More and more people know the feeling of being burned out. They feel so mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted that they can no longer manage anything. In this context, one speaks of a burnout. "Burnout" is English and means "being burned out." The consequences of long-term Overload are mental and physical illnesses, for example anxiety and sleep disorders as well as depression.
Being burned out is a state of despair. The batteries are empty and you just can't go on. In short, you are on the verge of a nervous breakdown and life loses its quality. Not only is your performance at a low level, but you feel neither happiness nor joy.
Being burned out is a euphemism for burnout. It is a gradual process that takes place in phases. Often, the first burnout symptoms appear only after years of intense stress.
Being burned out is the result of chronic overload and the associated consumption of any resources. Common causes of burnout are excessive professional demands, time and deadline pressure. Medical staff and people in management positions, for example, are particularly at risk.
Being burnt out is not always the result of overwork. Mental stress also makes people ill in the long run. Caring for a chronically ill family member, financial and general private problems cost a lot of energy. Mothers of disabled children and people caring for relatives are particularly affected. At some point, resources are exhausted and burnout occurs.
In addition, your personal disposition plays a role. Being burned out is something that ambitious people in particular are familiar with. Perfectionists suffer burnout more quickly. This is because you define yourself by your performance and put yourself under pressure.
If you belong to the risk group, then you pay too little attention to your needs. Many affected people do not live according to their personal desires, but do everything to meet an ideal image. If it is not possible to meet the high expectations, then you try to compensate for the inability by being overzealous. This costs energy and wears you down inside.
From the personality structures already mentioned above, solutions can be derived as to how you can do better. A change in your inner attitude alone will make you feel better. happier and better withstand hard work. The formula for success is simple: Stand up to yourself and exercise in Serenity! Do not take the judgment of others too seriously.
The best thing, of course, is to avoid burnout in the first place. If you feel that more and more pressure is building up, there are strategies to prevent a nervous breakdown.
Are there people you trust? Talking openly about problems is incredibly good for you. You will find comfort and encouragement and also some advice, because being burnt out is an experience that does not only affect you. Friendships are important. Cherish them.
You need a balance to your job, something you really enjoy. Try different sports or start painting or crafting. A hobby that you enjoy compensates for stress and reduces the risk of burnout.
Being burned out can often be traced back to too much workload. Beware of working too much overtime and keep your break times. Travel in between and enjoy your weekends to the fullest without thinking about work. Separate leisure time and work.
Are you one of those yes men? Then you're at risk because you have your own Needs Put yourself in the back of the line too often. Turn down requests if they stress you out. You don't have to be there for everyone all the time. Your well-being is the focus.
Relaxed people meet challenges with a certain Indifference. They always look for the easiest way and avoid too much effort. This is not necessarily exemplary, but people who tend to be lazy rarely suffer burnout. Before you fall into laziness, it is better to choose the golden mean and just take it easy.
In your life, you always come first. You perform in order to live, but you do not live for work. Don't make too high demands on yourself and don't be too strict with yourself. Create a counterbalance to your stressful professional and private life with hobbies that you enjoy.
Learn to relax in your own way. Some people find it best to relax with soft music, others visit a wellness oasis, and still others enjoy horseback rides or long walks. Make relaxation a ritual, and be sure to set aside enough time for it.
Many people also help Relaxation techniquesthat you learn in courses. These include, for example, yoga, autogenic training, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation and various breathing techniques.
Being burned out is not a permanent condition if you tackle the problem step by step.
First of all, you need to know whether you are suffering from burnout at all. Chronic exhaustion, fatigue and lack of drive can also hide other illnesses, such as depression. The diagnosis is best made by a psychotherapist or psychiatrist.
In addition, it is possible to participate in a burnout test. You answer various questions about your burnout symptoms. You can find questionnaires online, for example. Psychotherapists also work with this instrument to confirm at least an initial suspicion.
Not only mental, but also physical problems need medical attention. Being burnt out often causes problems falling asleep or sleeping through the night, which can have a massive impact on your well-being. Maybe the stress hits you in the stomach or you get headaches. The risk of addiction is also higher in people with burnout.
The best thing to do is to tackle the root of the problem and provide relaxation. Treat yourself to a Time out and make sure you take regular breaks. If you feel bad, go to the doctor and get a sick note. Pull the emergency brake before it's too late.
Look for professional help. A therapist or coach helps you to find the causes of burnout, to reflect on your life and to start a new life completely relaxed. Many of those affected have neither a sense of their weaknesses nor of their Potential. They need support from the outside.
The coach has already helped you cope with being overwhelmed? That's great. Then you just need to consolidate your success in the long term. The best way to do that is with special relaxation techniques. Here, too, coaching will help you, because every person is different. Find the best way to relax and incorporate the techniques into your everyday life.
A wonderful way to switch off is to live out your own creativity. In this way, you get to know yourself better and find out what moves you deep inside. Do what you enjoy. Paint, draw, make music or take photographs.
In a healthy Body lives a healthy mind. There is a lot of truth in this old saying. Especially people who work a lot with their heads need compensation in the form of physical activity. The paradox: sporting exertion can relax the mind.
To protect yourself from a relapse, it is important that you continue to refrain from anything that puts you under excessive stress. It is good for many sufferers to have a coach by their side even after recovery. Don't fall back into old patterns and allow yourself the breaks you need to recharge your batteries.
The cause of burnout is the urge to function perfectly. Affected people only feel valued when they give their all and fulfill requirements that they are not up to. People with healthy Self-esteem do not need such confirmation. They feel valuable even if they perform less.
Being burned out is a condition that affects the whole person. The inner emptiness reduces your sense of danger and thus indirectly ensures that you recognize risks too late. At the same time, this leads to psychosomatic illnesses. The result is physical symptoms, such as cardiovascular problems, gastrointestinal complaints and a generally weakened immune system.
It is of no use to treat only the physical symptoms, but first and foremost it is important to defeat the burnout. If you succeed in this, then your body will usually feel better again.
Being burned out is not a condition you just have to accept. There are ways and means to help you overcome the problem. The successful coach Dieter Lange shows in his masterclass how to leave the hamster wheel and fill up with fresh energy.
The free masterclass helps you with proven techniques to reduce stress and go through life more calmly. You will learn strategies to achieve more satisfaction and fulfillment. Effective methods support you in finding a healthy balance between leisure and work and in gathering your mental strength.