Some love them, others like to give them away: Decisions. While politicians and employers regularly make decisions that affect numerous lives, some others feel overwhelmed just having to choose a menu in a restaurant. As different as the likes and dislikes of making decisions are, so are the methods of arriving at a decision. We show you how to train your intuition and gut feeling.
Some people take a highly objective approach to this: They write lists of pros and cons, weigh up arguments and carry out SWOT analyses. Others listen to their gut feeling and trust their own intuition. There is no general answer to the question of which method is right. Because whether or not intensive weighing is required depends not only on the individual person, but also on their previous knowledge, the scope of the decision and the available information.
Basically, it is important to master both types of decision making. However, since most people have never really learned to listen to their intuition, the majority of decisions are made in the head and not in the gut. That's why today we want to show you how to train your building sense and intuitively make good decisions.
But why are your intuition and your sixth sense so important? Simply because they are extremely practical. Because you don't always have enough time to weigh things up for a long time. Some decisions have to be made within a few seconds. And even if there is enough time, sometimes important information is missing that you would need for a detailed consideration. In these cases, your intuition is priceless!
In order for your gut feeling to work reliably, you should practice, practice, practice. Because the ability to correctly assess people or situations is not innate, but rather trained. It is based on your previous knowledge on the one hand and on your experience on the other. The following checklist contains seven points that you can tackle one by one. If you follow all the points, you will soon be able to enjoy a well-developed sixth sense. Let's go!
The important thing is that you fully engage with it. Your gut feeling does not have to replace all numbers, data and facts. It can also complement them, as long as they are available within your decision period. Have confidence in yourself and your assessment. You will see that very often you will be very right. Allow the process and strengthen your intuitive decision-making power!
You don't know if a decision is good or bad until after you've made it. Nevertheless, you must not Fear from making the wrong decisions. Because fear is a bad advisor. It inhibits you and keeps you from strengthening your sixth sense. But that is exactly your goal. Dare, be brave and believe in your gut feeling! It will not disappoint.
What important decisions have you made intuitively in the past? How did you feel at that moment? And in retrospect, was the decision beneficial or did it affect you negatively? Reflect on yourself and remember how you felt when making good decisions. Whenever you have that feeling again, know that you can let your intuition guide you with a clear conscience.
Details play an important role in decisions. Therefore, you should learn to perceive and interpret them. Pay attention to external impressions and to your inner voice. For example, be empathetic and develop a feeling for your counterpart. Observe your surroundings attentively. Vigilance refines your process of perception and thus also your gut feeling.
When you are relaxed and comfortable, you can fully concentrate on your feelings and thus on your inner voice. So the next time you make an important gut decision, make your environment as comfortable as possible. Put yourself in the right frame of mind, possibly even with the help of a Meditationand make up your mind!
Depending on where you relax best, it may also make sense to change your environment. Because a spatial Change of perspective sometimes leads also a mental one. Try it out and simply change your environment for a short time before the next important decision.
As with everything in life, practice makes perfect. Train your intuition in everyday life, make many small gut decisions and gain confidence. The better you learn to assess other people and situations, the easier it will be for you to make future decisions. And little by little you will notice that making decisions can even be fun. We wish you good luck!
You can learn to rely more on your intuition and to act accordingly. First and foremost, you must ask yourself honestly why you don't trust yourself. Coaching can help you gain clarity: Who was instrumental in your childhood in making sure you had to obey? That your opinion was not relevant or asked for, that you did not feel seen? Perhaps you rarely had the opportunity to decide for yourself and everything was always taken away from you.
In the next step, you may deal more with your values: How do I want to be towards other people? How do I want to be in my job? What do I want in relationships - whether with friends or in a partnership? How important are trust, self-love, passion, lightness, authentic communication?