How you can deal with anxiety at work

Reading time 6 minutes

Anxiety at work is not a rare phenomenon. There are many reasons why people don't feel comfortable at work. They are over- or under-challenged or don't get on with their colleagues and superiors. Fear is not a good advisor. It is important to Causes and eliminate them.

What does "fear of work" actually mean?

If you are afraid to fulfill your professional obligations, then you are either afraid of work or you don't enjoy your job. Surely you know this FeelingYou don't want to struggle out of bed in the morning and you prefer weekends to Mondays. This is completely normal and has more to do with convenience. A real Fear is often not the reason for this. A clear distinction must be made between reluctance and a genuine workplace phobia.

If you are afraid of work, then in the worst case scenario it can take on a panic-like structure. You suffer from a Anxiety disorder with psychological causes. Statistics show that you are no exception. Around five percent of all working people suffer from workplace phobia. Around half of sick leave is due to a mental illness.

Why do you feel anxious about work: recognizing the causes

Think about why you don't like the work. Do you feel overwhelmed or you don't get the recognition you want. Maybe you don't get along with your superiors and colleagues, you feel misunderstood or simply in the wrong place. There are many reasons for this. Do some soul-searching and find out why.

fear of work overload

5 signs that you are afraid of work

Your anxiety about work will definitely show itself in different ways - mostly on a physical level. Here are 5 signs that show you have anxiety about work.

1. queasy feeling in the morning

If you feel nauseous in the morning when you think about work and want to sink into the ground, then this is a sign of an anxiety disorder.

2. frequent absence from work due to illness

Anxiety about work often leads to sick leave. If your aversion to the workplace is so great that you often go to the doctor, then there could be a serious illness behind it. Phobia are behind it. Frequent absences in particular suggest this suspicion.

3. negative thoughts

You think about work even in your free time and feel a strong sense of discomfort. In your head, everything revolves around how you are going to get your Overcome fear and you long for the end of the working day before you even show up at work in the morning.

4. social withdrawal

At work, you shy away from contact with your colleagues. You withdraw as often as possible and spend your breaks alone.

5. fantasy escapes

If a situation is psychologically stressful, the self-protection mechanism kicks in. The person concerned represses the unpleasant fact and escapes into fantasy worlds. If you have the feeling that you are only physically present at work and your mind feels empty without your daydreams, then this is a serious sign that something is wrong with your relationship to your job.

Fear of work: symptoms

If you have a fear of work Symptoms of a psychosomatic nature. These are the typical effects of an anxiety disorder. When you are afraid of work, your heart beats up to your neck, you tremble, sweat or a cold shiver runs down your spine. In short, you feel panic. Sleep disorders are also characteristic. In oppressive situations, you tend to flee.

Anxiety about work impairs your performance. You concentrate poorly, are forgetful and unreliable. Your mental state also affects your physical well-being and literally hits you in the stomach. Your immune system suffers from the stress and weakens. In addition, the phobia often leads to headaches and tension.

Fear of work due to excessive demands

Unfortunately, excessive demands in the workplace are a very common widespread phenomenon. The demands are constantly increasing and at some point you blow a fuse. You're at the end of your tether and just want to leave. The shortage of skilled workers does the rest. Many employees have to compensate for the shortfalls and exceed their limits in the process.

The impact of work anxiety on your life and well-being

You find it difficult to separate your work and private life. Your thoughts are always wandering around one topic. Even at night sleep You are restless because of the tension. You find no fulfillment and are chronically dissatisfied. This damages your health and is very stressful in the long term.

Anxiety about work reduces your performance. As a result, the employer is dissatisfied. In the long term, you are putting your job at risk. That's why you need to act quickly.

How mindset and attitude influence your work anxiety

The fear of work has a lot to do with discouragement. You feel powerless because you know that you need the work in order to Earn money and finance your livelihood. That's why you find it difficult to Hamster wheel to leave. You see no other way out. That's very frustrating in the long run.

Change your inner attitude and realize that there is not just this one company and this one job. Free yourself up for new perspectives and learn your true colors. Needsbut also get to know your hidden talents and abilities. A coach can help you to find yourself.

8 steps to overcome your fear of work

1. realization

To overcome your fear of work, you need to know whether you actually suffer from a phobia or just don't feel like it.

2. find the cause

Think about where the fear of work comes from. This is not always possible, because many people feel Fear and don't know why this is the case. This is where a therapist or coach can help if necessary. To combat the phobia, it is important to analyze the cause.

3. openness

Be honest to yourself and others. Address your problems openly, especially in front of colleagues and superiors. A personal conversation helps to break down barriers. The other person will then also understand better why you are not performing as well as you should.

4. think about positive changes

If you know the causes of your anxiety, then you know how you can be helped. It may be possible for your supervisor to adjust the conditions at work in your favor.

5. accept your limits

Your manager does not always respond to your needs. For your emotional and physical health however, it is very important not to become overwhelmed. Set boundaries and protect yourself.

6. courage to change

It may be hard, but if your job is overburdening you, you should look for an alternative. A change of job or profession may be the solution to your problems. Of course, the causes of your phobia play a major role here. You can confidently do without spiteful colleagues and superiors who bully you.

7. reduce workload

If possible, you should reduce your working hours or take a Time out to gain some distance. Sometimes it makes sense to take on two half-time jobs. You work part-time for your old employer and look for a part-time job that you really enjoy.

8. seek therapeutic help

Work phobia is a serious mental illness that should be treated by a professional. Behavioral therapy can help you to cope better with your problems. Also Relaxation techniques help to cope better with anxiety. However, such therapy does not always work miracles. Sometimes a professional reorientation unavoidable.

The role of coaching in overcoming work anxiety

Many people find it difficult to reflect on themselves. They suffer from blockages that pile up into ever higher hurdles over time. Social demands and expectations in the world of work often do not allow for an alternative way of thinking. The coach offers support to help you help yourself by encouraging you to independently search for solutions that perfectly match your personality.

Facing change positively in the workplace: tips and strategies

In many cases, excessive demands are a result of constant change, as the world of work is subject to constant change. To keep pace with developments, you need the courage to Change. This alone costs many people a lot of effort and exacerbates their fear of work.

To take away your fear of challenges at work, simply imagine that the worst will happen and you will fail. Think about a strategy in advance on how best to deal with this and develop a certain sense of Indifference. This way you are protected from all surprises and lose your fear of work.

Personal development: How you can grow by overcoming work anxiety

What doesn't kill us makes us tougher. This is a well-known saying. It is indeed possible to grow from problems. With the help of coaching, you learn to free yourself from tricky situations and overcome your work anxiety. This contributes to your personal development and strengthens your Self-confidence.

Conclusion: Your path to an anxiety-free working life

To combat your fear of work, you need to recognize and eliminate the causes. The best way to do this is with good coaching that opens your eyes and encourages you to help yourself. However, in many cases, the situation can only be improved by reorienting your career. Our course "Fear of change" supports you in finding a new path and opening yourself up to change.

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