You hear "mimosa" and similar words enough. You consider yourself to be oversensitive and like to have your peace and quiet. Have you ever tested whether you are highly sensitive? That would explain a lot. If you are sensitive to loudness and stress, these may be warning signs that your perception filter is not working properly. In any case, high sensitivity is an interesting topic. LEARN know yourself better and also pay attention to the people around you.
The term high sensitivity is called in the Science SPS (for Sensory Processing Sensitivity). It refers to extremely sensitive people. These may even be the people who are derided as sensitive. In fact, highly sensitive people feel particularly intensely. They perceive everything very clearly. Their perception filter lets through too many stimuli. Street noise becomes unbearable noise. In an open-plan office, they feel flooded by the noise level and constant disturbances. If you are highly sensitive yourself, you feel crushed by large groups of people talking and prefer to withdraw. After a ride in a crowded streetcar, you need a rest. A stroll through the city is pure stress.
In the 1990s, Dr. Aron, a U.S. psychologist, conducted extensive Research on high sensitivity through. She recognized the special form of stimulus processing, which is now being further researched. Initial estimates suggest that about 15 to 20 percent of people are highly sensitive. Later studies confirm these research findings. However, there are certain gradations.
Typical Symptoms for high sensitivity:
Psychological counseling may also be useful for diagnosing high sensitivity. Do you think you're extra sensitive? Take the free Personality Test and get to know yourself better.
If you believeBeing highly sensitive can strengthen you for everyday life. The overstimulation can be contained in many situations. Or you can create opportunities to retreat. Take the breaks you need: otherwise the stress will eventually crush you.
Realize that you are not sick or "abnormal". Recognize your stress limits, but also your strengths. Accept Your high sensitivity - it has many good sides, even if it is sometimes exhausting.
It's perfectly okay to be highly sensitive. That's just your individual character. Explain this to your family and friends, too: That way, they know when you take your breaks.
In relationships, the connection from High sensitivity and sexuality an important point. Those who are highly sensitive also react very sensitively to sexual stimulation. Self-awareness, Spirituality and other aspects of psychological development also play a role.
High sensitivity often leads to sensory overload and excessive demands. With a certain self-care you can lower your stress level and improve your quality of life. In your professional life as well as in your relationships the following will help you Tips:
If you accept your own sensitivity, you have made a first important step towards improvement. Your heightened perception needs a balance, otherwise the many impressions will drive you crazy.
Empathizing with other people, overlooking your own warning signs - this can lead to burnout. That's why you need strategies to Reduce stress and find your inner balance.
Be open about your sensitivity. Be aware that it belongs to you. It's best to plan your everyday life as stress-free as possible. With enough time for breaks and retreats, you can keep yourself free. Organizational improvements can help. Set limits and say no sometimes. At work, you can avoid excessive demands by continuing your education.
The mental and physical stress reactions are sometimes unavoidable. But with the help of Relaxation techniques and exercise can help you regenerate. Mental stress management also helps you.
Say goodbye to old Beliefs and habitual sayings. Rethink the demands you make on yourself and focus on the essentials. Create distance to negative thoughts and free yourself from exaggerated expectations.
On the job, highly sensitive people are considered mimosas or loners. But depending on which type of high sensitivity they are, they have special abilities.
High sensitivity can be problematic in certain professional fields, but in principle sensitive and empathetic people are an enrichment - provided that the conditions are right.
Particular strengths include:
However, high sensitivity also brings with it some problems. Too much Perfectionism can trigger delays. In addition, an exaggerated Motivation often lead to difficulties in setting the necessary boundaries. However, the increased susceptibility to stress can be reduced with the freedom to withdraw. If colleagues know about it, even short-term irritability is no drama.
Highly sensitive children often react extremely sensitively even as infants. They perceive subtle vibrations and quickly panic. But the warning signs are not always clear. Typical symptoms are:
Recognizing high sensitivity awakens understanding. Support your highly sensitive child and accept their specialness. Let them be who they are. Protect them from too much stress, but also set limits. This will make your child self-confident and feel safe.
In books about high sensitivity you will learn all the important connections. This will help you and your child find the right hobbies. What are his or her strengths and interests? Sports are always good, but many highly sensitive children prefer to be alone. How about a creative hobby? Or does your offspring like music?
Too much action is definitely counterproductive. Better: Take out the time pressure and decelerate the everyday life. Time-outs, cuddles and harmony are enormously important. But don't pack your child in absorbent cotton too much.
Highly sensitive people bring Positive energy into the world - not just with their empathy. But they also need a calming influence in their lives. How sensitive are you? You can find out in the Personality Test. Be authentic and accept your attitude - and if necessary your high sensitivity. Find your own balance and discover your potential in the process. You'll be amazed at what you're made of.