Do you want to start your own business and be self-employed to finally put yourself out there? Then it's time to develop a clever business strategy to achieve your goals. Because inside you lies the Beast Mode that will make your life successful in the long run!
Any successful Career starts with the right mindset. To run a successful business, you shouldn't lose sight of your vision: Where do you want to go? Because the goal is to sell your idea or your product successfully. However, you must not lose sight of your Employee management and corporate culture are forgotten. Because your company is only as strong as your team!
Dr. Stefan Frädrich already said that life and business are always about the same three things: people, projects and results. What's behind it, how you can shape your life successfully and grow your business in the long term, you will learn in our three best keynotes on the topic of success. Don't miss the valuable impulses of our speakers and experts. And always remember: from any setbacks you will draw the motivation for an even greater vision!
You want to start your own business to finally realize yourself? In this video, Nikolai Ladanyi explains how you can develop a clever strategy and increase the motivation of employees immeasurably.
Felix Thönnessen, coach from "Die Höhle der Löwen", talks in our interview about marketing strategies and self-employment tips that it takes to successfully start a business.
Dr. Stefan Frädrich tells you about his career and why you should implement something just when it is difficult - but feels right! You can find the secret of a successful life in this video.
Maybe it is also your heart's desire to start your own business and accompany others on their way to happiness - privately or even professionally? Then register now for our Live Online Seminar on April 25th! Our Greator coaches Christina and Walter Hommelsheim and their special guests Dr. Med. Mareike Awe and Dr. Stefan Frädrich show you techniques with which you can help people sustainably and build up a professional coaching business. Show people the way out of their dead ends in the life and help them to more ease, confidence and success. Follow your heart's vision and become a successful coach! Your ticket for the Live Online Seminar you get here.