Feelings of happiness for a better quality of life

Reading time 7 minutes

Feelings of happiness are positive emotions. They create a feeling of elation and are good for body and soul. The feeling of happiness arises from the interaction of pleasant situations with the body's own processes, which cause the release of certain hormones and substances. Feelings of happiness increase your well-being and promote your health.

What are feelings of happiness and why are they important?

Feelings of happiness are joyful and pleasant states of mind, for example when a wish comes true or something nice happens to you. They put you in a state of inner satisfaction. When something positive happens to you, your body releases the happiness hormones oxytocin, endorphin, serotonin and dopamine. You are on an emotional high.

The messenger substances involved in the development of feelings of happiness bring real health benefits for your emotional and physical well-being. physical Well-being. Joy protects you from many illnesses. For example, a serotonin deficiency often leads to depression. Dopamine controls mental and motor reactions. A deficiency promotes the development of Parkinson's disease.

Endorphins lower stress levels and reduce the sensation of pain. The cuddle hormone oxytocin creates a feeling of happiness and Relaxation. Studies indicate that the hormone strengthens the ability to empathize with others. In short, joylessness robs you of your vitality and also makes you physically ill in the long term.

Mindset Matters: How to train your mind for more happiness

Your mindset has a lot to do with your personal happiness. Positive thinking promotes the development of feelings of happiness. An optimistic attitude to life helps you to overcome problems and to improve your emotions stabilize permanently. You don't let things get you down so easily and you also gain positive things from negative situations.

Positive thinking is difficult for many people difficult. Get into the habit of thinking about all negative experiences and finding something good in them. Make a virtue out of adversity and see the challenge as an opportunity to emerge stronger from the situation. Everything that has to do with a Change The connection between the old and the new offers the opportunity to leave the old behind and create something new.

If a glass falls to the floor, take comfort in the fact that you will soon buy yourself a nicer one. There is no point in getting angry about what has been destroyed or failed. What's over is over. Look to the future and make the best of it.

What are feelings of happiness

The cycle of happiness: how happiness attracts happiness

What makes happy people even happier is the support they receive from their Joie de vivre receive. Let go of gloomy thoughts, look ahead and enjoy the little things. The good things in your life will soon gain the upper hand.

Look specifically for positive experiences and thus ensure a lasting feeling of happiness. Be grateful for every beautiful moment and enjoy it to the full. Measure the value of a happy event twice and pay less attention to negative events. Create moments of happiness by treating yourself, for example with a visit to the spa, an ice cream sundae or a walk in the sun.

5 everyday practices for instant happiness

There are long-term and short-term feelings of happiness. Particularly happy are the little punchlines that provide an emotional high every now and then and enrich your everyday life in a nice way. These tips will help you to find moments of happiness even in stressful times.

1. laughter

Laughter is the best medicine against gloom. Try to laugh heartily as often as possible. Scientists have found that this causes the blood vessels to dilate and the heart to receive more oxygen. It also releases serotonin and endorphins and reduces stress at the same time.

2. greet yourself

It's not embarrassing if you greet your own reflection in the bathroom in the morning. Start the day by smiling at yourself.

3. to look forward to something

Ideally, there should be something to look forward to every day. It doesn't have to be anything out of the ordinary. A crusty bread roll with cheese, a cup of coffee or a little shopping trip are all you need. Be happy about small things and look at the world with positive eyes.

4. meet nice people

Meet up with friends and relatives or keep in touch by phone or email. A few friendly words will lift your spirits and create spontaneous feelings of happiness.

5. take a deep breath and find a distraction

If you're up to your neck in trouble or stressed out by your private and professional commitments, then simply shift down a gear or turn off the engine completely for a short while. Take a deep breath and find something pleasant to do. Surf the internet, go for a walk or visit a café.

Happy in the now: The power of mindfulness

Many people miss out on their happiness. They overlook the beautiful things in life because they lack Mindfulness is missing. With the help of the Meditation you will be able to concentrate on the essentials and perceive your surroundings more intensely. This gives you moments of bliss. You learn to feel joy and increase your feelings of happiness. Consciously experiencing the present moment is the key to happiness.

Happiness through relationships: The role of social connections

Connecting with people you like and who are good for you creates feelings of happiness. You find support and feel understood. This strengthens you mentally and gives you the support you need.

Maintain your friendships and keep in regular contact. Seek out conversations with neighbors and acquaintances and go out and meet people. Human beings are social creatures for whom society Security and protection.

Feelings of happiness at work

Happiness factors in the professional environment: How work influences your well-being

A meaningful life is particularly fulfilling. Work is therefore part of a happy and satisfied everyday life. However, it only gives you a sense of happiness if you like your job and can develop your personality accordingly. The relationship with colleagues and superiors and the general working atmosphere also play a role.

Happiness is contagious. Treat your colleagues kindly and contribute to a pleasant working atmosphere. Always have a Smile on your lips and look forward to challenges. But also be honest with yourself and find the courage to turn down a request for overtime or extra work if it makes you feel uncomfortable. overwhelmed. Accept your limits and make sure you take enough breaks.

Self-care as the basis for long-term happiness: 8 steps for you

The pursuit of happiness has a lot to do with self-care and Self-love to do. Only if you pay attention to your inner signals and your Needs accept and fulfill, feelings of happiness develop. However, self-care is not only about indulging yourself, but also about overcoming it. There are many unhealthy habits that do you more harm than good.

These practical steps will ensure your well-being in the long term and lead to a deep sense of satisfaction:

1. free yourself from negative thoughts

Think positively and don't get discouraged or frustrated. Learn to deal with criticism and chalk up setbacks as a learning experience. Pay more attention to the good things in life and be grateful for every little happiness.

2. break away from unhealthy habits

Even if it takes some effort, it is a good idea to take a break from time to time. Leave comfort zone. If you just lie lazily on the sofa after work, you become dull over time and fall into lethargy. There is no point in numbing negative emotions with alcohol, sweets, cigarettes and media consumption.

3. stand up for yourself

Don't pretend for other people. Stand by your feelings. Don't let yourself be persuaded to do things you don't want to do. If you don't like something, say so. That way, negative emotions can't build up and block your feelings of happiness.

4. go through life with curiosity

Be open to new things and look at the world around you without judgment for the time being. There is so much to discover that will fill you with happiness. Accept the challenge and try out interesting hobbies and sports.

5. give your life meaning

Doing something meaningful creates strong feelings of happiness in many people. Create something with your own hands, be creative and imaginative. Perhaps you will discover your love of painting or making music. Some people help others in their free time and enjoy their gratitude.

6. keep fit

Drive regularly Sports and exercise in the fresh air. This fills your lungs with oxygen and promotes the release of happiness hormones. Running in the forest, swimming in the lake, horse riding and cycling give many people feelings of happiness.

7. enjoy your life

Be good to yourself and pamper yourself with pleasant physical stimuli. Travel to beautiful places, enjoy time at the spa and treat yourself to good food. Reward yourself for special achievements, for example with a trip to the movies.

8. discover the world with open eyes

Take in the world around you and filter the impressions so that the positive memories stick. The world is full of wonders, you just have to see them. Go out every day and enjoy the weather.


A feeling of happiness is more than just a fleeting moment. Feelings of happiness are the key to a satisfied and fulfilled life. With mindful practices, conscious self-care and a positive mindset, you can actively shape your happy future. Our Visions Challenge Workbook shows you how happiness works.

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A guide for your future
- Find your true vision

Do you know what really drives you at the core? With just three simple exercises, you will be able to visualize your energy, identify your desires, and define your biggest goal!

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