Co-dependent relationship - Recognize the 10 signs of it

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The term co-dependency is usually used in connection with addictions such as alcoholism or drug addiction. In this case, the addict involves their loved one heavily in their own suffering. However, the support demanded or provided is not helpful, but often encourages the addiction even further. But even without an addiction, co-dependency can develop in the partnership.

What is co-dependency in relationship?

The topic "co-dependency relationship" is, as already mentioned in the introduction, strongly linked to the topic of addiction. The healthy partner protects the addict by helping him to hide the problem from other people or to talk it down. Unpleasant incidents are covered up. Sometimes the healthy partner is even willing to support the addiction financially or even to provide the addictive substance.

The addicted partner often deliberately manipulates the other in order to make life easier for himself. This is not done out of malice, but is an expression of the addictive disorder. Ultimately, both parties are unhappy and the relationship is doomed to fail sooner or later. The same applies if the co-dependency exists without addiction.

Co-dependency without a classic addiction is when a partner is "addicted" to the Dear and affirmation of the other. The cause is often an attachment disorder. The feelings and behaviors are in many ways comparable to addiction-related codependency.

With the full spectrum of co-dependency and the special Challenges for relatives has been the subject of research at the University of Lübeck.

Co-dependent relationship: the special features at a glance

A co-dependent relationship is characterized by the fact that one partner emotionally dependent on the other is. He or she is firmly convinced that, in the event of a Separation not being able to continue living. This leads to the development of strong Fearswhich are reflected in daily behavior. Thoughts constantly revolve around the partner. They meticulously search for the smallest signs that indicate a problem.

Co-dependent people try to control their partner in order to control their own fears (of loss). This includes, for example, constantly demanding reassurance:

  • "Do you still love me?"
  • "You're not leaving me, are you?"
  • "Is everything okay between us?"

Self-esteem dwindles

The entire everyday life revolves around pleasing the other person and doing everything right for him/her, so as not to be left. One's own personality is completely undermined in the process. The Self-esteem is visibly dwindling. Unfortunately, co-dependent people are not aware that their behavior causes the exact opposite of what they want.

A stable partnership is based on trust and equality. Clinging and self-abandonment drive a healthy partner to flee. If a separation does occur, those affected try everything in their power to win their ex-partner back.

co dependence relationship signs

Am I co-dependent? Here are 10 signs you can recognize

A certain degree of emotional co-dependence in a partnership is harmless. After all, it is painful when a loved one separates. No one wishes that to happen. The boundary between an intimate Connectedness However, in many cases, the border between love delusion and pathological love delusion is fluid. Therefore, you should pay attention to the following ten warning signs. You...

  1. Your mind is occupied exclusively with your partner. Other life issues outside the relationship seem unimportant to you.
  2. Have no friends and hobbies outside the partnership.
  3. Can handle criticism very badly, even if it is friendly and constructive.
  4. The thought of a possible separation evokes strong emotions in you. Fears or even suicidal thoughts.
  5. Need constant praise and reassurance from your partner.
  6. Suffer from strong Jealousy.
  7. Are not able to pay for your own Needs to take responsibility.
  8. You ask your partner for advice on every little thing and are afraid to make your own decisions. Making decisions.
  9. You do everything for your partner, e.g. you voluntarily take over the entire household. There is no equality or division of labor between you.
  10. Search anxiously in everyday life for signs that you may have upset your partner.

The partner as a means of addiction

At this point, it is useful to relate the topic of "co-dependent relationship" once again to co-dependency in addictive disorders. In the case of a co-dependent relationship, the partner without an attachment disorder takes on the role of addict for the partner with an attachment disorder.

Why is co-dependence so dangerous in a relationship?

The co dependence in the Relationship is not only emotionally draining for both parties, it can even be dangerous. This is the case when the attachment-disordered partner meets a manipulative person who exploits the bondage of the supposedly weaker person to his or her advantage. Often, especially narcissistically predisposed people deliberately choose insecure partners.

By the way, here we have an interesting study for you about the Attachment and relationship behavior of narcissists.

The consequence of such a connection can be emotional or even physical abuse. The dependent partner does not manage to get out of the relationship because the love addiction is stronger than the mind. The one endures every humiliation just not to lose his partner.

The fact that such a relationship can cause physical and psychological damage needs no further explanation. This makes it all the more important not to keep quiet about the topic of "co-dependency relationships".

Co-dependency relationship: 7 steps to overcome it

Overcoming co-dependency in a relationship is not easy, but it is possible. This 7-step plan can help you. You deserve a loving and appreciative Relationship!

  1. The first step to Change consists in the Knowledgethat there is a problem at all. Stop telling yourself that your Fear of lossYour clinging and sacrifice are normal.
  2. Once you have identified the problem for yourself, the next step is to learn, open talk about them. Confide in friends and/or your family. A neutral assessment from the outside can be very helpful in many cases.
  3. Question the reasons for your behavior. Co-dependence usually has a deep psychological cause. Low self-esteem almost always plays a role in believing that your happiness in life is dependent on another person. Work specifically on improving your Self-esteem strengthen - if necessary with therapeutic support.
  4. Question your partnership: How has your partner dealt with your behavior so far? Did he or she understand your emotional Uncertainty taken advantage of? Or has your partner always tried to give you security, but has reached his or her own limits? If not, you may need a Couples therapy help to find a healthy basis again.
  5. Build self-esteem: For many co-dependent people, their entire self-esteem is based on the relationship. Other life issues are neglected. This is exactly where you should start: You are a somebody outside of the relationship, too! Find a hobby that excites you and build a circle of friends independent of your partner. Realize your professional Objectives.
  6. Every person has his very own Beliefs that have been shaped by upbringing and personal experience. What are your inner beliefs about love and partnership? Are your expectations realistic? Questioning this once can help not to get into a co-dependency again.
  7. The last and probably most important step is, yourself to forgive. You are not weak just because you have become emotionally dependent. There are reasons for this, which you have (hopefully) recognized and are working on. Recognizing that the own behavior is not healthy requires a great deal of strength. Be proud of yourself!

Conclusion: Ways out of co-dependence in the relationship

The topic "co-dependency relationship" is very shameful for those affected. This applies to both addiction-based and emotional dependence. Getting out of such a unhealthy relationship is not easy to solve. With the necessary Self-awareness and willpower, however, it can succeed. Unfortunately, the road to get there is often long and painful.

The most elementary step in overcoming emotional co-dependency is to strengthen one's own self-esteem. This is best achieved in the context of psychotherapy. But there are also things you can do in your everyday life to slowly free yourself from your emotional co-dependency. toxic relationship and/or from your clinging behavior.

Be honest to yourself and deal with the pressure of your suffering. No one who is in any form of codependency is happy! Actively address the problem and get the necessary support.


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Reviewed by Dr. med. Stefan Frädrich

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