Speech training - use your voice specifically for more attention

Reading time 7 minutes
Speech training - use your voice specifically for more attention

You want to convince your audience of your ideas as a speaker? Do you dream of standing on stages around the world and speaking in front of large crowds? A good speaker should really have something to say and not present content with a soft voice, awkward expressions or even bored. To get full attention, you should train your voice. A professional speech training starts exactly at this point.

The voice is the most important instrument of a speaker. It's not so much what you say, but how you say it. If your speech sounds uncertain or monotonous, people won't listen to you for long. At events, in the job and at private celebrations in the family circle it is not only about conveying knowledge, but above all to entertain and inspire the listeners. Speech rate, the euphony of the voice, linguistic expression and Communication skills are the focus of speech training.

Speech training: what is it?

As a speaker, your voice is your most important instrument and at the same time your business card. The sound of your voice is unique and a characteristic of your personality. The way we speak and the vocabulary we use says a lot about our social competence and communication skills.

If you're a speaker on the road from one event to another, your voice is put under massive strain every day. Does your job require you to speak in front of crowds often? Or do you want to learn how to deliver a speech for a wedding or other family event? Targeted speech training is a proven way to train your voice and use it properly.

Oral communication

Good preparation alone is not enough to deliver a good speech. Insecurity and nervousness can lead to speaking too softly or to the voice failing altogether. Even experienced speakers often have stage fright before a big performance. Speaking in front of an audience is a complex subject. The ideal voice development also depends on the natural flow of breath and the body posture. Speech training therefore focuses on the various aspects of oral communication, such as:

  • Language
  • Rhetoric
  • Articulation
  • Breathe

taken into account. The right linguistic expression is essential for a good conversation. With a style of speech and speaking that comes across as positive and friendly, it is easier to inspire listeners and arouse their interest in content.

Your messages will only be understood if you express yourself clearly and speak at an appropriate pace. In speech training, close attention is paid to articulation and ways are shown to improve pronunciation.

Control voice consciously

An essential part of speech training is the Voice training. Depending on our emotional state, our voice can sound quiet and thin, nervous and shy, or authentic and expressive. In a speech training you will learn how to consciously control your voice and thus achieve the desired attention success even under stress or stage fright.

You can support your voice optimally with conscious breathing. Most successful speakers use a breathing technique to speak calmly and confidently. Whether you're giving a presentation, leading a conference, or conducting a staff meeting, it's beneficial to take deep breaths even when you're tense.

clear pronunciation

Speech Training: 5 effective exercises for a better voice and pronunciation

Speech training serves to train the voice and use it in a targeted manner. A pleasant voice combined with clear pronunciation makes you look professional and confident. Train your vocal skills at home, for example by singing or reading texts aloud. The following five exercises are suitable for self-training and improve voice and pronunciation.

1. the abdominal breathing exercise

Your voice sounds better when you breathe deeply into your belly. Targeted abdominal breathing provides an additional oxygen kick. Consciously breathe in and out until your belly bulges outward. As you breathe into your belly, your diaphragm moves downward. This creates suction in the chest, so that air automatically flows into your lungs.

Abdominal breathing makes your voice seem calmer and more relaxed. At the same time, this breathing technique helps to ensure that your body and brain are optimally supplied with oxygen. This allows you to concentrate better on your speech and use your voice more efficiently.

2. lower jaw training for better speech quality.

What does the lower jaw have to do with speech quality? Slurred speech and mumbling are often due to inflexible, cramped jaw joints. Unsuitable or incorrectly fitted braces can also be a hindrance to speaking. 

If you want to train your speech quality, massage the lower jaw and especially the temporomandibular joint. You can feel the masticatory muscles with your fingers when you make chewing movements. Open and close your mouth several times and then relax the masticatory muscles by moving your jaws to the right and left.

3. speech training: roll tongue

Rolling your tongue is an exercise that helps you pronounce vowels and consonants better and, above all, more clearly. Roll your tongue right and left between your gums and lips at least five to ten times. Make sure that your mouth remains closed. To finish the exercise, click your tongue several times.

4. kissing mouth exercise

The lips have a key function in speech. For clear pronunciation of the vowels O, U, Ö and Ü, the rounding of the lips is particularly important. The kissing mouth exercise goes like this: Make a small, pointed kissing mouth. Then use your lips to form a wide Smile. Repeat the exercise, starting with the kissing mouth and then moving your lips back and forth a few times.

5. train consonants

Consonants are letters that are called consonants in the German language. Examples are M, N, K, P, T and R. Form a consonant series and repeat the individual letters as fast as you can speak. 

Pick out tongue twister phrases. The best-known example is probably: Fischers Fritze fishes fresh fish. However, there are also other consonant sequences that are just as suitable for private speech training. To learn to speak more clearly, you should do the tongue twister exercise at least five times in a row.

Make pronunciation exercises a daily part of your speech training. With regular practice, you'll improve your speech, speaking style, and breathing.

Speech training tips: how to give a speech like a pro

You can learn how to give a speech like a professional. But how does a professional speaker give a speech? When you speak, it's not just what you say that counts, but also your speaking technique, posture and charisma.

With a halting or unrhythmic voice, you will not get the attention of your listeners. People who nasalize when speaking are often perceived as arrogant. A pathetic way of speaking comes across as artificial and is more appropriate on a theater stage than in a lecture.

Our voice influences how we are perceived by others. Recognizing and improving the importance of the voice and tonality when speaking is one of the tasks of speech training.

Crisp entry

An interesting lecture, the content of which was long in Memory always starts with a crisp introduction. The usual "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen" may seem polite, but it hardly generates interest. The right introduction depends on the occasion and should suit the speaker. Possibilities for an exciting introduction are:

  • Quotes
  • Storytelling
  • Metaphor (e.g.: We hit the nail on the head with this)
  • An unexpected question
  • Facts, figures, data

Relax your vocal cords before you begin your speech. To prepare, you can sing, hum, or say a few phrases aloud to yourself before your performance. The best way to relax your throat muscles is to yawn heartily. Of course, you should do this exercise before your presentation.

Speech speed

The speed at which you speak determines whether people listen to you attentively. Every person has a certain tempo when speaking that corresponds to his or her own temperament. If you speak too slowly or too quickly, the listener's attention and interest will be diminished. 

It's just too tiring to listen to a fast talker or a speaker who takes a long time with each word. Alternate between slower spoken and faster passages. This will make your speech exciting and varied.

Varying the volume is another way to point out what's important in your presentation. Emphasize individual words or whole sentences that are significant and convey to your audience what is important. Use active wording. Even boring topics can be presented in an interesting way by using lively language.

Nested sentences

Box sentences, on the other hand, should be avoided, as they are too long and difficult to grasp. Word repetitions can increase the memorization effect. Structure a longer speech by including pauses. In theater performances, dramaturgical pauses are used to arouse the audience's curiosity. This method has also proven effective for lectures, presentations and speeches.

Next to your voice, your body language is the most important "tool" for a professional speech. Your body talks along with you, so to speak. Don't cross your arms in front of your body when you stand at the lectern. Hold the microphone loosely in your hand when addressing your audience.

An active body language has a sympathetic effect. This means not forgetting to smile, too! Eye contact is enormously important when speaking. In a large hall, however, this is not easy. Simply look into the audience without looking directly at individual members of the audience.

Why is good voice and speech training so important for speakers?

A good speaker is able to use the voice in a targeted way to attract attention and inspire the audience. Voice and speech training is therefore very important for speakers, managers and all people who regularly speak in front of an audience.

A clearly understandable and accent-free manner of expression is indispensable for speeches. When speaking, communication skills are expected in addition to professional competence. The speech should inspire and motivate the audience and at the same time entertain them. The most important thing is your voice. Your voice is even more important than the content of your speech.

Avoid speaking too fast, too slowly, too loudly or too monotonously. You can learn the right speaking technique in a speech training course. With professional guidance, you will learn how to attract attention and leave a lasting impression on your listeners. The right intonation makes your text more interesting and convincing. The goal of a speech training is to train your voice to:

  • Achieve clear distinct pronunciation
  • Improve speech technique
  • Optimize voice tone and pitch


The effect of your voice is your potential, which distinguishes you as a speaker. Improving your use of voice and language also brings you many advantages in everyday life. If you can formulate content clearly and convincingly, you will be heard more and perform better in negotiations. Speech and voice are often underestimated as career factors.

In speech training, you learn how to use your voice purposefully and confidently. Do you want to improve your pronunciation and learn to speak better? With clear, accent-free speaking and a clear pronunciation, you convey competence, credibility and energy to your listeners.
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Reviewed by Dr. med. Stefan Frädrich

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