Increase self-motivation - The 15 best tips for more verve

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Increase self-motivation - The 15 best tips for more verve

Self-motivation, also called intrinsic motivation, is defined as a conscious decision to apply oneself to a cause out of free choice. Motivated work releases positive energy and is considered the key to success.

Innovative ideas only come about when we are motivated and ready to engage. Your self-motivation helps you to move forward, professionally and interpersonally. successful to become. With the necessary Motivation problems can be solved and setbacks can be coped with more easily.

Do you find it difficult to motivate yourself? Self-motivation can be learned! If you want to achieve your goals, you have to fight for them. A lack of motivation leads to listlessness and bad moods - this leads to tension as well as to a lack of motivation. Self-doubt.

Use our self-motivation tips to finally get motivated again and get your projects done!

What is self-motivation?

The official self-motivation definition described in Everyday Psychology states that it is the ability of any person to begin a task on his or her own initiative and to perform it consistently.

Simply explained, self-motivation means taking the initiative yourself to seize opportunities. There are several reasons to motivate yourself. The most important motives for self-motivation are:

  • Willingness to accept opportunities
  • Fighting for personal goals
  • Self-realization and self-improvement
  • Striving for success
  • Improvement of the life situation

Self-motivation serves the purpose of realizing one's own wishes and achieving self-set goals. Self-motivation occurs in several phases:

  1. Idealization
  2. Verbalization
  3. Visualization
  4. Realization

At the beginning there is an idea, a wish or a goal that you want to achieve. Have you set your sights on successfully completing your studies? Is a promotion to department manager the next step on your career ladder?

Self-motivation begins with idealization. Imagine the ideal state you want to achieve. Formulate a concrete goal and describe for yourself how your plans can be realized. Now imagine how your self-motivation will have a goal-oriented effect.

Visualization is a method that has long been successfully used in self-motivation psychology to strengthen motivation. Imagine yourself being awarded an academic title after passing your exams. Visualize yourself welcoming your team as the head of the department and successfully completing the first projects.

Now begins the active phase of realization. Motivate yourself and put your ideas into action. Positive thinking increases self-motivation!

self motivation learning

Difference between internal and external motivation

There are two types of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic. The intrinsic motivation occurs from an inner drive, while the extrinsic form of motivation is dependent on external factors.

If your self-motivation is extrinsic, you do certain things only because circumstances require it or your boss puts you under pressure. Intrinsically motivated, on the other hand, means that the motivation comes from within and that you have consciously decided to do something.

Self-motivation driven from within is usually about our own personal interests. Extrinsic motivation is based on other reasons, such as the need to earn money, the desire to get more Assume responsibility or the fear of losing one's job.

Self-motivation: providing incentives

In everyday life, we encounter both forms of motivation. In the workplace, it is often incentives such as a praise, a raise or a promotion that make us feel motivated. Extrinsic motivation is cleverly used by companies to increase employees' willingness to perform. For example, bonuses, additional vacation days, company vehicles and other benefits are often offered to get people to work better and faster.

Intrinsic motivation is considered a better prerequisite for creative performance. The reason is easy to understand. Intrinsic motivation is characterized by working with motivation at all times and for long periods of time. Intrinsically motivated people identify with their activity and give their best. Therefore, intrinsic factors are of greater importance in generating strong self-motivation.

Self-motivation: How to promote your team

Most companies have now recognized that intrinsically motivated employees are much more committed and efficient than employees who are exclusively extrinsically motivated. Are you a decision-maker in the company or a manager? With these factors you can promote the intrinsic motivation of your team:

  • Provide a pleasant working atmosphere.
  • Praise your employees for their accomplishments.
  • Give responsibility to your team members.
  • Encourage learning through good training and career development opportunities.
  • Communicate openly and actively involve employees in decisions.

How can I motivate myself?

Nobody is motivated all the time. Stress and deadline pressure put a strain on the nervous system. Lack of sleep promotes daytime fatigue and concentration difficulties. A bad mood in the office leads to a loss of motivation. Can self-motivation be learned? Yes, it is possible and there are even different self-motivation methods.

You can't prevent small and big motivation holes. Self-motivation helps you to get out of the mental low. Decide for yourself how you want to shape your life.

Your self-motivation increases when you are convinced that everything you do is the right thing to do. Often a mantra that you say out loud when needed helps to motivate yourself again.

The best Motivational sayings are:

  • I am enthusiastic about myself.
  • If I want it, I can do it.
  • I don't measure my success by winning, but by getting better every year.
  • Just do it!
  • Every success begins with the first step.
  • No one knows what they can do until they try it.
  • Become active, then you will also have the strength to do so.
  • The secret of my success? To be different from the others!

Self motivation mantra

Write your favorite mantra on a piece of paper and read the text aloud. Frame your self-motivation mantra and mount it on the wall so you can always see it.

Listen to motivating music. Musical sounds inspire and create a good mood. The effect of music on the brain has been scientifically proven. When listening to music emotions is generated. This stimulates serotonin production in the nerve cells of the brain.

The happiness hormone promotes a sense of well-being, can stimulate memory and have a positive effect on mood. In this way, your favorite music contributes to motivation. Does living happily mean having self-motivation? Being motivated is not a guarantee of happiness, but it does help you achieve your goals.

self motivation psychology

What do you do about a lack of motivation?

There are days when nothing seems to work out. Listlessness also occurs in a Dream job before. If the working day seems endless, colleagues are annoying and private commitments await in the evening, motivation drops.

You lack the motivation? Then take a break first! Take a mini time-out of a few minutes. Ask yourself what is really important to you. Self-motivation is not always easy.

Are you brooding over problems? Are you worried about something? In this situation you need a lot of energy to motivate yourself. Crises and setbacks are part of life. Accept your weaknesses and consider a mistake as an important learning process.

Self-motivation helps to master difficult situations. Have you once again
no motivation, then use this checklist:

  1. Find out the reasons for your lack of motivation
  2. Take a short break.
  3. Banish negative thoughts.
  4. Focus on what's important.
  5. Remember positive experiences.
  6. Praise yourself.
  7. Smile, because a Smile has been shown to improve mood.
  8. Visualize your goal for the day and imagine that you have already achieved it.

15 tips to finally become more motivated again

Are you one of those people who wish they could finally become more motivated again? We have put together these 15 tips for you. Our suggestions are meant to help you overcome motivation holes and motivate yourself.

Self-motivation is an art, but it can be learned. Motivating yourself requires willpower and some perseverance. With the self-motivation exercises you'll find here, you'll be able to achieve your goals more easily, become more self-confident and happier be

  1. Set realistic goals.
  2. Decide spontaneously.
  3. Write down your feelings of success every day.
  4. Failures are not a cause for concern.
  5. Motivate yourself by asking specific questions.
  6. Create a positive work environment.
  7. Relax.
  8. Work with a to-do list.
  9. Visualize your goals.
  10. Use the inner programming.
  11. Think positive.
  12. Change the familiar.
  13. Learn to say no!
  14. Be grateful.
  15. Reward yourself for your successes.

Plan achievable goals

Having unrealistic goals can be demotivating. If you want too much at once, your motivation will drop and you will feel overwhelmed. Plan achievable goals and motivate yourself specifically.

Decide spontaneously. Weighing the pros and cons can take a lot of time. If you think about something for too long, the decision becomes more and more difficult. Therefore, make every decision spontaneously and quickly!

Writing down your feelings of success is an important catalyst for your self-motivation. Nothing inspires as much as the feeling of having successfully completed a project and achieved a goal.

Making mistakes is human. Don't ruminate about failures. Learn from a bad decision and move on to business as usual. Self-motivation also works by asking specific questions.

Self-motivation through positive work environment

Motivate yourself by asking yourself what you are doing this task for (for example, to get recognition from the boss, more salary, or a promotion). In this way, you will find reasons that will help you motivate yourself.

A positive work environment is inspiring and motivating. Decorate your workspace with personal items, such as a photo of your family, your pet, or a nice picture from your last vacation. Put flowers on your desk. The important thing is that you feel comfortable.

Relax. Stress lowers motivation. Look out of the window for a moment, treat yourself to a coffee or a short chat with colleagues. After a short break, your motivation will return.

Work with to-do lists

Work with a to-do list. Good organization saves time and nerves. With every item you check off your to-do list, your motivation increases. Visualize your goals. Imagine what it will feel like when the Target reached is. Use inner programming by repeating your motivational mantra regularly.

Your brain remembers everything that is said and reacts accordingly. Positive thoughts have a very motivating effect. Think positively even in difficult situations. Self-motivation will make things easier for you, Mastering crises.

If you want to motivate yourself, change what you are used to. Always the same work routine is boring. Are there operational processes that can be restructured or changed? Every little Change can release energy. With suggestions for improvement, you help your company, your team and strengthen your self-motivation at the same time.

Learn to say no. Being able to delegate is an important leadership quality. Does work always get stuck on you? Too many obligations have a negative effect on motivation. By delegating tasks, you get more time to focus on your core tasks.

Self-motivation through gratitude

Be grateful. Gratitude is a natural mood booster. Use a few free minutes to Self-reflection. What are the things you are grateful for? For the opportunity to prove your abilities, to perform well and to have an interesting job?

Does it fill you with joy to have a loving partner, healthy children and a beautiful home? Being grateful also helps with self-motivation.

Reward yourself for your successes. Reward is one of the most important aspects of motivation. You have achieved a lot, constantly motivating yourself and succeeding with it? Then praise yourself and reward yourself!

Can motivation also be negative?

Self-motivation should serve the purpose of achieving self-set goals. Under certain circumstances, however, motivation can also be negative. Unfavorable is when motivation is based on unpleasant stimuli or fear of punishment.

Self-motivation is negative when it comes to preventing the following possible consequences:

  • Warning or termination
  • Feelings of humiliation
  • Punishment by parents or superiors

In these cases, tasks are performed only to avoid negative experiences. Often, however, the fears are unrealistic. One problem with this form of self-motivation is so-called if-then thinking:

If I lose my job, I will be unemployed. If I don't get promoted now, my salary won't be enough to support myself. If I don't pass the exam, I will be a failure.


Fears and fears are powerful motivators. Motivating yourself, however, can be difficult if you don't enjoy a task or it doesn't seem very meaningful to you. Moreover, motivation is something very individual. In the long run, you will only succeed in being motivated if you really want it!

Motivation should drive you to realize your ideas and desires. The best drive comes from within. Effective self-motivation is one of the most important skills that distinguishes successful people from unsuccessful contemporaries. Use our 15 tips to motivate yourself to achieve your self-chosen goals!


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Reviewed by Dr. med. Stefan Frädrich

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