Relationship breaks: when do they make sense and what should you bear in mind?

Reading time 7 minutes

Is your relationship in crisis, but you both can't or don't want to make a final decision to separate? In this case, it may make sense to think about taking a break from your relationship. Below you can find out in which cases such a break makes sense and what you need to bear in mind.

Why take a break from your relationship?

It is self-explanatory that a break in the relationship usually occurs when there is a crisis in the relationship. However, there is not yet a definitive desire to break up on either side. The distance from your partner and the specific crisis situations brought about by the break in the relationship can help you to literally clear your head again so that you can ultimately make the best decision for you.

What does a relationship break have to do with self-reflection?

The word "relationship break" suggests that the couple's relationship takes center stage during such a break. However, this is only partly true. Rather, a Time out It is important that the individual partners take time for themselves to rediscover or redefine their own values. A professional Coaching a valuable be support.

How a relationship break gives you the opportunity to reflect on yourself

If you're in crisis mode, you can't think clearly. However, if you take a step back from the day-to-day crises with your partner, you will soon be able to reflect on yourself (again): Why do disagreements between you escalate so quickly? What do you personally contribute to these conflict situations? What changes would you like to see in your relationship?

In the midst of such a situation, it is hardly possible to make a neutral assessment. However, this is essential in order to make the best decision for your future. Reflecting on yourself and admitting your wishes, but also your mistakes, forms the basis for saving your partnership or making a new start on your own.

The chance to identify your personal needs and goals

In addition to deciding how to move forward as a couple, you should also use the break in your relationship to take a look at your personal Needs and goals: What do you want to achieve in life and is your current partner the right companion for this? Do you feel that your relationship is failing you in terms of your Self-realization has blocked?

It is also important to think very specifically about what you expect from a relationship: Can your partner fulfill your emotional needs? What have you missed in this regard? Are there any behaviors that the other person should definitely get rid of if you want to stay together? Congruence when it comes to having children, marriage and a shared home is of course also very important.

Set clear rules: Structure in the time-out

A relationship break can only fulfill its intended purpose if you stick to clear rules. As the name suggests, you should have as little contact with each other as possible during your break - ideally no contact at all. After all, you should really get away from each other!

Discuss the framework conditions in detail in advance and both of you stick to them. You should also set a specific end date. As a general rule, the more complex the problems, the longer the break should be. Also formulate the specific goals of your relationship break: What issues do you want to clarify? What do you both need time for? What do you want to discuss in peace afterwards?

Another important topic you need to agree on is fidelity: are romantic encounters or even intimacy with other people allowed during your relationship break? Or would you prefer to keep your relationship exclusive? Each couple must decide this for themselves.

a sensible break in the relationship

Communication during the break: maintain openness

It is not always possible to break off contact completely during a break in the relationship. There can be various reasons for this. If you need to communicate with each other during your break, it is important to make a clear agreement here too. This could be, for example, that you talk to each other on the phone on a certain day of the week. In between, however, there will be radio silence.

If you talk or write to each other during the break, it makes sense to leave out emotional topics. Take the time you have set aside for your relationship break. Rash decisions that are based on Heartbreak or fresh anger are never right!

Self-development during the relationship break: individual and joint growth

Inner growth often takes place in difficult situations. A relationship crisis and the subsequent break in the relationship give you the opportunity for personal development, which brings us back to the topic of Self-reflection would have arrived. What have you learned from the crisis? There are certainly things that you would like to do differently in order to be a to lead happier relationship. Here are some examples:

  • Become a better listener
  • prioritize the relationship as much as the job
  • Admitting uncertainties and mistakes
  • argue constructively
  • communicate your needs and stand up for them

But it's not just the individual partners who develop. Ultimately, what matters is that your interaction together improves. Where have there been points of contention in the past and how can you deal with them more constructively in the future? In many cases, it makes sense to work on each other's Trust to work together. A coach or couples therapist, for example, can provide support here.

The challenges of the relationship break: dealing with uncertainty

Deciding to take a break from a relationship and sticking to it is sometimes not so easy in practice. You may be confronted with all kinds of inner insecurities that only come to light once you have gained some distance from the crisis situation. Is our partnership still of any value? Why have I never been able to express my needs or support my partner?

Feel deep inside yourself to find out where your insecurities and doubts originate. Where exactly do you feel them in your body and how does it feel? In many cases, deeply rooted negative beliefs a cause:

  • "I am not lovable."
  • "No one can put up with me."
  • "I can't live without my partner."

Such beliefs usually stem from past traumas that may have occurred in childhood. Professional coaching can help you to dissolve your personal blockages in order to gain more self-confidence, clarity and ease. This is the basis for a healthy, happy partnership at eye level.

Returning to the relationship: what happens after the break?

Did you know that a relationship break is not a rare phenomenon? According to a Study up to 18 % of married couples have already split up once in the past before deciding on a future together.

Once the break in the relationship is over, the question of all questions arises: do you want to try again together or do you decide to make the final decision together? Separation? If you opt for the former option, it is of fundamental importance that you implement the (self-)insights gained during the relationship break in your everyday relationship.

After all, if things go on as before, nobody is helped ... An important Change is often to communicate more and, above all, more honestly with each other. In future, address problems immediately so that they no longer develop into crises. You also need to adjust your rules: What must not happen in future so that your partnership has a real chance?

5 tips for a successful relationship break: strengthen your partnership

For most couples, the aim of taking a break from their relationship is to resume their relationship stronger and with a fresh perspective. We have summarized the most important tips for a successful break for you.

1. unity

A break in the relationship is only useful if you both still see a chance for your partnership. If one of you has already made the firm decision that you would rather separate, the Time out makes no sensebut only delays the inevitable.

2. time for yourself and your hobbies

Don't constantly think about your relationship during the break, but really try to use the time for yourself. Meet up with friends and family or pursue your hobbies. Perhaps you also feel like traveling or trying out a new hobby? The more distance you can gain from the crisis, the better.

3. agree binding rules

As already mentioned, during a break in your relationship you need firm rules regarding the duration and your contact. Both of you should stick to them. The only exception is if you have both independently come to the firm decision that you want to separate. Then you can end the break early.

4. no questioning of third parties

We never tire of repeating it: A relationship break is about gaining distance. You won't be able to do this if you're constantly asking third parties about your partner. Secretly lying in wait or Stalking on social media are taboo.

5. develop future prospects

Use the break in your relationship to focus on your own personal future prospects. Perhaps you can even take concrete action by applying for a new job, for example? If you focus on your own goals, you will find out whether your partner has a place in your future.

Conclusion: A relationship break as an opportunity for personal and joint development

A relationship break can be a transformative time that serves to promote individual growth and strengthen the partnership. Clear communication and common goals are crucial for a successful path back to each other.

Nevertheless, conflicts in a couple's relationship are of course not entirely avoidable. However, it is all the more important that you deal with how you will handle disagreements in the future. In this context, we would like to offer you our free masterclass on the topic of "Resolving conflicts peacefully" to the heart.

You will not only learn to resolve recurring conflicts permanently, but also in stressful situations. inner peace and address problems openly. Your relationship will benefit from this in the long term.


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