Have you ever fasted before? If so, did it perhaps have a religious background? After all, fasting is an integral part of many religions and is practiced regularly by believers around the world. Perhaps your fast was also a strict diet and aimed at losing weight? Besides weight loss, there is another health-motivated reason for fasting - and that is the body detoxification. This is often done with therapeutic fasting, a type of fasting that requires a great deal of discipline.
But as we know from other areas of our lives, the actions that cost us particularly much discipline and stamina are often the most effective. That's why fasting could also be called detoxing for advanced practitioners. It requires a strong will, but it also delivers noticeable results quickly. Why therapeutic fasting is so special, what it brings you and what you should definitely consider, you will learn in the following lines.
Fasting means first of all to do without something voluntarily for a certain period of time. The special feature of therapeutic fasting is that food and stimulants such as coffee or cigarettes are completely dispensed with. While in other types of fasting certain foods or close-ups are allowed at certain times, in therapeutic fasting your stomach remains empty.
That's not quite true, because you can, or rather should, drink plenty during the healing fast. However, food is not allowed during the fasting days. After all, detoxing is about emptying your bowels. For the most part, therapeutic fasting therefore does not take place within your own four walls, but under supervision, for example by a doctor or a therapist. Nutrition Coach. It makes sense in that Fasting cures can last up to three weeks - in exceptional cases even longer. During such a long period of time you can of course not avoid any food intake unsupervised. If you look online, you will find a number of clinics and spa hotels that specialise in restorative fasting.
Fasting leads to a number of positive changes in your body: it cleanses your intestines, boosts your metabolism and strengthens your immune system. Thanks to detoxification, you can get chronic ailments such as frequent headaches, migraines, diarrhoea, flatulence and bloating under control. Some people even swear by a radiant complexion and a completely new body feeling after a therapeutic fast. As the name suggests, you fast to heal your body from stress and discomfort.
Therapeutic fasting should in no way be confused with dieting, as the goals are very different. While a diet is about losing weight, a therapeutic fasting is all about the Purge and about cleansing your body. The fact that you will probably lose weight is a nice side effect, but not the ultimate goal. By the way: Even with therapeutic fasting, the yo-yo effect sends its greetings when you Fasting you're eating unhealthy again.
Generally speaking, therapeutic fasting is suitable for anyone who is fundamentally healthy and would like to give their body a relaxing break. Be careful if you suffer from a physical or mental illness. In this case, you must discuss your plan with a doctor in advance and have medical risks checked. Pregnant women, children, old people and people who are overweight or underweight should also not fast. For everyone else, fasting is not only good and healthy, but can also be an exciting new experience.
Fasting starts with good preparation. Already a few days before the start of the relief days you should mentally get involved in the cure. The less Stress The more time you have during the fast, the better your body can concentrate on detoxification. So do everything important in the days before so that you have to deal with as little as possible during the fast.
The first one or two days of your fasting cure serve as a gentle introduction. You should not stop all food intake from one day to the next, but slowly get into the right mood during the first two days. During this time, leave out stimulants such as coffee, cigarettes, soft drinks and sugary foods, convenience foods, fish, meat and dairy products. Eat fruits, steamed vegetables and herbs. Broths and herbal teas are also allowed. Drink plenty of still water. Everything clear? Then the fasting days can come!
Now it's getting serious: By stopping the intake of solid food, your intestine empties and begins to purify. Get plenty of rest, drink water and herbal teas as well as vegetable broth and juices. You will probably feel tired and listless during the first few days, and you may even experience a slight headache. Don't worry, this is perfectly normal and usually subsides after a few days.
The duration of the therapeutic fasting is very individual and can last from five days to about three weeks. If necessary, enemas into the intestines can be used as a support during this time. In many spa hotels and clinics that specialise in therapeutic fasting, you can also take part in sports or wellness programmes. Do what is good for your body and treat yourself to enough in between. Relaxation!
You should never underestimate the build-up day! Don't go from zero to hundred, but get used to normality again step by step. Just as you prepared your body for the therapeutic fast with the help of the relief days, you must now slowly reintroduce it to a complete food intake.
For example, start with fruit and vegetables, gradually increase the portions and slowly settle back into everyday life. In the coming days and weeks, make sure you eat a balanced, healthy and light diet. Nutrition. After all, you don't want to take the toxins that you have laboriously gotten rid of right back into your body, do you?
Fasting is fasting for advanced people. But that doesn't mean you can't do it as a beginner. All you need is a strong will and a large portion of discipline. Please do not carry out the therapeutic fasting at home if it lasts longer than five days. Instead, let yourself be looked after by an appropriate spa hotel or a clinic for therapeutic fasting. This way you are in safe hands and can really enjoy the therapeutic fasting. We wish you lots of fun and happy purification!