Change your life at 50: How to make a fresh start

Reading time 8 minutes

For many people, 50 is a number that leads into a new phase of life that is associated with melancholy, but also freedom. Behind you lies an enormous life achievement, and ahead of you lies old age with all its hurdles and comforts. Perhaps you feel a bit like a worker bee, for whom a quieter time now begins after the bloom. But there are also men and women who really hit their stride at 50. Life change at 50 offers fantastic prospects.

What happens at 50?

If you are 50, you are at an important Turning Point. You may have raised children who are now leaving their parents' home and standing on their own two feet. Your home is finally paid off and you can look back on a successful career. Career back. In short, you now have more Time and many 50-year-olds are also well provided for financially.

But there are also changes that are not so nice. Many people around 50 are confronted with the physical and mental decline of the previous generation. Often there are elderly parents who need special care. In many cases, one has to say goodbye to the beloved mother or father.

When the children leave home, it leaves a gap that is difficult to fill. Many mothers are plagued by the Loneliness. They can't cope with the situation because they no longer feel needed or appreciated. In short, many 50-year-olds lack a meaningful task. And it is precisely here that there is much Potentialbecause changing your life at 50 is worth it.

The magic of midlife: Starting over at 50

The answer to the question "Can you change your life at 50?" is clearly "Yes"! Once the children are out of the house, you finally have enough time for yourself. Many people have so much energy that they take off again and start a company or discover a new hobby. The list is long of those who began painting in their fifties, for example, and only celebrated success as artists in their later years.

Change life at 50: Live your dream

Changing your entire life at 50 takes a lot of courage. Leaving everything behind is often not easy. Despite the freedom that many fifties enjoy, there are social and family obligations. This is especially true if your partner has different ideas than you.

If you want to change your life at 50, openness is very important. Talk about your plans and what drives you. Ideally, your plans will meet with Acceptance. Otherwise, it's best not to give up so quickly, because what you miss now often can't be made up in ten or twenty years.

can you change your life at 50

The way out of the midlife crisis

At 50, you start to question a lot of things. Often a deep dissatisfaction spreads. You may tend to Brooding and seem irritable. Many people experience a midlife crisis in their fifties and harbor serious Self-doubt. The only thing against the Sensecrisis helps is to give life a new meaning.

Do you have the Feeling, to have missed something? Now is the right time to catch up on all that. Anyone who wants to change their life at 50 should do so as soon as possible. Didn't you have enough time for interesting hobbies while raising children? Maybe you want to learn how to surf or get back on a horse. Just do it!

And it's perfectly normal if you're having a hard time getting into action right now. But be honest to yourself and feel free to ask yourself these questions spontaneously:

  • What causes you Fear?
  • What's your biggest block right now?
  • Which Belief Set is behind it?
  • How long have you believed this sentence and is it really true?
  • Which feeling would you like to perceive in yourself again? If it is lightness, for example, when was the last time you felt lightness in yourself? Feel inside yourself how it feels right now if you let it be there for a moment.

Coaching is also always a wonderful way to get to the root cause of why and what is blocking you.

The power of your mindset: change your mindset

At 50, you've reached a point where you can shed old ways of thinking. Often these are based on social constraints anyway, or they arise from a sense of responsibility. Many people adopt a different inner attitude and show themselves to be more tolerant. The inhibition to try out new things disappears, as does the Fear of the future.

Many things that you have been worrying about suddenly seem unimportant. You worry less about the future of your children, because they already have a future. independent act. At the same time, some fifty-year-olds are becoming more willing to take risks. Some think back to their youth and devote themselves to a hobby they once gave up because it was incompatible with work and family. Changing your life at 50 makes you younger.

Discover your passions: What excites you?

Changing life at 50 is often less problematic for a man than for a woman. According to the traditional role model, the man goes to work and the woman takes care of the household and children. In modern times, the mother is also involved in the work process. In most cases, however, she still takes care of the children first and foremost. She is thus exposed to a double burden.

Once the children are out of the house, many married couples hope for a flare-up of passion. In fact, many couples have to admit to themselves that their marriage has fallen asleep in the long term. At the age of 50, many want to Routine and bring a little more spice into life. This often happens with the help of extramarital relationships. But single men and women now also take the initiative to end their loneliness, experiencing infatuation as they did when they were young.

Changing lives at 50: the "Grey Divorce" phenomenon

It is a fact that more and more married couples are divorcing after the age of 50. In this context, one speaks of the "Grey Divorce". The desire for adventure increases and many try to escape the dreary everyday life of marriage. They question their desire to live with the same partner for life. A prominent example of this is Bill and Melinda Gates.

For outsiders it is often incomprehensible how it comes to the Separation of a couple after so many apparently harmonious decades. As a rule, the interests are too different for the last stage of life to be spent together. The wishes and ideas diverge greatly and there is no longer any reason to pretend an ideal world for the sake of the children. Many of these couples do not regret their divorce.

Never worry about money again: Financial freedom in the second half of life

Do you own your own home? Then you're probably debt-free now. You also no longer need to have children nourish and more and more money accumulates in your savings account. Enjoy the financial freedom and make the most of it. Let your money work for you and make smart investments. In our free masterclass "Never again Money worries - Your start to financial freedom" will show you how this works.

Career or new start? The choice is yours

Changing your life at 50 is possible in many ways. You can make a fresh start professionally and give your career a real boost. A change of profession is also conceivable. There is even nothing to stop you from continuing your education or studying.

Or you decide to make a private fresh start with a new partner or plan a local Change. Have you always wanted to live in the countryside, then make your dream come true. Get chickens or buy an allotment. Or sell your big condo and move into a small house by the sea.

Changing lives at 50: the importance of health and fitness

An important condition for the fulfillment of life's desires is good health. Nowadays, many people pay more attention to their fitness. They drive Sports and, in turn, practice professions that place less stress on the joints and spine. This prevents premature wear and tear. In addition, nowadays we have enough high-quality food available and medical care is better.

As a result, people are staying fitter longer and aging more slowly. While our grandparents were already relatively old at 50 and 60-year-olds were unmistakably senior citizens, today many fifties and even sixties are bursting with esprit, go on extended hikes and bike rides, shake a leg or are still fully engaged in their professional lives. The wheel of life still keeps its momentum after 50, even if it turns a little slower.

Change life at 50: better body awareness

Menopause forces women to take a closer look at their bodies. Changes take place that are initially disconcerting, but also encourage them to take a closer look at their own health. Many People in midlife listen more to themselves and pay attention to their needs. They eat a healthy diet and make sure they get enough exercise. If you want to change life at 50, make sure you stay fit.

The art of networking: connect with like-minded people

A sorrow shared is a sorrow halved. Shared joy brings twice as much fun. There are many people who feel the same way you do. They all want to change their lives at 50, and they often have the same wishes. Perhaps you will inspire each other.

Do something crazy. Arrange to go skinny-dipping, fly to Paris to go shopping, or go white-water rafting on a European river. Together you can think of the craziest things to do.

Step by step to a new life: Practical tips and set goals

Once the children are out of the house and the pressure to succeed is easing, it's time to think about changing your life at 50. The best thing to do is to follow these tips:

  1. Come to terms with your age and make the best of it.
  2. Treat yourself to a Time out and let your mind wander.
  3. Fabricate a Bucket List with all the things you still want to experience.
  4. Don't set your goals too high. You are no longer under pressure to perform. The fun is in the foreground.
  5. Inform your private environment about your plans.
  6. Do not mourn the Past to.
  7. Think positively and enjoy the time you have left.
  8. Plan your plans thoroughly and don't rush into anything.
  9. Find your way back to independence and get rid of your duties if you consider them unimportant.
  10. Know your limits and accept them. Concentrate on the essentials and leave out the superfluous. If you want to change your life at 50, keep in mind that you are no longer as powerful as you used to be. Many things move more slowly. Take the time.


When you're 50, you start to reflect on your life so far - and that's a good thing. You still have so much time for positive changes and to make up for what has been missed. At the end of their lives, many people regret that they lacked the courage to stand by their own desires. They often only did what others expected of them and put their own desires on the back burner. At 50, you can counteract this development.

Take advantage of all opportunities and prepare yourself mentally, physically and financially for the new stage of your life. Changing your life at 50 requires you to be in good shape. Eat healthy, move around a lot and always look ahead. The right attitude also plays a role. Our Masterclass "School of Life" with Dieter Lange helps you to realize your dreams.

with Dieter Lange

"The School of Life"

Actually, you have everything you want: success, house, family.... From the outside, everything seems perfect - but you have the feeling that something is missing. Let Dieter Lange show you how to find your purpose in life and experience true success.
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