Enneagram type 6: Characteristics of the loyal

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At the Enneagram is a tried and tested model for personality analysis. Here you will find all nine Enneagram types.

The Enneagram distinguishes between nine different personality typeswhich are linked to each other. Today we want to take a closer look at the Enneagram type 6 employ.

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The Enneagram Type 6: What characterizes it?

People of Enneagram type 6 are also called the loyal or the skeptical. Sixes often feel a great insecurity about themselves. A diffuse anxiety resides deep within them that is difficult to describe. The Enneagram type 6 tends to worry excessively and imagine all that could happen to them.

Sixes are skeptical of other people until they prove themselves trustworthy. If this is the case, however, they are steadfastly loyal. The Enneagram Type 6 will never abandon a friend or partner. Unfortunately, this trait brings disadvantages: Sixes persevere in a life situation even when it is no longer good for them.

Their sensitivity makes Sixes skilled problem solvers. However, the constant expectation of disaster robs them of peace of mind. There are two different ways in which Sixes regulate their fears: with Phobia (avoidance of anxiety-provoking situations) or counterphobia. The latter means that the Enneagram type 6 seeks danger all the more.

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Deepest fear

The deepest fear of the Enneagram Type 6 is having to manage one's life without support and guidance.

Core Motivation

The core motivation of the Enneagram Type 6 is to find stability, support and security.

Strengths of the Enneagram Type 6

The Enneagram Type 6 has the following strengths:

  • Sixes make responsible and practical decisions.
  • Sixes are fiercely loyal.
  • Sixes defend the people they care about.
  • Sixes are dutiful and keep their promises.
  • Sixes are empathetic and are good at putting themselves in other people's shoes.
  • Sixes take into account both logical and emotional points of view.

Weaknesses of the Enneagram Type 6

Enneagram type 6 struggles with the following weaknesses:

  • Sixes are very pessimistic: they always expect the worst.
  • Sixes often let their fears guide them too much.
  • Sixes delay important decisions out of fear.
  • Sixes are plagued by great self-doubt and insecurity.
Development Tips Enneagram Type 6

Development Tips for the Enneagram Type 6

Have you already identified yourself as an Enneagram Type 6? Then the following development tips can be helpful for you:

1. bring peace into your life

Is your mind in constant chaos because you are constantly worrying? Then you should try to calm your mind. This can be achieved, for example, with relaxation methods such as yoga, meditation or progressive muscle relaxation. Consciously take at least fifteen minutes every day to relax.

2. check the reality of your fears

Sixes tend to be completely disconnected from their Fears to be rolled over. This makes you unable to think and act. Therefore, take the time to critically question your worries. How likely is it that the catastrophe you fear will actually happen? You will quickly discover that many of your fears are unfounded.

Also consider which things you can influence and which you cannot. Concentrate on mentally concentrating only on events that can be influenced. Everything that is not in your power, you should mentally exclude.

3. trust yourself

Most Sixes are in search of an authority to which they can orient themselves. Counterphobic Sixes are no exception, though they do not want to comply, but to consciously rebel. Whether phobic or counterphobic, a higher authority will not remove your insecurity. The strength you seek can only be found within yourself.

You have all the skills you need to manage your life with confidence. Trust yourself more step by step. Get out of the habit of constantly asking other people for advice. This is especially true when it comes to very personal decisions.

4. put away your suspicions

Not every stranger comes along with bad intentions. Sometimes it's necessary to take a leap of faith and risk an Disappointment ...to put up with it. Only in this way can you build the stable and intimate interpersonal relationships you desire. Take a look back at your past: How often has your skepticism been proven unfounded?

To get rid of your suspicions does not mean that you should blindly trust everyone from now on. But a little more openness will make your everyday life much easier. It starts with greeting new colleagues in a friendly manner instead of walking past them grumpily.

5) Shift your mental focus to the positive.

"Negative attracts negative": I'm sure you've heard this saying before. There is a lot of truth in the words. If you only think about catastrophes, you will magically attract them. You will probably already notice the smallest difficulties, which then grow into big problems in your imagination.

The mentally fueled fear paralyzes you, which leads to the fact that you can no longer act constructively in case of real difficulties. Catastrophic thinking is, so to speak, a self-fulfilling prophecy.

So how about changing your mental course completely for once? The best thing to do is to take a diary and write down every day what positive things have happened in your everyday life.

Woman sitting writes in her diary

How does the Enneagram Type 6 behave in relationships?

As mentioned at the beginning, the Enneagram type 6 is a loyal and faithful friend or partner. When the Enneagram Type 6 says "forever," they mean it. People of this Enneagram type desperately long for a strong partner to give them strength and support. Once this partner has been found, the Enneagram type 6 will never separate voluntarily.

However, the latter is not necessarily healthy: Sixes also cling to friendships and partnerships that no longer work. Their desire for stability is so great that they would rather be hurt than draw a line under it. Unfortunately, life situations have to escalate completely before the Enneagram type 6 realizes that they have to let go.

Let's take a look below at which other Enneagram types the Six harmonizes with - and with which it does not:

Enneagram Type 6 and 1

Ones and Sixes share the same values and complement each other. In a couple relationship, the One tends to dominate the Six. Both partners can rely on each other in any situation in life. If there is tension within the relationship, the One can unwittingly drive the Six further into their fears. Therefore, open communication is essential.

Enneagram Type 6 and 2

Both the Enneagram Type 6 and the Enneagram Type 2 are very dutiful. Both partners put the welfare of the other above their own Needs. However, while Twos seek pleasure and personal fulfillment in the relationship, the Six is concerned with building and maintaining security. The Six appreciates the warmth and generosity of the Two. These two partners harmonize perfectly with each other.

Enneagram Type 6 and 3

Although threes and sixes numerous character traits share, they rarely find themselves together as lovers. As friends or business partners, however, the combination is very promising. Both are people of action. Sixes can help the threesome to be more empathy for those who are weaker. The Three can help the Six to increase their self-confidence.

Enneagram Type 6 and 4

Sixes and fours are very similar: both feel unsafe in dealing with people and have excellent intuition. The two emotionally inclined characters are magically attracted to each other. In a pair relationship, they treat each other with respect, Loyalty and tolerance. Often they develop a sense of kinship.

Enneagram Type 6 and 5

Sixes and Fives have a practical disposition in common. They can analyze situations clearly and develop creative solutions to problems. This also applies within the relationship. If a dispute arises, both partners find a constructive solution together. They look at the facts clearly without expressing accusations or prejudices. Fives give Sixes a high degree of emotional stability.

Enneagram Type 6 and 6

Birds of a feather flock together? This is only true to a limited extent for couples of six. If both are emotionally unstable, they can fuel each other's fears and thus harm each other. However, Sixes who are emotionally stable benefit from their similarities. In this case, they feel a deep Connectedness. Both parties see trust as a fundamental value within the partnership.

With this, Sixes are on the right track. How important trust is for a functioning partnership becomes clear in the following reference book, among others: Trust in partnership relations.

Enneagram Type 6 and 7

Sixes and sevens can both complement and balance each other: The Seven provides the creative ideas, the practical Six takes care of the implementation. The fun-loving Seven can also infect the sometimes very melancholy Six with her zest for life. Within this connection, both partners blossom.

Enneagram Type 6 and 8

Sixes and Eights both believe that the world is not trustworthy. Therefore, it is difficult for these two Enneagram types to enter into a relationship with each other. If they find each other despite all the initial skepticism, a solid partnership can develop.

Enneagram Type 6 and 9

Sixes and Nines form one of the most stable and common partnerships. Both attach great importance to stability and security in life, which they are able to give each other. They complement each other in every situation of life.

Which famous personalities correspond to the Enneagram type 6?

The following famous personalities can be assigned to Enneagram type 6:

  • Johannes Brahms
  • Mark Twain
  • Sigmund Freud
  • J. Edgar Hoover
  • Richard Nixon
  • Robert F. Kennedy
  • George H.W. Bush
  • Prince Harry
  • Diana, Princess of Wales
  • John Grisham
  • J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Mike Tyson
  • Mel Gibson
  • Bruce Springsteen
  • Eminem
  • Marilyn Monroe
  • Sally Field
  • Julia Roberts
  • Robert De Niro
  • Dustin Hoffman
  • Ben Affleck
  • Mark Wahlberg
  • Tom Hanks
  • Woody Allen
  • Diane Keaton
  • Meg Ryan
  • Elliot Page
Enneagram type 6 occupation

What professions fit the Enneagram Type 6?

In professional life, the Enneagram type 6 is also looking for security and consistency. He thrives best in a work environment that holds few surprises, but at the same time challenges the practical skills of the Six. Sixes strive to maintain a harmonious working atmosphere. They therefore often have a good relationship with their superiors and colleagues.

In a hectic work environment, on the other hand, Sixes become drained. They find it difficult to cope when someone criticises them or even deliberately tries to harm them. Lazy or scheming colleagues are also abhorrent to them. Sixes are hardworking, pragmatic and trustworthy workers. They are committed to a task until the end.

Sixes are often found in the following occupations:

  • Paralegal
  • Police
  • Nurse / Nurse Practitioner
  • Professors
  • Administrators (IT)
  • Banking
  • Care Professions

Enneagram 6 Wings: What do they mean?

The Enneagram is circular in structure and the numbers one through nine are arranged in a clockwise direction. This is by no means a coincidence, but serves a specific purpose. It can be assumed that only very few people can be completely assigned to a single personality or enneagram type.

In the Enneagram, the individual types often have characteristics of their immediate neighbors, which are called wings. In the case of Enneagram type 6, these would be types 5 and 7.

What does type 6w5 mean?

The five-wing gives the dependent sixes more independence and self-determination. The 6w5 type, unlike the pure Six, places less importance on what other people might think of him. Despite this, he feels most comfortable in structured environments. Type 6w5 does not like surprises at all. He is a clever problem solver and therefore very popular among friends and colleagues.

What does type 6w7 mean?

The influence of the type 7 makes the serious and tense sixes a little more willing to take risks and relaxed. This makes their social life easier. The type 6w7 is much more extroverted and thus makes friends more easily. In addition, he copes better with unexpected situations.

What other personality assessment models are there?

The Enneagram is only one of several well-known and proven models for personality analysis. Also frequently used are the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the DISC personality test. The latter differentiates between four different communication types and is particularly easy to use. For this reason, the test has been used in business for many years.

Surely you also know people with whom you just don't warm up properly even after years of acquaintance, while you get along with others right away. This has to do with the different communication types! By finding out which communication type you correspond to, you can better respond to your conversation partners and make the communication more goal-oriented.

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