What character traits characterize the ESTP personality?

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According to the Myers-Briggs personality model can be 16 different personality types distinguish. Although every person is unique, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator can be a good guide to finding out about your own behavior patterns. Only when you understand why you keep acting a certain way, you can change something.

Arguably the most risk-taking and adventurous Personality typeThe second type we would like to deal with in the following is the ESTP. The latter is quite rare: Only about 4 % of the total population can be classified as an ESTP personality.

What does the abbreviation ESTP stand for?

The abbreviation ESTP stands for the following Character traits:

  • E: Extraverts (Extroversion)
  • S: Sensors (Receiver)
  • T: Thinkers
  • P: Perceivers

Let's take a closer look at the character traits:


Extroverts like to bask in the light of attention. They enjoy interpersonal contact and are not afraid to approach others. People who are extroverted usually have no difficulty integrating into a (foreign) group and making friends quickly.


Sensitives focus their thoughts on the present. They don't waste time worrying about the future or mourning missed opportunities. When they have important make decisions have to, receivers are always guided by tangible and measurable facts. They do not speculate.


Thinkers rarely rely on their intuition. They much prefer to rely on their razor-sharp intellect when making important decisions. In doing so, they analyze the given facts without allowing themselves to be influenced by emotional aspects.


Perceptive people have a keen sense for opportunities that present themselves, which they skillfully seize at the right moment. They place great value on spontaneity. Preconceived life plans that leave no room for adventure are abhorrent to them. Perceivers never lose sight of the big picture, even in an unstructured environment.

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The ESTP personality at a glance

People with the ESTP personality type live for the moment. That is why they are also called entrepreneurs. They use every opportunity to draw attention to themselves. However, the urge to be in the spotlight is not at all to compensate for a low Self-esteem. On the contrary, ESTP personalities are very aware of their strengths and charming charisma.

Of all the personality types, the ESTP is most inclined to lead a risky lifestyle. He needs excitement, passion, and drama to challenge his mind. ESTPs are masters at coming up with spontaneous and sometimes unconventional solutions to seemingly intractable problems. In doing so, they don't dwell on long-winded theories and endless debates. They simply act.

The perceptive personality part of the ESTP ensures that these people take unfiltered note of even the smallest changes. In this way, the ESTP can take advantage of opportunities that others have not even seen. However, ESTP personalities lack tact towards those around them. They speak out what they think, even if this contradicts common morals.

Strengths of the ESTP personality

The following strengths distinguish the ESTP personality:


ESTP personalities are bursting with energy. They enjoy testing and pushing boundaries. They do not accept doubts. When people of this personality type have decided to do something, they see it through to the end - against all odds.


ESTP people are extremely keen to experiment. They are only too happy to try out new ideas and approaches. Their practical disposition benefits them in the implementation of new projects. ESTPs are able to combine facts in a very special way. This opens up solutions that no other person would have come up with.


ESTPs do not miss any change in their environment - no matter how small. They notice immediately when people or situations begin to change. ESTP personalities use these observations to their advantage. They recognize opportunities or emerging problems much faster than other personality types.


ESTP personalities know how to captivate people. This is why they are often found in leading positions and offices. With skill, they steer social interactions in the desired direction. Because of their extroversion, ESTPs make profitable contacts with ease.


ESTP people call a spade a spade. They ask clear questions and expect clear answers. They don't waste their time with mind games, but instead reflect on the tangible facts. As a result, ESTPs arrive at a solution faster than most other people, regardless of the initial situation.

Rational and practical

The ESTP is extremely inquisitive. However, he also wants to use the acquired knowledge practically. Learning just for the sake of learning is not in their nature. People of the ESTP personality type deal exclusively with realizable ideas. When other people begin to philosophize about abstract possibilities, ESTP personalities withdraw in boredom.

Weaknesses of the ESTP personality

Weaknesses of the ESTP personality

People of the ESTP personality type struggle with the following weaknesses:


Because ESTP people live consistently in the here and now, they sometimes underestimate the impact of their spontaneous actions on the future. This can result in both private and professional disadvantages. The ESTP is a real "adrenaline junkie". When bored, he tends to plunge into risky undertakings without considering the consequences for life and health.

Lack of sensitivity

ESTP personalities are not particularly sensitive in dealing with their fellow human beings. Sensitive characters in particular often cannot handle the ESTP's direct manner. The ESTP has no understanding for emotionally charged actions. For him, only facts and sober reality count. ESTP people avoid emotional situations. They are also often unable to express their own feelings.


When the ESTP sets their mind to something, it has to happen immediately. People of this personality type strive only toward the big end goal, often overlooking crucial details. They have a hard time focusing on smaller aspects of a task. If someone can't follow their pace, they leave the person out instead of offering help.

Lack of adaptability

ESTP personalities don't think much of societal rules. In their opinion, these exist to be ignored and deliberately broken by them. In doing so, however, they often violate the moral sense of their fellow men, which leads to the loss of friendships and, in the worst case, to loneliness. These personality types are not aware of the negative social consequences of their appearance.


For all his efforts to enjoy the present, the ESTP can fail to do just that. Sometimes he literally can't see the forest for the trees. Even if he has fulfilled all his wishes, the feeling often remains that the overall situation is not coherent. This leads to frustration and risk-taking behavior to fill a perceived void.


ESTP people detest being subordinated to the rules of others. This often makes them stand out negatively, especially during school or apprenticeship. It borders on a great challenge to convince the ESTP to obey certain rules. Unfortunately, ESTP personalities boycott themselves with their defiance. Indeed, in order to achieve the freedom they seek, they must complete a successful education.

Career of the ESTP personality

Because ESTP personalities can approach other people openly and make contacts, numerous opportunities open up for them professionally. ESTPs are in their element in hectic professions where quick decisions are required. Slow, routine tasks, on the other hand, drive them to the brink of insanity. If it's possible, delegate them such tasks.

Their social intelligence, combined with their talent for improvisation and boldness, makes them successful freelancers, marketing professionals and leading figures in the field of business and trade. But many a famous actor and athlete also fit the ESTP personality type. Here it is above all the competitive character that appeals to them.

The fact that a certain degree of competition in the job can have a positive effect on performance is well known in numerous articles has already been taken up several times.

Shaping life according to your own ideas

As previously mentioned, ESTPs have difficulty respecting rules and authority. For this reason, they strive for professions in which they can autonomously make decisions can. It is important to them to act effectively and to achieve something useful with their work. They also master emergencies with rationality and prudence.

You can easily spot an ESTP in the workplace. People with this personality type are considered spontaneous, funny and perhaps a little crazy by their colleagues. They like to talk about the almost unsolvable problems they have already overcome. The admiration of others is almost certain due to their charismatic appearance.

The ESTP as employee, supervisor and colleague

Due to the pronounced desire for freedom of choice and individuality, ESTP personalities are difficult employees. Conflicts and acts of defiance can quickly arise. Anyone who wants to dictate to the ESTP will fall on deaf ears. This also applies to superiors. In crisis situations, however, the ESTP can be relied upon. In every crisis he sees the chance to prove his abilities.

ESTP people are very popular among colleagues, not least because of their engaging nature. They are affable, reliable colleagues. Sensitive contemporaries, however, may have difficulty with the ESTP's sometimes insensitive remarks. ESTP people are most comfortable and competent in the position of supervisor.

estp relations

Relationships of the ESTP personality

Their very own spontaneity makes the relationship life with an ESTP exceedingly turbulent. If you're looking for a noncommittal adventure, the ESTP is the right person for you. People of this personality type do not like to commit themselves. Even in love they like to keep all options open. Those who long for marriage, family and routine should look for another partner.

Relationship life with an ESTP is guaranteed to never be boring. These personality types encourage their partners to try new things and thus go beyond themselves. Shared activities and hobbies play a crucial role for ESTP people. The topics of conversation are varied and stimulating. However, they must not be abstract theories.

The fact that the common ground factor contributes decisively to a strengthened partnership is demonstrated by a current study of the LMU Munich.

Intimacy and soul mate: not essential for ESTPs

For most other personality types, sexuality with a partner is an expression of love and kinship. This is not true of the ESTP. They are able to separate the physical component of intimacy entirely from the emotional component. Put simply, for the ESTP, sex is simply physical pleasure. There is no need for an emotional connection.

However, most partners long for precisely this emotional support. This poses a great challenge for the ESTP. In exceptional cases, it may be possible to create the desired emotional closeness. However, this requires a lot of Patience on the part of the partner. Because ESTPs are easily bored, they prefer changing partners rather than investing energy in building closeness.

Important to know: ESTPs are not strangers. They just don't see the point in holding on to a partnership that is uninteresting to them. The decision to break up is made from a rational point of view. If someone has actually managed to win their heart, ESTP people are eager to use their strengths for the relationship.

Curiosities of the ESTP personality

Below we've compiled a few exciting curiosities about the ESTP that we're sure you didn't know about:

  • ESTP people are more likely than average to suffer from chronic pain.
  • ESTPs have the strongest assertiveness of all personality types.
  • In professional life, autonomy and freedom of development are essential for ESTPs.
  • ESTPs often enter careers in marketing, skilled trades, law enforcement, and business.
  • The ESTP personality is one of two personality types with the lowest college GPA (grade point average).
  • Despite a low GPA, ESTPs rarely leave college early.

Source: MBTI Manual: A Guide to the Development and Use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, 3rd Edition by Isabel Briggs Myers.

Famous ESTP people

The following famous personalities can be assigned to the personality type ESTP:

  • Winston Churchill
  • Donald Trump
  • Nicolas Sarkozy
  • George W. Bush
  • Evel Knievel
  • Madonna
  • Bruce Willis
  • Eddie Murphy
  • Mae West
  • Miley Cyrus
  • Jack Nicholson
  • Ernest Hemingway
  • Samuel L. Jackson
  • Michael J. Fox

Famous ESTP people from film and television:

  • Seth Grayson (House of Cards)
  • Hank Schrader (Breaking Bad)
  • Jaime Lannister (Game of Thrones).
  • Rocket (Avengers)
  • Ant-Man (Avengers)
  • Philip Wenneck (Hangover)
  • Gabrielle Solis (Desperate Housewives)
  • Fiona Glenanne (Burn Notice)
  • D'Artagnan (The Three Musketeers)

Want to find out more about your personality?

In addition to the Myers-Briggs personality concept, which is based on 16 different personalities, there are other and, more importantly, more straightforward personality models. One of these is the DISC modelwhich distinguishes between four different communication types. The DISG personality test is scientifically based and has been established for years in business, especially in large corporations.

Surely you have also had the experience that in conversation with some people it seems as if you are constantly talking past each other, while with others you understand each other almost immediately. By finding out which of the four communication types you correspond to, even difficult conversations can be mastered in a goal-oriented way. The latter is especially advantageous at work, but also in your private life.

With us you can completely free of charge and without obligation a DISC personality test perform. Do not hesitate any longer and come to your personal Life goals a little closer!

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