This is why a bucket list influences your life positively

Reading time 6 minutes

Do you already have a bucket list? And is your answer now maybe "No!" because you don't even know what it is? You're now asking yourself, "What does Bucket List even mean?" The name comes from English. "Kick the bucket" means something like "kick the bucket". In Germany, therefore, the term "Löffelliste" is also common. The bucket list contains all the experiences and resolutions that you absolutely want to have completed or experienced by the time you die.

What is a bucket list exactly?

The bucket list is a collection of adventures, tasks and activities that you have firmly resolved to do. As a rule, these are very exciting and beautiful experiences, but also one or two challenges. Therefore, such a list has a positive impact on your life. It motivates you and keeps your personal goals always in front of your eyes. You decide for yourself which things you absolutely want to do, because the bucket list is a purely personal matter.

The Bucket List supports you effectively in the implementation of your plans. You use this personally written list as a clever tool for the Self-realization. You formulate your Life goals and check them off when you've achieved them. This makes you incredibly proud and gives you a great sense of achievement. You always keep an overview and immediately see what you still have to do.

The bucket list serves the Manifestation of your wishes. Everything that you secretly or so far only half-heartedly carry around with you, you put on paper. You give your dreams a form and make them tangible. This brings you a big step closer to the fulfillment of your plans. In this sense, the bucket list is something like saying yes to your wishes.

A never ending story

Of course, you can always add new ideas to the bucket list. After all, people never stop dreaming. In the course of your life, you will certainly think of many interesting things that you absolutely have to do. But you should also have the courage to cross certain items off the list if they can no longer be realized. This is the case, for example, if your health or financial situation changes.

bucket list ideas

How to find the most exciting bucket list ideas

Most people do not have a bucket list. This is a great pity, because it means they may miss out on the best things in their lives. Many fixed ideas are brilliant, but unfortunately very short-lived. You get excited about a certain idea, but soon throw it overboard or forget about it as time goes by. What remains is merely a good resolution, a dream that you take to the grave without ever coming true.

But often there is a lack of courage, because many do not dare to write down their secret dreams. Why? Because they seem unattainable at first glance. If the wishes are written down in black and white in a booklet, then things look completely different. In this case, the fulfillment of the wish is a personal obligation.

Get inspired

It's not a bad thing if your bucket list seems empty at first. It often only fills up over time with many exciting activities. Listen to yourself and think about what is close to your heart and what gives you pleasure. But also pay attention to the signals from your environment. Find out about exciting hobbies and get to know new sports.

If you have a bright idea, then immediately record it in the list. Maybe you see a group of canoeists on the river and decide to try it out. Or you might want to take up horseback riding someday. Or you see a documentary on TV about a destination that interests you.

It's never too late for a bucket list

You can make a bucket list at any age. But don't take on too much. Choose only those life goals that can be accomplished in the time you have left. Also consider that your physical abilities and interests change with age. A little tip against procrastination: set yourself a time limit and write an expiration date after each list item.

Dream big: 30 epic bucket list ideas

There are endless ideas for the bucket list, because each person is unique and pursues different dreams and goals. Some of them are utopian and almost unattainable, others can be easily realized and sound very reasonable. However, it does not make sense to limit yourself only to those things that can be easily realized anyway. Just the weirdest experiences give life a certain spice and give your existence a deeper meaning.

What if it doesn't work?

All too big dreams rarely come true. Often you don't have the financial means or fate throws a spanner in the works. Compromises are part of life. If, for example, you have resolved to stand in front of the camera once in your life and take part in a film, then you don't have to take on the leading role. Film companies are always looking for extras.

When asked about their goals, many people answer that they want to climb Mount Everest or stand at the summit of Kilimanjaro. Stay realistic! There is probably nothing to stop you from climbing Kilimanjaro. But you won't be able to climb the highest mountain on earth as a normal athlete, nor will you be able to cross the Sahara on foot. But maybe you can spend the night in an oasis and ride a camel during your desert trip in Tunisia. If you dream of piloting a big airplane, you'll have to deal with that. happyI'm looking forward to at least sitting in the cockpit as a spectator.

Bucket List Ideas for Better Living

For the sake of clarity, the following 30 bucket list ideas are roughly divided into two themes. We start with the popular classics that the majority of people dream about or that inspire you to do something new. These are deliberately chosen so that they can be approximately realized.

Classic life dreams

  1. Find dream partner and have many children
  2. Travel by hot air balloon
  3. Bathing naked under a waterfall
  4. Ride with the dog sled
  5. Watching aurora borealis at the North Pole
  6. Visit original filming location of favorite series
  7. Experience Midsummer Night in Iceland
  8. Riding a horse through the Andes
  9. Swimming with dolphins
  10. Spend night in ice hotel
  11. Rent houseboat and book the vacation on a river
  12. Join a cruise
  13. Build tree house
  14. Create garden pond
  15. Putting on a horse at the gallop race
  16. Meet favorite star and ask for a photo together
  17. Visit pyramids of Giza
  18. Spend vacation in nudist camp
  19. Cross the Alps by bike
  20. Run marathon
  21. Plant tree
  22. Create an association with friends

Exploiting one's own abilities

Are you a lost businessman or are you just waiting for the right opportunity to realize yourself with your own project? Or do you have special talents that you have not yet been able to bring to full bloom? Then the following could be on your bucket list:

  1. Design blog or website
  2. Book writing
  3. Produce your own music CD
  4. Catch up on school graduation
  5. Take acting lessons
  6. Participate in an art exhibition
  7. Learn foreign language
  8. Visit painting course
what is a bucket list

10 great ideas for the Summer Bucket List

Some bucket lists not only define the goals you want to achieve by the time you pass away, but there are also lists for individual life stages, months and weeks. The Summer Bucket List, for example, is very popular. It lists all the things you want to do this summer. Here are a few ideas:

  1. Visit open air concert
  2. Host garden party
  3. Spend the night under the open sky
  4. Participation in surf course
  5. Do not argue during the vacations
  6. Go to the swimming pool every other day
  7. Lose five kilos
  8. Visit a theme park
  9. Ride your bike to work
  10. Reading a book to the end

The power of manifesting: checking off your bucket list.

The Bucket List will help you Realize visions. In making the list, you learn to respect yourself and your desires. Your Needs are in the first place and that is very good for you. You find your purpose in life and get an incentive to get the best out of yourself. This makes you more satisfied.

In addition to the experiences themselves, checking off the activities you've already completed fills you with pride and satisfaction. You see what you have achieved and what still lies ahead of you. When you pick up the bucket list, it fills you with love and gratitude. You revel in wonderful memories and look back on fantastic adventures. At the same time, you are gripped by a Feeling the anticipation of those things that still lie ahead of you.


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