Wisdom - the ability to better deal with challenges

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The pursuit of wisdom is a basic human need. In ancient cultures, older people were considered wise. Wisdom is acquired through life experience. The wisdom of life helps to grow inwardly and to develop further.

Inside Serenity facilitates the search for it. Although wise behavior is a respected virtue, it hardly ever occurs in everyday life. The ability to deal with complexity even in difficult situations can be learned. In this article you will learn how wisdom is acquired.

What does "wisdom" mean and how does it affect your life?

The Greek polymath Aristotle already dealt with the essence of wisdom. He defined wisdom as a characteristic of spiritual maturity and as the highest goal that a person can achieve in life.

As wisdom synonymous terms such as common sense, life experience and inner enlightenment are used. Wisdom meaning refers to the deeper understanding of connections in life. To possess wisdom is considered the goal of human development.

But what does wisdom mean? Is wise behavior a gift we have by nature? Wise people possess special qualities such as:

  • Self-confidence
  • Empathy
  • Reflectiveness
  • Openness to new perspectives
  • Wise handling of thoughts and feelings
  • Pro-social behavior
  • Decisiveness
  • Spirituality

Even unfavorable life experiences, mistakes and failures are suitable for gaining wisdom. The mental ability to find a sensible course of action in the face of problems can be learned. Wise behavior is characterized by prudence and intelligence.

Wisdom is based on the conscious use of intellect, knowledge and life experience. Wisdom influences your life in many ways. Use your wisdom to defuse conflicts at work and in your personal life. Acting with wisdom helps you overcome challenges. As a leader, you use the insights of wisdom to motivate your employees.

Wisdom of the day

Dieter Lange's inspiring story: how he gained wisdom

As a top leadership trainer, the psychologist and economist counts Dieter Lange is one of the most sought-after experts on change. The topic of wisdom has occupied him for many years.

Dieter Lange found fulfillment in the eastern wisdomwhich he combines with Western knowledge and insights. Dieter Lange's own inspiring story is the reason why joy in life is important to him. He is convinced that the inner attitude is an essential basis for the acquisition of wisdom.

You need a wise inner basic attitude to be able to successful to lead. Wisdom is acquired by aligning one's thoughts and actions accordingly. As an expert in self-leadership, Dieter Lange points out the importance of the ability, Assume responsibility, towards. He himself gained his wisdom by facing his challenges and thereby continuously developing himself.

5 steps to cultivate your own wisdom

Wisdom is the ability to successfully master life. It comes from knowing that change is necessary to develop inner strength. Cultivate your own wisdom. This will allow you to draw on this ability in difficult situations. The cultivation of personal wisdom is done in 5 steps:

  1. Recognize your strengths and weaknesses
  2. Distinguish the real from the unreal
  3. Act wisely, consciously and thoughtfully
  4. Take every opportunity to further your education
  5. Review your beliefs regularly

Every person has strengths and weaknesses. Recognize your qualities. Understanding, Empathy and prudence help to develop wisdom. Use this Potential.

Distinguish the real from the unreal. Deal with reality. Daydreams are relaxing, but not very suitable for overcoming challenges.

Act wisely, consciously and thoughtfully. With composure and diplomatic behavior, you avoid conflicts escalating. Disputes can be settled through prudence.

Take every opportunity to acquire knowledge and further your education. This will give you a head start in knowledge. Becoming wise is not a matter of age. Examine your beliefs. Bias and prejudice prevent you from developing wisdom. Look at things objectively and avoid subjective criticism.

Learning wisdom: 8 practical tips and exercises

The prerequisite to attain wisdom is present in every human being. To help you learn wisdom, we have put together 8 practical tips and exercises for you:

  1. live actively
  2. reflect on your experiences
  3. go mindful with you
  4. question your own understanding of the world
  5. spend a lot of time in nature
  6. develop understanding for the arguments of your interlocutors
  7. be ready Misunderstandings let go
  8. use your knowledge to support others

Live your life actively. Thereby you gain life experience. Reflect on your experiences. Self-reflection exercises help you better assess what impact your thinking and actions will have on the future.

Be mindful of yourself. Question your own understanding of the world. Did you assess the situation correctly? Or could the facts have been completely different?

Be willing to let go of misunderstandings. Meet other people with empathy. Develop understanding for the arguments of your interlocutors. This will help you learn to act wisely.

Spend a lot of time in nature. Make Sports, go for a walk and breathe in the fresh air. The improved blood circulation causes the ability to concentrate to improve. Use your knowledge to support others. Life experience comes from sharing thoughts, insights and experiences with each other.

The importance of mistakes and failures in gaining wisdom

Wise people have learned from their mistakes and failures. Making mistakes is not bad. It is much more important to deal with bad decisions. In gaining wisdom, mistakes can provide essential insights.

Being allowed to make mistakes is part of personal development. Through mistakes Learning processes nudged. You make progress when you allow yourself to do something wrong.

Failures are part of life. The ability to learn from them and try to do better helps in acquiring wisdom. Look at failure as an opportunity to come out of the situation stronger. Wise people are not discouraged by defeat. Overcoming failure has a great impact on your personal development.

Defeats stay longer in the Memory as positive experiences. Acting wisely means taking responsibility for your own actions. Think about what you can do better next time.

Wisdom comes from realizing that no one is flawless. You learn by making bad decisions. Wise behavior is the result of thought processes.

20 wisdom sayings to think about

Wisdom sayings make you think. What does wisdom mean to you? Use it as a mantrato learn wise behavior. These wisdom quotes can help you do that.

  1. An Life with meaning is the meaning of life.
  2. While simple people are annoyed by stupidities, the wise man smiles at them.
  3. Wisdom does not always come with age. Often, old age comes without this realization.
  4. You can't give more days to life, but you can give more life to days.
  5. Only the stupid and the wise cannot change.
  6. Everyone has stupid thoughts. Only the wise man conceals them.
  7. Life goes on while you are busy making plans.
  8. You can build something beautiful from the stones that are placed in your path.
  9. The wise man who tackles something while others are still talking has a head start in life.
  10. Wise are only those who also know the darkness.

Wisdom sayings for every day

  1. Think about what you have and not what you lack.
  2. Wisdom is the knowledge of what should be done.
  3. Without imagination, there is neither goodness nor wisdom.
  4. Self-sufficiency is happiness.
  5. A person's wisdom is measured by his ability to have experiences.
  6. The happiness of life consists in overcoming difficulties victoriously.
  7. Defeats make you stronger.
  8. You don't get better by badmouthing others.
  9. Wisdom is common sense to an unusual degree.
  10. A wise person makes today the most beautiful day.


Wisdom is an ability to use new experiences to develop oneself. The deep understanding of connections in life can be learned.

Spiritual maturity is demonstrated by decisiveness and the Acceptance of different perspectives. By acting wisely, challenges in professional and private life can be overcome and Targets be achieved.

with Dieter Lange

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