You are always tired and listless. What can you do about this chronic listlessness? You used to be more motivated. Do you want to know how to get your listlessness under control? This article will give you the right tips. So you can finally get your act together and get back on track.
After stressful phases, you want to chill out - that's only natural. But if your own laziness makes you listless, something is wrong. Why are you so sluggish and listless? If you understand the connections, you can deal with it better.
Perhaps it is failures that trigger your listlessness. Or you lack concrete goals to boost your motivation. Stress can also be a motivation killer. Then the lack of drive comes with a vengeance - and all you want to do is withdraw and lie on the sofa. Pressure to perform makes things even worse and every task seems like a huge challenge.
Such "no-go" phases can occur at any age and are human. However, you should be careful that the listlessness doesn't last too long. One Time out A few hours or even days is okay, but at some point you should get fit again. However, it's a long way from listlessness to motivation - and that's exactly what makes the challenge problematic.
You are plagued by tiredness, listlessness and irritability - what can you do about it? Your thoughts and motivation are closely linked connectedYou notice this in phases like these. Burn-out or simply no desire: your listlessness feels like a heavy burden that blocks your path.
However, there are helpful Tips for overcoming tiredness and listlessness. These also contain information on the interplay of causes and symptoms. If you're in a bad mood, you can hardly get going - of course, your inner motor has just failed. Without drive, you'd rather stay at home.
But with positive thoughts and also with witty sayings you can work your way out of this motivation slump. New interests or revived hobbies will gradually get you going again.
If your listlessness persists over a longer period of time, you need help: don't be afraid to contact the helpline or seek psychotherapeutic support.
Do you know where your listlessness comes from? Sometimes it's not so easy to tell. You may think it's stress, but you actually lack a concrete goal. The fact that you're working overtime might not bother you at all - in reality, you just want more recognition. Or are you working towards a dream and have the Feelingnot getting anywhere?
Motivation is - of course - linked to a motive. If you keep reminding yourself of your goal, you won't lose sight of it. Hang a picture of your dream car on the wall or use other tricks to remind yourself of what you want to achieve.
Often the Causes also in a completely different area. With an unbalanced Nutrition With little vitamins and fiber, it is no wonder that motivation and thus quality of life decline. Too little exercise makes the situation even worse. Other typical side effects of listlessness are tiredness and feeling cold.
The good thing is: if you know this, you can fight against listlessness.
Joie de vivre - that was once upon a time. You've been feeling listless and tired for weeks. But in good moments you finally want to enjoy your Overcome listlessness!
The following 5 tips will help you get back on your feet:
To overcome listlessness, you need a positive attitude. If you think from the outset that nothing will help anyway, you won't get anywhere.
Find positive beliefsthat suit you. These can be simple keywords that lead you to the Smile or quotes from famous people. The important thing is to get rid of your negative mindset. This also increases your Self-esteem.
For more motivation, you need a good level of self-care. This will help you resist the downward pull until your mood rises. Your own interests are also important. What do you enjoy? What do you want to try out? Just do it and believe to your abilities.
If you Problems and are worried about depression: talk to your doctor or consult a psychotherapist. In some cases, professional help is necessary.
Some people overcome their listlessness with little things. This is a good trick for more self-motivation. Micro-tasks are easy to master and won't put you off straight away. Do you want to read again? It doesn't have to be a big novel, you can also start with short stories. Do you have sporting ambitions? Then make a plan: cycling 10 km is better than trying to cycle 25 km and giving up after one day.
Be proud of your small successes and write them down: that way you know what you have achieved. Whether you've baked a cake, painted a picture, written a blog post or ironed the laundry.
Where does the reluctance come from? Is the stress affecting your motivation or are you feeling insecure? An unpleasant environment can also be a mood killer. Maybe you're bothered by the commotion in the open-plan office. Maybe your colleagues are getting on your nerves. Maybe you're missing your usual work tools and don't feel like getting on with it.
Which is also the reason: you need enough breaks. The best accustomed take short recovery periods so that you don't exhaust yourself.
Your social environment also has an impact on your motivation. Check whether there are toxic connections - not only at work, but also in your private life. If poison is constantly being sprayed, even great initial enthusiasm will turn into chronic listlessness.
The following 8 steps will help you to overcome listlessness:
When your motivation is low, listlessness seems like a soft hammock from which you never want to get up again. But it's better to see this listlessness as a challenge. Make a plan and improve your quality of life!
More self-confidence through coachingRegister now for this free course. You'll learn how to live a self-determined and motivated life. This will help you overcome your listlessness and drive your Vision ahead.