The Importance of mental health has increased sharply in recent years. Stress has a major influence on this, and according to surveys, especially in professional life. In addition to companies, more and more individuals are turning to professionals for help - the so-called mental coaches. If you too can help people with Stress Management want to help, you will learn everything you need in an Mental Coach Training.
The fast-paced everyday life demands a lot from people today. Thereby it is according to studies in particular school, study and work, the produce pressure and thus cause stress. In addition, in this country the own high standards for themselves, too many Commitments and appointments during free time, social conflicts and illnesses of close persons some of the biggest stress factors. Ultimately, stress is very individual and can have many different causes. Often, several factors come together.
Regardless of the reasons why someone feels stressed, it is important to develop strategies for dealing with it. Because the fact is: anyone who is permanently under stress and can't find a way to cope with itruns the risk of becoming more seriously ill. In fact the number of days absent from work has been rising for years on the basis of mental illnesses such as burnout or depression.
A mental coach supports people with professional knowledge and target-oriented methods in the process, Managing stress and emotional as well as mental strength to obtain. In the context of a professional mental coaching people learn, in the future in real life to be more attentive and in the necessary defensive strategies in stressful situations. to be used.
The term mental coaching may have been familiar to you for several years from the Sports area familiar. Here, especially football teams have long relied on the expertise of mental coaches to stay focused even under high performance pressure. However, mental coaches also contribute to success in other sports with their work. They support the coaching staff not only in classic sports like football, tennis or golfbut become increasingly also in e-sports deployed.
Who is interested in a Training as a Mental Coach does not necessarily have to do so with the intention of working in sport. The possible applications today are many and varied:
In fact, more and more large companies are adopting the Help from mental coaches in the context of workplace health promotion in claim. Coaching provides employees, and in particular managers, with methods to help them deal with stress in the best possible way. These include, among other things, special Relaxation techniques like the progressive muscle relaxation. The aim of the consultations is to strengthen self-confidence, to ensure well-being, to maintain performance and to reduce the risk of prolonged absenteeism through Burnout and other mental illnesses.
While the life coaching a more holistic approach to consulting, mental coaching focuses on the Focus on coping with concrete everyday situationsthat hold the potential for stress and excessive demands. The aim of the coaching is to lead to a new inner attitude and to get out of it deal with stressful situations in a confident and relaxed way using the tools learned. Along the way, as a coach, you deal with your coachees, for example, the following focal points:
Often the terms "mental coaching" and "mental training" are used synonymously. In fact, a closer look at the terms and their meaning already reveals the following significant differences.
With the Verb "to train" is that Rehearsing actions and also ways of thinking through systematic repetitions is meant. Trainers stand thereby in the hierarchy above the person to be trained, moreover, the relationship between the two rather aloof. Incidentally, it is the task of trainers to determine suitable training methods in advance and to determine the course of the training.
At "Coaching" this relationship gap does not exist, rather coaches and their coachees meet each other at eye level. Among other things, with the help of psychotherapeutic measures, coachees should learn to heal yourselfby retroactively retracing mistakes. Coaches thereby take a observing, analysing and advising role and adapt their methods individually in the course of the mental coaching.
It also follows that Mental Coaches as a rule with the Coaching of individuals deal with, while Mental coach rather with groups work.
In principle, the training to become a Mental Coach is aimed at all those who want to acquire knowledge and methods for efficient stress management. In addition, a Interest in coaching people exist, after all, mental coaching is about helping others deal with challenging and stressful situations.
Some groups of people already bring with them prior knowledge and skills that can prove beneficial:
Since the training to become a Mental Coach also teaches basic techniques in coaching, it is definitely also suitable for people who enter this field want and no previous knowledge so far have.
You want Methodological competence in the area of coaching build up and create a basis for further specializations? In the Greator Life Coach Training we teach you how to get other people to develop their full potential. At the beginning, the focus is entirely on you. Because: A good coach can only become who first works through his own issues and exhausts his natural potentials.
If you want to work as a mental coach, you should basically have the Interest in the topic of personality development and Enthusiasm for working with people Bring.
Especially if you are still young, a self-confident appearance conducive. Older coaches are often considered to be more experienced and therefore more competent, which is why you should particularly shine with professional competence when starting your career.
Furthermore, you should have the will to constantly develop yourself and to question yourself. Besides a high learning readiness is also Communication skills important for the work as a mental coach. You should be able to express yourself clearly and understandably and adapt your speech to your counterpart.
On the other hand, an extroverted personality is not a basic requirement. Quiet people not infrequently convince as particularly good listeners and do not push themselves unnecessarily to the fore in the consultation. Incidentally, you learn in the context of the Greator Life Coach Training, appear self-confident and communicate strongly.
"In Germany, the use of the term "coach" is not protected by law, which means that anyone can work under this job title - including people without any training. Nevertheless, anyone who wants to exercise this activity professionally should definitely seek certification. Above all, companies that Mental coaches with the training of their employees will rely on the support of trained consultants. And that's a good thing."
The Corona pandemic in particular has shown us that virtual learning is in no way inferior to face-to-face teaching in terms of quality. On the contrary: for the learners it brings numerous advantagesbecause they can learn from anywhere and sometimes even at any time. Training and further education to be completed on a part-time basisWith good organization and the necessary self-motivation, this is also possible in the area of mental coaching.
Just like Personality and Life Coaching as well as the coaching of children, Mental Coaching also brings its own methods that are used in the coaching process. It is therefore logical that training to become a mental coach focuses on this know-how. Especially in shorter training and further education courses, the basics of coaching can therefore be neglected. For the Entry into the coaching business training is therefore recommended, which precisely basicthat it takes to become a good and successful coach.
The Greator Life Coach Training offers you exactly that! Within the framework of the 9-month online training you first lay the foundation by looking at your own issues with the help of top coaches. In this way, you already get to know the methods and tools that you will later use yourself in your work as a coach. Only in the second step does the training deal with the most important coaching tools. At the end you will receive a certificate, which is your entry ticket into the coaching market.
A mental coach teaches people in counseling sessions the necessary Know-how to manage stress and to mental and emotional strength to find. Mental Coaching thus makes an important contribution to Prevention of stress-related mental illness.
Generally speaking, as is the case everywhere in the field of coaching, first of all anyone can call themselves a coach. In the context of You can, however, take part in training and further education certified mental Become a coach. Here you will learn all the necessary coaching tools - usually online and on a part-time basis.
In principle, it is suitable for all those who want to be interested in coaching and the learn the basics want. People with previous psychological, pedagogical, medical or therapeutic knowledge receive a meaningful further education with the Mental Coach training.
Depending on the provider the training periods vary strong. As a rule of thumb, the longer the training lasts, the more well-founded and respected it is. Training to become a Greator Life Coach takes around 9 months.
To the Coaching Report 2017 According to this, coaches earn, so do mental coaches, per session on average 145 €. Every year, established coaches hold about 112 sessions off. Most of them are Self-employed as a sideline as a mental coach.