career are often among the best in their profession.

Three-step model

Another career planning example is the three-step model. Three-step career planning involves formulating suitable career goals on the basis of a thorough analysis of strengths and weaknesses. In the second step, possible career options are evaluated. Subsequently, the application documents are updated or optimized.

Career planning English is referred to as "career planning". Next step career planning is a strategy often used by service providers in the temporary employment sector. It is used to promote careers by specifically offering employees better positions when they change jobs.

career planning in the company

Why is career planning important?

Success is hardly possible without targeted career planning. In most cases, everyday professional life begins with a simple position after graduating from school or university. Depending on the size of the company, it can take several years before the first promotion. In order to climb up the career ladder and achieve the professional Achieving goals, targeted career planning is required.

At the latest when you finish your vocational training or your studies, you should consider the direction in which your career should develop. If you do not yet have an idea of your professional future, a career planning consultation can help you to gain clarity about possible career goals.

Career planning is the basis of a career

Well-considered career planning is the basis of a career. The strategic career planning example includes internal development as well as external measures. The additional qualifications acquired in courses and seminars can help to advance the career.

Career planning is a crucial milestone on the way to your professional future. Career planning determines whether you will later do simple work or work in a management position and have important make decisions will.

5 tips to plan your career

Is a career just a coincidence or can it be planned specifically? A professional career is similar to everyday life. Without planning, you won't achieve your goals.

First of all, the most important questions concerning career planning should be clarified. Are you ready to fight for your career? Can you convince your superiors and family of your career plans? These five tips should support you in realizing your career.

  1. Set your career goals
  2. Break them down into medium and long-term goals
  3. Further training and additional qualification promote career
  4. Pay attention to the right time
  5. Start planning your career as early as possible

The first step to the professional success is to set your career goals. Define what career means to you and what you want to achieve. Divide your career planning into medium and long-term plans. This will give you more room to maneuver and Setting Goals change or adjust if necessary.

Catching the right moment for career planning

Further training and additional qualifications increase your chances of making a career. Ask your company about further training opportunities. Educate yourself privately through courses and seminars. Make sure you plan your career at the right time. A fast career can lead just as quickly to the end of your career without professional experience.

Start planning your career as early as possible. The earlier a structured career plan is drawn up, the greater the chances of realizing the career of your dreams. In principle, there is always the possibility of making a career. Even employees who have been with the company for many years can develop their careers. Many years of professional experience is an asset that is advantageous when building a career.

career planning example

Define career goals: What do I really want to achieve?

With your degree or vocational training in your pocket, the world is open to you. You decide what to do next and where your career path will take you.

When defining your career goals, self-analysis is helpful. Think about what you want to achieve. Where do you see yourself in five or ten years? If you don't yet have a clear vision of your career, a career planning meeting is a good option.

How important is your career to you? Are you willing to make a commitment and forego leisure time and personal enjoyment in order to realize your career aspirations? Is stability important to you? Can you take risks with regard to job security?

Does career primarily mean prestige and a high income for you? Can you Assume responsibility, lead employees and departments? Career goal can:

  • Management responsibility
  • Better payment
  • More decision-making authority
  • Work abroad
  • A managerial position
  • Start your own business
  • Specialization in one field
  • Invent something and get awarded for it

be. Decide for yourself what you want to achieve professionally and define the time frame for it. Use a career planning template to structure your plan.

Career planning for the self-employed

Often the step into self-employment is the beginning of a successful career. Who is self-employed requires entrepreneurial skills, a sense of responsibility, the ability to work under pressure and stamina.

Career planning for the self-employed involves more than just a clever business idea. A career as a self-employed person means standing out from the competition through professional competence. Acquiring a master's degree and other additional qualifications are important steps in career planning for the self-employed.

Do you want to become self-employedthen your plan should include short-, medium- and long-term goals. Break down your career plan into sections and write down your goals. Review your plan at regular intervals.

Analyze how many of your career goals have already been achieved. Since the economic situation can change, your career planning should include an additional Plan B just in case.

Career planning for entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs take care of their own career planning while promoting the career aspirations of their employees. As an entrepreneur, you depend on skilled workers.

Support your employees' careers by offering continuing education. With their expertise and social skills employees contribute to the success of the company. Praise, Appreciation and the prospect of making a career out of it bind employees to the company. Show them that you care about their development.

Career planning in the company should be based on the company's needs, but also take into account the interests of the employees.

Career planning for managers

The management career is the classic form of career planning. As a manager, you bear full responsibility for a team, a department or an entire business unit.

Often there is the possibility to hire specialist and Management tasks combine with each other. When it comes to realizing a career, it's not just school-leaving qualifications and specialist knowledge that play a decisive role, but also soft skills.

If you want to realize your career potential, you need to be able to use your qualifications in the best possible way. Business coaching can help you with your career planning. The role of a business coach is to help people reach their full potential. Does your career plan include coaching?

The necessary Business Coaching Skills are taught to you as part of a coach program. In order to make a career as a manager, you should have Leadership skills like:

  • empathy
  • Solution oriented thinking
  • Fair communication
  • Self-motivation
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Confident appearance
  • Decision-making ability


5 steps to organize career planning

The better career planning is organized, the more successful it will be. Strategic career planning consists of five steps. These are in detail:

  1. Self-analysis
  2. Set career goals
  3. Develop strategies
  4. Structure career plan and divide it in time
  5. Present career planning

A realistic self-assessment is a prerequisite for a successful career. Create a list that includes your soft skills, interests, expertise and work experience.

Question your Motivation. Are you ready to work on your career, even if it means overtime, studying, and business travel? Develop your own strategies to advance your professional career.

Structure your career plan and divide it into time units (months or years). This way you can see which goals have already been achieved and which challenges still lie ahead.

Present your completed career plan to the company and discuss your career aspirations with management. If you are an entrepreneur yourself, it is important to get the support of your family for your career plans.


Targeted career planning is an essential prerequisite for making a career. Planning your professional future is about defining career goals. A career plan should always be divided into time-based stages. This allows successes to be reviewed and measures to be initiated in order to improve career opportunities.

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